Restauration Project | 100 Year Old Barn!

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In this video we are going to make hay. And to do that we are going to try out a new tool for the first time. It is a HSR 200R hay turner. We are also going to pressure wash the barn walls and floor. Finaly we are starting our rebuilding prosses. We need to level the walls before the carpenter comes. To do that we need to make the formwork for the concrete.

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The flash light we where using in the video is a Lightok X3 Owl EDC Flashlight
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Please don’t ever give up YouTube. I’m hooked on your episodes, Erik! That barn will be a lot of work, and it will be beautiful!
I am anxious to watch the progress.


I love y’all’s show. I’m excited to watch barn go up and all you do to make farm beautiful again


I like the music and all. Very soothing.


I love your videos. Thank you for sharing them...I hope to continue these great adventures


I love your T-short: Beste Pappa i hele Galaksen. There is no greater honor.


Oh wow a rake for the tractor! Will make life much easier! ❤️🇨🇦


I'm glad that I have found your channel. I'm loving the videos. Your farm looks so beautiful and peaceful.


Great work so far in cleaning up the barn. It looks so much better. Also the original stone work for the barn walls is exceptional. It is a good example of the craftsmanship that existed over a 100 years ago in Norway.


Very exciting to see your barn coming back to life!


Another great video, I can't believe how much you've achieved already with the old barn. What a transformation from when you started. Also great to see you trying new implements to help speed up and ease the task of creating the hay. Lovely to watch.👍❤


I am not a farmer I live too far away I speak bad English and even worse Norwegian otherwise I would have been happy to help you I enjoyed your video again. Keep up this beautiful work, I follow you and have a lot of fun


Just discovered your channel. I simply love that barn. You did an outstanding job of removing the moss and prepping the wall for concrete. It looks to me as if that stone work is much older than 100 years. The construction resembles an old mill that was built by the Harmonists in New Harmony in the 1820s. It was restored several years ago and is now used as an events center. Your farm is precious and your videos are very peaceful. You should tell us the names of your wife and children. Another podcast I watch on You Tube is a guy named Ross who collects Oliver tractors. He has some that are similar to yours that were built by Fiat and imported into this country under the Oliver brand name. I look forward to watching progress on the old barn -- it will be beautiful and serviceable for many years. I also enjoy your teaching your little boy how to do things.


Great video. Just some advice from an old farmer if I may, the more you touch the hay the worse it becomes. Ideally what you need is a tedder. You cut it, use the tedder to throw it around to dry, then rake it and bale/collect it.


I like what your doing to the barn.
Here is something you might think about, as you could pour the whole concrete as one pour instead of doing it separate, where you are having gaps between the windows, and doors. If you pour concrete, as one connected pour with re-barb, as reinforcement, this will be a lot more structurally sound, and also keep the walls together and give you a more solid foundation.
Keep up the great work. 👍👍


Another great video! Love seeing the progress, and how the channel has really been getting the views it deserves recently! Keep up the great work


My heritage is Norwegian. My great grandparents were in Torkelsdtr Norway.. so I am enjoying seeing a bit of Norway and farm life with your videos.. thank you . From southern Alabama 😊


Gratulerer med mange filmer på rad med masse views! Ser ut som at youtube algoritmen svingar dokkas vei :)


Igjen imponerer du med ståpåvilje uten like. Gleder meg til å se låven når den blir ferdig!


Just found your channel a couple videos ago. Om really enjoying it


Norway is one of the best countries in the world, and this project is awesome!
