Watch this Before you buy a DTF Printer

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In this video I am going to tell you what no one is going to tell you about dtf printers. Watch and share this video with everyone that is asking about or that owns a dtf printer. This video is to help you have a full understanding of what to expect when you purchase your dtf printer. Dtf owners please chime in in the comments and share your experience

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I got 2 dtf printers. Once tech support remotely accessed my computer, installed the software and check a few settings I was printing in less than an hr. No issues 🙌🏽


Thanks for the honesty. I've had the A3+R since end of February and found that you have to be committed. These machines need daily attention if you don't want major issues later on. I do capping station cleaning daily and wet capping at night after use everyday. Yes it does take time learning to use the printer, shaker oven and the software but the software is very powerful once you learn it.


For the printers, the issues arise with the modified printers like the one in this video. For the commercial machines, If you don't know what you're doing with them and how to calibrate them, save your money.

The substance is called oil... for the fumes, you need to get a 375CFM exhaust fan and that should take care of the fumes. If you are using the air purifier they provided, remove it and get a real 6 inch exhaust fan. You should see the oven working to keep the temperature when the exhaust fan is on.


Those transfers look AMAZING!!!! I cannot wait to get a DTF machine!!!


I've had the Prestige A3+R for a couple of weeks now. I am loving it so far, but I had a couple of hours of panick attacks the first day because it was displaying "critical error" lights when trying to start it up. Turns out there was a clamp holding the printhead carriage in place. I havent seen a single unboxing where someone had to remove this clamp, nor did the tutorials say anything about it. I was lucky enough to notice it and remove it before sending it back and had the printer running and printing within the first 24hrs.


It’s true I have spoke with so many people and they said the same thing till one day I ran into cobra DTF machine they are hands down the best … they actually send you a technician to your home or warehouse where ever it is and hands down they calibrate and sit there till your machine is ready to go with you and your are happy. But they are in a little more expensive side but they are a nice machine and their customer. service side is good.


Y'all must love headaches. Buy your prints and press and sell.
What could be easier??
No maintenance no frustration no fumes no worries.
I'd love to have the gear but only from a crafter's perspective.
A Dubb you're a giant in this game. Respect!


You explain it well. I normally describe that as "not ready for general public end-users" First 3D Printers, early 90s computers when you opened to nothing but a command prompt (before the mouse), first drones etc. If you have been an early adopter of any new technology it is always "tinker and try", not "plug and play". You gotta be the kind of person who works on their own stuff without being intimidated or frustrated unless you want to wait a years for everything to be refined down to push button for simplicity


You are amazing to tell us the real REAL. We know there is a song and dance and those concerns you brought up have been on my mind. Definitely something to consider. Be safe.


I got a pristige A3+R and i got some issues with it as well. OMG!!!
i think I'm finding the right formula but I want to stay tune to your videos and share mines too
Team work !!! 💪


I was in the same boat, took about 3 weeks to work out the bugs. With that being said the other issue is sales! Everyone is doing DTF and selling printed sheets for $2!!! I have some of mine in Etsy, fb, letgo, all with shipping available and I think I’ve sold maybe $40 worth in about month! I have monthly payments on my printer of $278 a month my monthly sale of $40 doesn’t even cover the cost of supplies I’ve used lol😂, hope everyone else is doing better then me, good luck people. Stay positive!


Thanks for your honesty. ❤I’m considering purchasing one and your video is a great help.👏🏽


110% AGREE!!! I bought mine from Swing Design and they would NOT help me set up until i reached out to AA Print supply, they helped me installed Cad link software and helped me how to run the Epson F570. i spent 7700.00 with them but help to get me started when i got them. But im happy with it now all thanks to AA Print supply crew!


I love your realness! That’s how I was for DTG so I’m glad you keeping it real


Thank you for being honest. There should be more like you!!


Yes you are right. Purchased the Prestige A3+ last July. Got it end of August. Had problems after problems. I am getting the hang of it but still having problems getting vibrant colors. Love the machine and what it can do. Some day I hope my colors will look as good as yours.


I love the way you put our health above the corporations.


Totally agree! Thanks for your video! Dtf is a head ache but as you said is worth it!


@Allan Wade - That oily substance is glycerine that is indeed a byproduct of the adhesive melting. You may even notice it on the transfers after they have sat for a while. I have yet to research the side effects of exposure to it. I am using an Epson F2100 for DTF, which means one sheet at a time and manual powdering and curing. No roll to roll. I should probably be using a respirator.


I appreciate your honesty. I want to start a business. So glad I found your video.