LOST ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS? 10 Most Mysterious Ancient Sites

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Traveling to 10 different ancient sites across the globe, we find stunning evidence of ancient high technology, and enigmas of the distant past that are seemingly impossible to explain from any conventional understanding.

Not only are these ancient mysteries fascinating to ponder...these ancient sites could hold the key to phenomenal new discoveries about life and the cosmos.

1) Serapeum of Saqqara, Egypt (1:56)
2) Baalbek, Lebanon (5:00)
3) Puma Punku, Bolivia (6:55)
4) Nazca Lines, Peru (8:55)
5) Kailasa Temple, India (10:55)
6) Petra, Jordan (12:45)
7) Teotihuacan, Mexico (14:18)
8) Sacsayhuaman, Peru (15:34)
9) Longyou Caves, China (16:44)
10) Drakospita, Greece (18:34)

As you can see these sites are found in many different regions all across the globe. This video barely scratches the surface and there are hundreds if not thousands of these mysterious sites which equally deserve to be on this list.

We're generally taught that we have human history pretty much figured out. This video lays out some incredible evidence that this is simply not true- we are missing major chapters from our understanding of the true story of humanity.

What do you think!? Could this evidence of ancient high technology re-write our understanding of history??

Media Credits:
-Enigmas of the Ancient World Youtube Channel
-UnchartedX Youtube Channel
-Brien Foerster Youtube Channel
-"Baalbek Megaliths"- Igor Alekseev
-Nazca Lines- Erich von daniken
-"The Living Stones of Sacsayhuaman" 

- Stuzzy - Debunking

No copyright is claimed for this media, no infringement is intended and all rights go to rightful owners. Use of these clips is permissible under Fair Use guidelines because this video is purely for educational purposes, noncommercial, and transformative in nature.
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You do such a wonderful job putting a video like this together! Bravo!!!


Well this video gets an instant thumbs up!  Absolutely LOVE this topic!  I totally agree Jonas common sense dictates obvious evidence of a highly advanced lost civilization!


There’s definitely something about our past that we don’t understand.


Thanks for creating this, I plan to save as I try to travel to these places lol. ALSO.... It is my opinion that the ancient advanced civilization had a technology to 3D print or extract a design from the side of a mountain. Does anyone else agree??


Sounds like you've been watching bright insight YouTube channel. Amazing. Than you for this video!


Love your clips on DMT. Had my first experience just over two months ago and I have found your insight interesting. DMT has literally transformed my life in countless profound ways and altered my entire view on life, the universe and everything. Much of what you say confirms many of the same conclusions I have realised. So, it's always good to hear I'm not alone with my thoughts.

Being a passionate amateur Egyptologist since I was nine, I have amassed a huge library of books about them. I've even taught myself how to read hieroglyphics. After decades of reading countless books about ancient Egypt, I have learnt a lot about arguably the most fascinating culture in human history. Yes, I may not have an academic degree in Egyptology, but then again neither did Howard Carter, the discoverer of Tut's tomb. Since you come across as a genuine person who prefers to learn through your mistakes and experiences, I felt it necessary to point out an error you made in this clip concerning the Serapeum at Saqqara.

3:30. You state that no remains of an Apis were found in any of the boxes. This, I'm afraid, is not true. When Auguste Mariette discovered the Serapeum in 1850, there was an unopened box. Mariette did the unthinkable (in today's standards). He used dynamite to open the box and found a mummified bull, as well as other artefacts, were contained in the box. If you visit the Serapeum today, the box is still there, with the chunks from when it was exploded. Just Googled to confirm the artefacts are in the Agricultural Museum in Cairo.

Hope you find this information of help. Peace.


These things are really enigmas, not because of what we dont know but because of what doctrined historians and archaeologists dont want to know!


Not saying it’s aliens...

... but it’s aliens.


great video ! love it ! well after reading alot of Hancocks stuff i believe there was a superior intelligence in times before the flood. There is so many tales from cultures around the world about the huge flood, it cant be a coincidense. One thing is for sure, this stuff is not made from hand tools and army's of slaves / workers, there has been superior tools and energy forms avalible that we can barely match today.


humans were at higher level of consciousness in the past, but fell in consciousness and forgot everything that had to do with their past, and had to relearn everything. We are now increasing our consciousness once again


You need to look up ANCIENT ALIENS DEBUNKED!!


Anunnaki, the men of renown, gods of the old testament, nephilum.


I take it you know the legend Graham Hancock? lol


Look into ancient civilisations mentioned in the Holy Quran. Also, before Adam's arrival on Earth, Jinns were the largest residents here.

Majority of these sites were built by civilisations before Noah. Great flood was barely 5000 years ago and there are no forests on earth that are older than 5000 years.

Knowledge possessed by some of these civilisations is beyond our comprehension.


I find it odd that we don't really have any of these ancient megalithic sites in north America.  I know that there's some stuff in central America, but I'm not aware of anything like this north of Mexico.  I speculate the reason for this is because at the time of the previous advanced civilization north America was covered by glaciers, but I also wonder if the secret societies have some kind of interest in covering this up and destroyed the evidence in north America in the early 1800s.  Things to ponder...   I have found out about a park in southern Illinois called Giant City that has some VERY odd geology.  Lots of huge channels carved into the sandstone that have lots of 90 deg. angles and looks suspiciously like city streets!  Thus the name Giant City!  I'm gonna go check it out this spring and hopefully make a video about it!  At the very least it'll make a very cool background for a dance video!  :)
