My ex-girlfriend cheated and broke up with me while her younger sister was...#reddit #shorts #viral

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I'll be the paragraph guy: She decided that she wanted to live with him openly and was tired of lying to me. She admitted that most weekends she would find time to go back and have sex with him if there was an opportunity to. It was a horrible shock and I felt completely numb for weeks.

Katie was busy with university and was unbelievably nice about the whole thing. She stayed out of my way and got on with her studies, didn't bring friends or boyfriends home. She finished her degree. I assumed that she would move on and move out, but she got a job at the university admin department and is still living here. It's not awkward for me in terms of living with her, but it's really difficult to explain to friends and it's still a little painful because she looks a lot like Sarah. I don't feel comfortable saying to women that I live with my cheating ex-girlfriend's little sister, but I can't exactly tell her to find somewhere else, because none of this is really her fault.

What should I do?

First update: After 18 months, Katie was still living with me (non-romantically). I wasn't sure what to do about this, and when I posted on relationships, I was just coming round to the realisation that I liked having her around and didn't want her to leave. Since I posted, we've spent more time together socially, and on Monday I asked if she'd like to go for dinner as a kind of date. We had a really nice time, we kissed once, but we didn't go further. We both realise this is a complex situation and want to take things slowly. I can't help feeling that I'm irretrievably an asshole, though. Am I?

EDIT: Thank you all for your comments, whether you assholed me or not (is that the correct verb?). We have had a long talk, first just between us and then with her dad and aunt (her mum died six years ago). They have been very supportive since Sarah and I broke up, and we wanted to involve them before going any further. We are going to take things very slowly, and her dad is going to pay half-rent (he offered to pay to help her move out as some people had suggested, but for financial reasons that would be difficult for him and impossible for her to manage financially). We haven't decided about telling Sarah - I haven't spoken to her since it happened, and Katie has only spoken to her in occasional messages. We have talked about everything that has been raised on here at some length - it is a difficult situation and there is a power dynamic that we have done what we can to mitigate.

Ultimately, we do have feelings for each other and have for some time - I would absolutely never have dated her for revenge or for any other reason, and I would never do anything to hurt or upset her. I understand if you still think I'm the/an asshole, but I'm trying my best?

Second update: I have had two requests for updates and I'm not sure if there's a threshold, but I thought I'd share anyway in case anyone was curious, and to say thank you for the advice. It did shape the way we went about getting together, who we told and when, etc.

Our families have been incredibly supportive and we are really happy together. It has been about a month but it feels so perfectly right. We have had endless conversations about our feelings and our plans, we have started to redecorate the house, and we are planning to go on holiday together in the summer. It feels so much more wonderful than I had ever imagined it would be.

I don't know what else to add, but if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation, talking it through is so, so important. Everybody feels safer and better about everything when you communicate.

All the best : )

Last update (4 years later): We're now engaged, and we're starting to plan the wedding for early next year. The relationship between my fiancée and her sister/my ex is better than it was (they exchange messages at birthdays and Christmas but don't meet up/exchange presents). She is still single and now lives abroad, and she found out about the engagement a couple of months ago. At Christmas, she mentioned needing to know the date early to book the cheapest flights home, and my fiancée was too shocked to reply. She doesn't want her sister there.

I'm too excited about getting married to care too much one way or the other. I'd prefer her not to be there, but I'd roll with it if necessary. My fiancée doesn't want her there, but all her family assume it will be fine for the day because "it's a FAMILY wedding" and it should all be water under the bridge. I can't stress enough how little I care about the sister being there or not - I just want everyone else to be as happy at the wedding as I'll be (impossible) or as close to that as I can manage.
