Hands-On with Mojo Augmented Reality Contact Lens!

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We go eyes-on with the feature prototype of Mojo Lens, an in-development contact lens with an embedded augmented reality display and the electronics needed to run it wirelessly. With a tethered prototype held up to our eye, we could clearly see how the .5mm wide microLED shows images and text as well as a user interface that can be controlled with literal eye tracking. Here's how the Mojo system works and exactly what hardware is packed inside this smart contact lens!

Shot by Josh Self and edited by Norman Chan
Additional video courtesy Mojo Vision

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So amazing that in my time we've gone from "Don't sit too close to the TV" to "Put the TV directly on top of your eyeball".


Even if it's just a proof of concept and not totally practical yet, it's still pretty cool. I'm curious about battery life. That cell is pretty tiny.


Tech like this is gonna be wild in 5-10 more years.


I love that he recognizes how many of us want them look like a circuit board in our eyes.


Norm always impresses me on how much he really knows about the product he's talking about and the technologies and even scientific knowledge behind it. Even if it's a prototype, he's never a layman. Well done sir.


"No matter where you look there's gonna be content"

Finally, hell on earth


Imagine this in 10 years, this is like the equivalent of the 1st smart phone and may end up seeing similar jumps in refinement and quality that those did in a decade. Super exciting to see what the future holds for this.


My father-in-law helped design and then build the prototype batteries for these things. It’s absolutely incredible the scale on which he is able to machine absolutely minuscule parts, and then assemble them. He was talking about these a few weeks ago- so cool to see something he had his hands in come up in the mainstream!


It's crazy how small technology can get. The fact that this somehow has a processor of sorts, eye tracking tech, and a BATTERY in such a tiny and flat space is amazing. I can't wait to see how advanced and refined technology gets in like 20 years, if this is what we can do now.


Oh man, as a mechanic this would be awesome. Imagine having torque specs pop up just by looking at the bolts that need torqued. Or being able to look at a part and pull up replacement procedure information.


The scale of this is such that I can't even really believe this is a thing that exists and functions. I'm sure it exists, but my brain is just going "nope." Veeeery impressive tech.


While it may be a bit difficult to see the display in sunlight, would it be possible to use the display while your eyes are closed? Which would allow you to keep the display dimmer to preserve battery.


It's absolutely incredible to think that 60 years ago, a computer would fill a room. Later time, you got that same and even more powerful computing power in your pocket, and soon it's so small it can fit on your eye! There are no limits


Man, I used to wear contact lenses... and this just gives me pain to think about since it has got to be thicker than normal lenses. I can not actually imagine wearing these. It does sound intriguing though.


This is the stuff I’ve been waiting for. I’ve tried the current audio smart glasses and love them. Been wearing Bose Frames and Echo Frames for several years now. A visual AR experience is the next dream. They sound like they’re serious and legit. Give it 5-10 years and I’ll be wearing AR contacts and invisible hearing aids with integrated speakers and will be able to have that hands free digital experience. Looking forward to it… right up until Google and Amazon start slapping advertising over everything.


I remember watching Futurama when I was younger, and they did an episode on what the IPhone would be in the future, and they called it the Eyephone. It’s a similar concept to this, but I remember thinking how unrealistic but fascinating that would be to have AR integrated into our reality like that. It’s insane that that futuristic fantasy is becoming a reality. We really are living in our childhood versions of “The Future”


This will look so ancient in some years. I can almost feel it - like watching a tech video from the early 2000s right now.


My first thought was powering these with the RF signal used to communicate with them. The power transfer efficiency of other devices that do that is terrible, but I wonder if it would be enough to power that tiny display. It seems like you would be able to reduce the thickness a lot by removing the battery


One of the things that had me worried was heat output for graphics generation, streaming content seems like a good way to get around that. I would still be super nervous about having a battery essentially embedded in my eye
