DREAD: The Unsolved - Dulce Base, New Mexico - S2 E9

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In the latest episode of DREAD: THE UNSOLVED Jans looks at the life (and strange death) of UFOlogist Paul Bennewitz and his search for alien life underground!
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The Dulce base is real in my opinion. Too many people have given too many detailed descriptions about Dulce base. For all we know this video could be counter intel to help keep Dulce baae hidden.


I work in both Taos and Chama Valley in NM. Dulce Base is real. There are several unexplained phenomenon in this area tied to Dulce Base including the Taos hum, Los Alamos national Labs weekly explosions, and the tent like structures, in the local mountains, that disappear as you get closer to them. We know the base is there, we just don't know what the the base is used for.


Phil Schneider worked there before the 1982 incident of the entire military installation being overrun by ETs. Apparently they hit a void when drilling the underground structure which became a dispute of mining resources and they were mining magnetic ore and we had to sign an agreement that they could continue mining and we never would.. There is an article that got published on it, you just have to dig. Also it's location is within the Archuleta Mesa of NM. This story is out there, just redacted. Phil Schneider also helped build DIA. Once Schneider started becoming a whistle-blower, the government had him wacked. All documented. Dulce is still off limits, tunnels and caves also can be found around the area. Locals in the nearby reservation can also account for sightings of UFOs. Its a real place, government is just that good at hiding things.


There is this video of a woman in Mexico who is in absolute horror of a shock. You see her break down and crying, gasping for air as a child would. The story goes she was a guard for a trucking company and she saw a truck go by full of dismembered children body parts. What makes this story more weird is… days later after that video went viral. She would wound up dead nearby her home. Some say she was silenced by the government. She was saying how that truck was headed to Dulce, New Mexico. And that’s why I’m here watching this video


I was born and raised in Albuquerque New Mexico and I have a few Native American friends that live in Dulce New Mexico and they have told me some bone chilling stories about things they’ve seen and heard in that desert. Dulce base is real, speak to the people who live in Dulce NM they’ll tell you.


I find it odd that 2 people so far as I know and possibly more have tried to expose the Dulce alien bases and they both allegedly died from suicide 🤔


what a nightmare that would be to find yourself in the very torture halls you'd been trying to uncover


There are bases all over the country. That's a straight fact because most of them are nuclear silos in case of an attack. Basically if a nuke was headed for us, it wouldn't hit anywhere because of how many silos there are. The only question is, are these JUST silos? One would think they'd have a network for technicians to go back and forth for repairs and maintenance, but they'd need to get there fast and out of sight. Perhaps an underground rail system? And if so, you'd think they'd use such an expensive system for more than just maintenance.


Dont look to the skies..Look below the earth.


The Dulce Base is absolutely real, except it is not located underneath the Archuleta Mesa. It is by highway 40 near Wart Mountain. There is a hydraulic lift that lowers down as soon as a helicopter lands on the designated area. There is tall fencing surrounding the area, supposedly to keep migrating animals from blocking the road. There is a big sign next to the gate where the ground sensors are located that says No Trespassing, similar to ones found near military complexes. About every two weeks you might see a military van in area. I heard that this how they do crew rotation. I’ve been there and heard the stories from one of the locals who took me there.


It makes sense for the public to know snippets about this place instead of trying to keep it a total secret, makes it seem mysterious yet seemingly not important enough to be kept a well guarded secret.


What about Phil Schneider who kicked off the dulce war and lost 3 of his fingers because of it? He's the only reason I know about it. Ive never heard of this guy you're talking about


I live right next to Kirtland as well as the storage mountain. Haven’t seen anything myself but I’ve heard stories from others about technology and radioactive testing. I’ve never seen any UFOs, either, but on the supernatural side of things I have seen things here in New Mexico. The veil between this world and something beyond is thinner here.


my parents grew up in Albuquerque NM and their uncle said that he talked to some people about all this type of stuff... there is seven levels to the base and the deeper down you go into the floors the more disturbing things get

there's a part of nm where the population is made up of mostly "Indians" (idk if thats considered offensive and if so Im not sure as to what term to use) and they said something along the lines of the greys come out at night and you can hear people screaming as they are being taken by the greys or whatever happens so these people

there's some real shit going on there I can assure you that


I heard the first couple to be abducted and came forward with the story when describing the craft s rooms what they actually describing was the corridors and rooms of dulce base


It's been said that Dulce base is actually runned by the malevolent greys aliens. There are underground levels underneath of which the last two are the most sinister one of which houses human-animal hybrids that are too, "monterish looking."


I can't believe Richard Doty has the courage to walk around in public without being hurt by one of the people who's life he ruined .


I was only in Albuquerque, NM for a week visiting friends and I took a night to walk the streets and it was too quiet, at night all sounds stop and it weird and I grew up in the south and have gone hunting at night and it was even quieter than the forest would be around us at night which is what made my skin crawl extremely badly


There is still loots of ufo sightings around the dulce, new mexico.,
Like there is something entrances


Our bridge is out at Pagosa Junction, and they aren't fixing it yet saying they don't want traffic back there where the confluence of the Navajo River and the San Juan rive. Some elders say there is a tunnel.entrance back in there on the backside of Archuleta Mesa. Coincidence?? We see flashing over the Mesa, and can hear a quiet popping sound in the twilight hours.
