Canon 90D Review by Ken Rockwell

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Canon 90D Review by Ken Rockwell

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I bought a 90D a month ago and it is the best camera I have ever bought and will ever buy, absolutely brilliant piece of kit and proves if it ain't Canon it ain't worth a F***. Great review Ken and agree with you along the way. Going to explore, night shots and long exposures at the moon, stars, IST, satellites and the milky way. Going to be fun unlocking the cameras potential.


Finally a review that actually reviews the photography capabilities, not only the video recording. Great video, thanks


Ken, we need more DSLR reviews from you, people new to photography are going to miss out on how great DSLRs are with all the mirrorless hype.


U have the best reviews!! Just got my canon 90d. Because ur reviews are excellent. Thank u for be brutally honest in ur reviews.


I upgraded from a T7i, awesome camera, using 150-600 g2 on 90D and wide angle on T7i, what a great pair to carry around. Have the 90D for 6 months and still learning all that it can do. Thanks Ken


Great review Ken on the Canon 90D, I bought mine Sep 2019 shortly after it was released and couldn’t agree more with your video, it’s an excellent all round camera and well worth the money!


Absolutly the best instructional video I've see. 99% about the product and 1% about Ken. Thank you. Also very clear, sharp pics.


Hello Ken, I have been using Nikon D5300 and D5100 paired with Sigma 105mm lens for intraoral dental photographs. I still am unsatisfied with the photo qualities. Should I buy Canon 90D with 18-135 mm lens or Nikon Z6II with 24-70mm lens in order to shoot better photos and videos as well ?


May 2024, I just got my second 90D new, arriving tomorrow. This second is to attach my Canon wide angle 10-18mm lens. The old one have 100-400mm lens attached and I use it for wildlife photography


Two features caught my eye. Focus bracketing and in-camera combination of the files. Bulb - not only that but a Bulb Timer for h, m, s - not seen that function before.


Just orders my 90D. Your review was the main reason for my purchase. Thanks. I ordered a kit with the 18-135 USM and a used 1.4 both from Amazon. Your very articulate. Look forward to watching your 90D User Tips. Interesting there are very few used on eBay. Says something about this camera.


I got my 90D in August and it has raised my game so much. Its actually difficult to take a bad picture with it.


canons also got a room at any major sporting event full of their camera gear. if something breaks, they can get a replacement in a few minutes.


I noticed, you respond to every comment. That’s great! As a fellow Youtuber I really respect that. Great review!


I love your reviews, Ken. You’re about the only one I know who has a review of older cameras like the Rebel T6, which is the camera I’ve been shooting with for many years now. Yes, I’m ready for an upgrade. In 2025, would you recommend the 90D over the R6 M2? I know it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison.


Between the 90d and the RP, which has better image quality in low light at high ISOs? More noise with 90d? Thanks, Ken. Your reviews are the BEST.


Bought myself an 1100D in July, loved it. Then I saw this video, I went and bought myself one. No regrets whatsoever. Been using your reviews for lenses since. Can't complain. Thanks Ken.


How is the 90D with the EF-S 17-55 2.8? I have heard that the lens might not be able to resolve the 32 5 CMOS sensor, but some people have said that they have taken great pictures with it. If someone has experience using this combination, please let me know.


Hi Ken,
Coming late to discussion but hopefully you would get a chance to answer.

Few questions,
A) Some online reviewers stated that currently there is no lens suitable enough for 90D high resolution sensor.
They claim that existing canon lens including 18-135 USM does not produce sharp enoug photos for the big sensor and that images are blurred if zoomed in slightly etc.
Your thoughts on that please ?

B) Would you recommend a mirrorless camera over DSLR as one thing I get from reviews is that mirrorless do not have any mirror induced shakre/vibration.
Your take on that please?

C) I have Nikon DSLR D810 which is full frame. I find it very challenging to achieve large depth of field and thinking to go to APS-C cameras as a result.
Your take on that please ?

D) For mainly a still phtotographer of landscape and portraits (no action or wilde life), would you recommend 90D or another alternate ASP-C (M6 ii ???)?
How would u compare it to Nikon D5600 with kit 18-55 and 70-300mm lens ?



Great review, both here and at your website. Is it true that the view finder autofocus system performs poorly as some of the other professional reviews claim? I am looking at this camera for photographing birds in flight so it's important for me to get the right camera.
