10 tips I wish I knew when I started bike commuting

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I've been a bike commuter for several years now and in this video I list out 10 of the biggest lessons I learned since I started.

00:00 The promise
00:07 Tip 1
00:41 Tip 2
02:07 Tip 3
02:49 Tip 4
03:48 Tip 5
04:24 Tip 6
05:15 Tip 7
05:40 Tip 8
06:16 Tip 9
07:04 Tip 10
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You're spot on. It gets easier especially with gear selection and cadence over a route. As for which bike. Just use what you have. I still use a 12 year old hybrid and it still runs nicely with the minimum of maintenance


One of the best cycling advice tips videos there is. Very informative!


Thanks for this extremely helpful video.  You saved me money! I was going to buy a new bike for commuting, but this (and one of your other videos) convinced me to instead use my trusty 2009 Trek FX hybrid bike, with some new tires and brake pads and a couple adjustments.

Here's another tip to add to your excellent collection in this video:  

keep a "bike commuter kit" at work if you have a secure place there to store it, like your own office or a locker.

This kit should contain an extra work-appropriate outfit, clean underwear, socks, shoes, Wet Ones or similar wipes, a stick of deodorant, and a couple washcloths (or whatever else you might need depending on your specific circumstances.)

It's a life-saver on those days when you accidentally ride through a big puddle of dirty water, or arrive at work sweaty or dirty.

Warm regards,
Kenosha, WI


Very good and incisive advice. Whether I'm walking, riding a bike or driving a car I always give myself plenty of time to get where I'm going. It eliminates the stress.


Thank you - I have come to similar conclusions! It’s been just 1 year and I am still making adjustments … it’s a work in progress!!


Great and useful tips. Love your calm and direct style.

Greetings from Bogotá, Colombia.


Well said. I spent a lot of money on different bikes trying to find the one that was "perfect" for me. I now ride a single speed because for me it meets all of my personal requirements in a bike.


You say the perfect bike doesn't exist, but honestly my bike _is_ the perfect bike for me. More so the frame than anything, but I've never had a bike that fits me so well, and it makes getting where I need to be quickly and comfortably so easy I don't even want a car anymore other than for transporting amps and instruments around.


Really, that's a superb video! Beautifully shot, (you live in a wonderful city) and admirably wise content. Bravo.


So useful and encouraging tips. Thanks a lot!


Honestly the best bike commute video I've watched, even as a slightly seasoned bike commuter myself.
Thank you and keep up the good content!


Peronsally I disagree with the "No need to ride when you are too tired." When I'm tired, I can just take it slow, enjoy the scenery and tank up on Oxygen and Sunlight (especially the UV lights, that don't penetrate the windscreen) to wake up instead of endangering people around me driving around a massive metal box in a tired state, arriving even more tired than I was in the morning.
Other than that these are some good advices for fresh commuters!


My bike is perfect for me. 2015 trek Crossrip. It’s not supernice but I have turned it into the perfect commuter.


It is interesting how much thought people will put into purchasing a bike and they will fret over this decision. You definitely made some good points in this video. I especially agree there is no such thing as a perfect bike although I can not deny I did come pretty damn close with my first commuter bike but my needs did change as my cycling evolved. I do forget sometimes that not everyone enjoys riding bikes as much as I do so when I decided to purchase a bike for commuting I already knew what I wanted. It was not something I had to agonize over although at the time it had been 25 years since I last rode a bike and bikes have changed a lot since then. I did not know about bike sizes when I started looking at bikes so I had to go to a bike shop to make sure I purchased the correct size. But, other than that I knew what I wanted. The main challenge I faced was finding good products for my bike because so many products have let me down. This probably my biggest pet peeve about the bicycle industry. I feel like the majority of people who ride bikes are commuters but there are so few good products that serve this market. Such as finding quality helmets that actually fit my head shape. Over the past few years companies have been pushing the importance of daytime visibility lights and yet they design lights that don't last me through an entire commute. Or, they stop working in the rain and cold.


Enjoy your ride. The journey is just as important as your destination. I agree this is not the time to be racing.

Yes starting gradually like, once a week, the twice then 3 times etc is helpful. You can also split your time up. Ride part of the way then switch to train for the rest of the way. Some have even driven partway than rode the rest of the way. Whatever works for you.


Thanks for sharing your insight brother. I just got my bike - a folding bike-, I'm excited, this truthful opinion will help in keeping expectations close to reality. Keep it up, I love your videos. Regards from Puerto Vallarta, México.


hi and thanks for your video and insights. i am also considering starting bike-commuting to work daily. Can you please also make a video describing your bike maintenance routine: how & how-often you clean and maintain your bike's drivetrain & chain etc. thanks again!


You nailed it, but now, I’m on a ebike, game changer


I think it's also a lot easier to become a bike commuter if your commuting distances are shorter, so especially in the beginning, think about looking for nice places between you and your destination, like a bench or somtehing for hydrating or toweling your face off and checking in with yourself. Think about those first days more as about getting there eventually as safely as possible.


I have found that my body tells me when I need a break. Out of the blue I will get a saddle sore and then I take a few days off the bike. Over time I have slowed down as I realised I was only racing myself, no-one else knew if I was going fast or slow. Going slower also makes it safer so a win, win.
