how I OUTLINE my books using Save the Cat Story Beats + the 3 Act Story Structure Novel Outline

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This is my personal outlining process when it comes to outlining and writing my books. It's a mix of the Save the Cat Writes a Novel story beats and the three act story structure that I learned from watching Abbie Emmon's playlist on the three act story structure.


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Thanks for watching!
❤️ Bethany

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#Authortube #NovelWriting #SelfPublishing
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p.s. for those who have reached out to me asking for a copy of this outlining template that I compiled, I am adding it to my Patreon Resource Library in May, as a free download for anyone who supports me in that tier! So if you're interested, you can check that out here:


I used to have trouble figuring out their fear. I started asking, "What's the worst thing that could happen if they got their desire?" That really helped me keep them from getting their goal, or at least make them wary of it. And for the stakes I like to ask, "What's the worst thing that could happen if they don't get their desire?" That will be another type of fear that may even happen at the 75% mark.


I have been watching you and Abbie Emmons for a while now, so it was funny to see that you have too—and both of you have helped me so much!!! Thank you for this video!


i'm polish girl and i live here, but i think that your channel's one of the best in the whole youtube on the subject of book writing (and with all my heart, thank you for the possibility of including subtitles, 'cause it enables me to polish my english skills) love you, bethany and greetings from poland


Pretty much the video and your intro explanation summarizes how I've been plotting and discovery writing my current work. Great algorithm timing and on the video.

I wanted to mention around beat #12 in the finale/break into three, what doesn't get talked about often: a “calm before the storm” beat, which is a reaction beat where the characters stop to reflect and think about what's come so far before the finale, and the denouement beat, which is technically another name for the resolution, but has the additional “after the dust settles” reaction beat, where the characters reflect on what happens after the finale is over, but before the resolution. Both of these are optional but add a great levity to the balancing of a fast pacing in act 3 to mirror the speed at which you proceed through act one. Some see these as filler, I see these optional beats as necessary additions toward countering the constant conflict which moments of time and joy, where you can really get attached to characters and their personalities from interactions. A lot of shows do this and it's great to add if you're planning on building a series and not a standalone.

Just as an example in my own work's outline, the two main characters have built the team and are coming out of preparations, but are resting up at camp before heading out to see their big battle plan through; they take this to reflect amongst one another and introduce themselves while interacting. This scene of course is interrupted by the constant threat of the antagonistic force, and are quickly thrown into turmoil where they fight their way out and are forced into an unprepared battle sequence by the skin of their teeth. This is a calm before the storm—weaved square into the conflict of the finale. And the other one, “after the dust settles”, offers a major character revelation that changes the outlook of the protagonist just before the resolution. And this sets up future conflict for a sequel because of the twist it implements. Just something to think about in perhaps your next outlining process.


I watched Abbie's entire playlist before this. She's my absolute favorite writing teacher. 😊😊❤❤


I’ve started melding Save the Cat Writes a Novel with a few other plotting tools to write my current WIP. I loved the break down of this video. Thank you ❤️


This is one the best novel outline structure I saw! Super clear, concise and efficient! Thank you, Bethany, for taking the time to make yet another super helpful video on writing :)


This was very helpful, especially the PowerPoint. It can be hard for me to really grasp these concepts without examples and I think using Jezebel's story is a great way to show how thos technique doesn't have to be literal or "happily ever after". You can really adapt this method to whatever you're writing!


I loved your video and the information you presented. I have been struggling with converging scenes and beats, and your video gave me wonderful questions to ask. Looking forward to more videos.


I love your content because it's so transparent, and I don't mean personal things, but the business/ hardships on the other side of writing. But I also love your content because I can sit at my table without having to wear ear plugs and my 11 yo daughter can sit with me. She loves writing too, and I think if we learned what we are learning now earlier in our lives, how much better would we be? So, its never too early for her. I'm just glad there are a few authortubers who make it comfortable for 11 yo kids to hear and learn from as well.


Thanks, Bethany! Loved seeing your outlining process. I really like finding ways to combine the methods from different writing books I liked into my own method. Save The Cat is one of my favorites, along with Blueprint for a Book and Story Genius. 😊


If I’m honest with myself I was struggling with my outlines. I felt like they were missing a few key points and now I’ve finally found something helpful! What I like to do is scene/chapter outline after novel outlining, but I have yet to figure out something decent for myself. I guess that’s what trial and error is for! I’ve only ever updated my outline’s structure once and it’s been needing a revamp. This was exactly what I’ve been searching for. Thank you so much! 💙


This was worth the wait! Even though I know and think in STC, I took notes! Not a whole lot on the first watch, but am planning on going back and take more notes. I love how one how-to book can be interpreted in so many ways. You def made me think and gave me ideas. Love this! :)


Thank you for going through your process with us. To be honest, I was just starting to merge Save the Cat with what I learned from watching Abbie Emmons' videos. This has helped me so much.


So helpful! Wow, I've learned just what I've been doing right, and ways to make it a whole lot easier and stronger! Thank you so much!


This was the most in depth video I've seen in a while! Thank you so much for sharing ❤❤


This was so helpful. I used save the cat for my last book but idk I always get confused with the process but I watched this whole breakdown pausing to copy and it really helped me plot my next book, so thanks 🙏🏾


I want to thank you for putting so much into helping other writers. It means a lot to someone like me who is hoping to make a lifelong dream of becoming a published author come true (even at this later stage of my life, 59yo). I am working through Save the Cat playlist with you and Brittany Wang, but also being able to have you use your book The Secret Gift to give examples in this video is so exciting. I am taking lots and lots of notes! And I did pause and go buy your book!!! And I love it). Thank you again!!!


This video helped me out tremendously!!!! STC and Abbie!!! I have watched all of her videos and read save the cat. THIS IS GREAT!!!!
