Meet The RSPCA Pet Inspectors Looking Out For Australia’s Animals

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The RSPCA investigated nearly 60,000 complaints last year, and Karen Collier is one of those inspectors responding to dozens of animal welfare checks around Melbourne where the rising cost of living is taking a toll.

#RSPCA #AnimalRescue #Animals
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What a tough job, well done on all of those people who look out for our pets!


I thank the RSPCA. They do a brilliant job. I doubt the cat was talkative as the guy said. I understand what he meant though. Please sign up and donate regularly to this wonderful organisation. I'm on a pension and not rich but l donate monthly. Every bit counts. If you love animals it's a no brainer. Thank you one and all at the RSPCA. Keep up the great work.


What I wouldn't give to have a Mark "Chopper" Read equivalent doing this job. He'd sniff out abusers like a Bloodhound (no pun here!)


Shame they can't however tell when an animal is loved and cared for and got sick and someone who is abusive and cruel. In general they are an organisation who are about the $$$$ and not the animals. Yes highest adoption fees, highest cost for service etc etc. I'm sure there are good ones but they are few and far spread.
