Duality: An English Unit - Lesson 02 - Duality in Myth

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Hey Everyone, this is my second video for an English unit that I have yet to teach my students. I decided to turn it into a multi-part YouTube series instead. This is the second of 3 videos (so far). I have no idea on the time frame in terms of finishing the rest of the videos, as I am currently teaching full time, but keep your eyes peeled for the rest of the series coming soon!

This video focuses on #Myths, specifcally creation myths such as #Genesis, #Hesiod, and the #OprphicEgg, and other myths about Duality such as #Persephone, #Eshu from the #Yoruba and other #GreekMyths.

If you find this video helpful and actually use it for it's intended purpose, please consider a Patreon donation.

Note: Complementary is spelled incorrectly the second time, but it was too difficult to go back and fix it by the time I had noticed.
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