Please NO! Not Another YouTube Comments Video... with cats in it

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I warned you all! The inaugural Autistamatic comments video (with added cats). Stuff about friendship, verbal thinking and Clacton. And there's cats in it.
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Apologies to the people of Clacton. I've never been there myself and couldn't pass comment. I'm only going by the opinions expressed by the newly elected MP for the place. By all means tell me the positives👍


Thank you for having me! (Even if you didn’t intend to!) 😂👌


OMG! I got a shoutout! WHAT?! Is it my birthday 🥰


Oh my gosh so relatable at 11:17 and my story is, when I was born, I had a brother 2 years older than me. As I watched him grow up, I wondered (before I could make my mouth speak it's first word) "what book did he read that I wasnt given?" and I thought up into my teen years, that I simply didnt get given the lesson on social skills. An elective came up called "Social Studies" and I was deeply disapointed to find out it was in-depth history lessons, and not a class on how to socialize with all the people around me.

I strongly believe now, that my brother came born into this world with a pre-packaged code of neurotypicalness, while my code is a different set called autism (a set closely resembling autisimatic's own internal code). My brother's code is more common than mine. I could make a parable (I like making parables), where my existence feels like my code is Linux code, in a world made for Microsoft code.

We will always struggle bus if there is no bridge to gap the differences between our embedded codes.
I like what you do here, because each little video helps bridge the gap in some ways, between our codes, and the rest of them.


That bit about having friends who are autistic or ADHD being a sign you might be as well is interesting. Literally all of my friends since high school either have ADHD or are autistic. I myself am blind so I try to understand how their "flavor" of ADHD and/or autism affects them then adjust from their. Honestly, they are WAY more fun to hang out with then any of my previous friends. More understanding as well. I love them dearly and I will fight anyone who treats them poorly for their neurodivergence.


Your pronunciation is almost spot on 👍


Excellent video! Loved seeing Mike's attempts to take over your channel 😂


W12 8QT. Clearly, you had my childhood too. 😄


Nice one Quinn. I love it when different creators appear in each other’s videos.


Great video and what a beautiful cat! Orlaith is a perfect name for her 😍


Having never been before, I'm now tempted to visit Clacton to see what the fuss is about.


6:43 obviously she's in her conspiracy theorist phase. I sum mine up to trying to cope with the reality that I just didn't have anything going for me and I sucked at school, but studying this magical secret world where the occult symbols are hidden in plain sight gave me drive and purpose.

I still think that stuff is real in some ways (not the magical part), but I let it go by acknowledging that I'm one person and one person can't deal with that stuff. One person helps the world by accepting reality and getting their own stuff together.


Videos like these are invaluable for stimulating analysis and discussion — the one inside our own heads and the other with one another. Thank you for yours, and in your own respectful, wise and inimitable fashion.


In the very first video of yours I watched you spoke about verbal thinking (it was the one on exaggeration), and that was very relatable and made me reflect on myself and my relationship with language quite a bit more. How I think through words, how I enjoy writing (shocking, I know) and why, how words actually have a tangible feel to me, so tangible it can even be difficult to shake off sometimes. Since I learned that synaesthesia is actually much broader that seeing sounds or tasting colors, I began to realize how I perceive language has a touch of it too. My friends have told me I write well and my stories are pleasant and fluent to read - and I am sure this is thanks to these traits because I've always written stories intuitively, no one has ever taught me how to. The way I've learned English (as my second language) is also curious to me, I seem to learn not only the dictionary meaning of words, I pick up nuances which can be tricky between unrelated languages, but I do so by the feeling of words as well - not even context, but feeling. Sometimes I look up a word in a dictionary because I am sure I am picking up a nuance somehow that I do not know consciously as a meaning and I want to try to understand it better. Sometimes when I write I search through words because I know the nuance I'm looking for is in a word that hasn't yet come to mind. I write poems in a way that looks strangely like putting a jigsaw puzzle together, and that's very much how it feels and I love that about it. All that is quite fascinating to me, and it's something I haven't been able to quite describe to others - maybe I haven't thought of trying actually - and you talk about experiences with language to which I relate to such extent that I believe I haven't before. It gives me so much insight, so many new things to ponder, and even faith that, perhaps, writing is my true vocation.... which is very much needed to me in this moment, and so I'm very grateful.

What I mean to say in great many words here is that I am very much looking forward to a video (or a series, maybe? 8D ) discussing these subjects, that would be simply fantastic.

P.S. Am I the only one feeling that the over-abbreviation of language and overuse of acronyms with or without much reason is crippling the language? It takes away from the feeling of words. Which is sad, to be alive is to feel....


Good on you for following through with your "threat" to do a comments video. A fun change of pace! Thanks Quinn 💜


yay, the cats! and i really like your animated character in the end


Cheers Quinn. Looking like you’re getting your weight back, looking healthy again!


Hey Quinn. I enjoy your videos. Fellow autistic here, I just recently got my official diagnosis after years of knowing I’m autistic. There was a bit of new information in my report that I found interesting, to quote the report “adaptive functioning deficits”. Now I prefer a term like differences to deficits but we are all familiar with the fact that that is the terminology that has to be used with reports like that. Anyways I was wondering if you would consider doing a video on adaptive functioning. This isn’t something that’s talked about much in autistic spaces that I can see. Executive dysfunction is and I have that too, that is also in the report, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on adaptive functioning and how it can be different in autistic people. I’m of course trying to find more information about it online but the rabbit holes I’m looking for are proving a bit difficult to find, like at what ages are certain adaptive functioning milestones expected to be met. Anyways this comment is probably too long already but thank you for reading it, if you do actually read it. Thanks again for the content you create.

"Beyond SUS", I read that musically. A SUS chord is a suspended cord. It is chord where the 3rd replaced by the 4th. I'm not expert here, just started a journey a little over a year ago. So to mean sort of ambiguous and beyond that. Learning to play the guitar has opened my eyes to music theory and I love learning about it as well as playing the guitar. New special interest I think, on I've always wanted to do but denied as lessons and buying guitar as kid was too expensive for my parents


Hey mate, just watched the entire thing. You have a very soothing and educational way of video making
