Dulce Base - The Phil Schneider Story

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I also listened to hours of Phil talking. You really have to delve deep into the matrix to get any idea of how much we are lied to about nearly everything. He was a true hero/legend.
I’m having a hard time finding his videos now.


There's some major things about Phil Schneider that you left out like:

How he was physically wounded/scarred from his encounter with the alien in the underground area when it apparently blasted him with an electrical blue light (kicking off the alien dulce war) which then causes an accompanying special forces soldier, who had seen the attack, to sacrifice himself to save Phil by getting him back and up the lift to safety while he fights off the other incoming Aliens; Schneider was indeed missing fingers that he claimed were blasted or fried off when he was hit with the alien laser beam/weapon of some sort. It is indeed a weird scar that leads to some credence to his story on top of his above average geological knowledge about mining and working with rocks.

Also the strange details of his death; If I can recall correctly, there was and had been multiple attempts on his life through various means that he survived and even goes on to share some of these encounters in his talks. When Schneider suddenly "died, " his death was ruled to be something blatantly bogus like "natural causes" or "suicide" ...however, details surrounding his death was extremely suspicious and "iffy" and the crime scene/death photos supports it even more since it reveals someone who looks a lot like Schneider (because it was) with violent, deep line marks and gashes around his neck as if he was struggling and strangled by someone with a wire. In my opinion, THERE WAS NOTHING NATURAL OR SELF INFLICTED at all about his death and like so many other similar cases, allowed for whatever overseeing authority to get away with another murder. Such a cover up though can be a bit risky because when people die under such strange circumstances, no lie or smear campaign can fully stop curious people from looking into such matters which then causes people (if they're honest) to believe what was being said/shown even more since they were obviously silenced by higher powers....why???

There's plenty of things one can say or think of Phil Schneider, but whatever the case, the man seemed pretty sincere as well as convincing and knowledgeable when he spoke. He DEFINITELY DID NOT deserve any of the messed up things that happened to him shortly after speaking at these conferences; Schneider had plenty of life and years left, but then it suddenly (tragically) gets mysteriously snuffed out for reasons we can only speculate; Nevertheless, the world lost someone special all because he chose to speak out against and bring to light the subject of deep underground bases and various other secret government projects, what a shame! So much of what he tried to show the world back then continues to be proven true or legit as time goes on; His words and testimony will continue to vindicate his life as a man and as a whistleblower; As long as there are honest people hungry for and seeking the truth, Schneider's name and legacy will never be forgotten for all that he has contributed, and nothing will ever take that away from him. Stay safe out there

* Note: It's been at least 3 years since I've last seen any of Schneider's videos but these are just some of the major things I can remember about the man.


"Cows turn themselves inside out all the time." - Officer Barbrady, South Park


You DIDN’T mention Phil Schneider’s horrendous injuries he says he suffered from the fight at Dulce. He was missing multiple fingers that were burned off on one hand and had a giant scar on the center of his chest from what he said was a blue beam of intensely hot energy the aliens used during the fight. It is fascinating and leads credence to what He says. It also shows he couldn’t have killed himself by tying a lamp cord around his neck so tight he asphyxiated. That’s why the wife is skeptical!


There's already "fact check" beneath this video claiming it's a conspiracy theory so I'm inclined to believe this actually happened.


"Let me know in the comments if you want to hear my take on the Philadelphia experiment": Is that even a question


If a suicide is called when a man was shot in the back of the head while being strangled with his own catheder, and nobody has any idea who this man is, best believe he's legit.


I read some other comments and yeah A LOT of stuff is left out and a few things wrong. Phil had documents, handwritten letters on US Navy letterhead, with conversations between his father and other military officials about Project Blue Sky. The boring machine that he talked about is a nuclear powered boring machine that melts the rock into magma and pushes it onto the sides of the tunnel walls. The patents for that tech was turned in, if I remember right, decades before his underground encounter. His death was weird in my opinion. Just the fact that first he dies of a heart attack than supposedly drugs. The weird thing is that even after the autopsy I believe it was his wife who had to push and for some reason they missed a catheter tube around his neck. Than said suicide. Oh they also put almost a year hold on his urine and blood for what reason I don't know than "lost it". Their is documentation that he was extremely intelligent, worked as a independent contractor for numerous department of defense contracts. So in my opinion he wasn't lying. The alien attack would have to be at face value but all the other topics were true and can be proven with documentation. I think you should revisit Phil Schneider and do just an episode on everything he said but the alien attack. I'm telling you its not something that can be debunked when hard facts are available.


i really feel like this wikipedia card isn't necessity, youtube


Of course I want to hear your take on the experiment, who would say no to more content?


Everybody leaves out the fact that after Phil described the battle with the underground aliens, and how he was injured, he then holds up his hand to show that he was missing fingers...as well as a massive scar on his chest that was caused by a lazer weapon. It's honestly a miracle that he survived to tell the tale! And then, of course, he was silenced. He was one of those people who knew his life was in danger because of what he was speaking out about, and the secrets he was telling the public. He swore that if he was ever found dead...that is would 100% NOT EVER be a su!c!de. And yet...if you can find *anything* about Phil that hasn't already been scrubbed from the internet...it will inevitably claim that he unalived himself.


oh btw, my uncle used to tell me stories about the train tunnels underground and i met a random construction worker that told me some wild stuff about underground bases in the early 90's, pre internet, he claimed that we had a ufo base near where i live, i was just a kid skateboarding on backroads 7 miles to the nearest town, guy pick me up in a white construction truck and tells me all kinds of crazy stuff for no reason, he seemed a bit scared... I never looked into what he said but ufo's was pretty common in my area, i would usually see a couple per year close enough to see windows etc...moral of the story, maybe he was not lying?..everyone thought my uncle was nuts and maybe he was, but it does not mean he was wrong or lying, sometimes ppl go a bit crazy when they know certain things, if i told some of the crazy stories he told me back in the 90's, you would not believe it, even crazier it turns out that a few became public knowledge, really makes one wonder.


A deep dive into the Philadelphia experiment would be interesting.


The main message from Phil Schneider that's equally important as the Dulce incident is that we need to fight to take our country back from our crooked leaders. He talked about population control, gun control and loss of freedoms also. And look where we are now in this country! Phil was spot on.


If Phil's story is true I have so much respect for those American green berets who streamed into that hole to save their countrymen. After seeing Phil's injuries inflicted by horrific weapons they had never seen before, THAT was their instinct, to go in.


His ex-wife did an interview, confirming everything Phil Schneider said, including that he lost half a lung from the blast to his chest.
She also said towards the end of his life, he enrolled in a program, testing new drugs for Multiple Sclerosis. A nurse came to his home and gave him weekly injections.
After his death his ex-wife went to get his medical records and the program director said Phil was never enrolled in the program, nurses don’t go to patients homes for the medication and they had no records that he had ever been involved in the treatment program or been to the facility. So who was the “nurse” and what was she injecting into his body?!


So YouTube is fact checking everything, as if we can't be trusted to be rational, that's fine... we will show what irrationality looks like.
I Like Stonk.. I Hold.. I Like it.


Worked at Dulce, NM for a year. Haven't seen a single Alien and UFO while I was there. Disappointed.


I remember seeing the photos of Phil's body that looked to be possible crime scene photos many years ago and the way that cord was wrapped around his neck, was not done by his own hands


The Phil Schneider Case was actually talked about on an episode of ancient aliens. The episode focused on Reptilian Aliens and how they possibly are involved in our lives and evolution, but apparently Phil encountered them in that tunnel on that faithful day in 1979. The show said that 8 months after he leaked the information about the battle at the Dulce base that he was found dead with a noose around him or something and it was ruled a suicide. I’m Very skeptical about that.
