Surf tips: Pop-up technique

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The pop-up can be overwhelming becuase it's happening in conjunction with so many other things - you're trying to paddle hard to catch the wave, assess whether you caught the wave, and then you have to pop up to your feet while dropping down the face. So much is going on!

One of the things I like to think about that helps make the pop up a little less overwhelming is inserting a bit of a pause after creating the space under your chest. You could actually ride the wave down the line in this position and take your time popping up in a lot of situations. You'll see longboarders do this all the time. Obviously on really steep fast waves you won't have as much time, but for those of you surfing gentler waves, this pause can really help provide a much needed pause that allows you to situate yourself, and then you can do the second part of popping to your feet.

I know a lot of you struggle with creating enough space to get your hips high and your feet through to your chest, so one thing you can do there that helps is trying to extend with your fingers to create a few additional inches of space to clear those legs when driving them forward.

This approach that I'm demonstrating works as evidenced by @kookapinto 's technique surfing 1-2 ft California soft waves and @felipetoledo 's technique surfing heavy backdoor.

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Рекомендации по теме

One of the best demos I’ve seen. Sliding not jumping! That’s how I see the best guys doing


Nice and light on your feet, right on. Great technique, thanks


As Clayton says, slow is smooth and smooth is fast


This is such a clear instruction of the proper slide up technique. Thank you so much for this mate


I am a bit newer to surfing and i find this so helpful,
Thank you, and i hope you make it big🎉


Where was this short a year ago? This technique is EXACTLY what I have discovered as the proper technique. It's more of a "Slide up, " not a "Pop-up."


Amazing been struggling will try this variation


Now I understand why sometimes my front foot lands short. Thanks


Very interesting! First time I see this technique. My struggle is fitting my front leg under my chest. I’ll try this one and see how it goes.


This all makes perfect sense thanks. Bizarre question though - doesn't the wax on the board stop the slide?


I have troubles with the second step. Should I slide on my knees or jump from them using lower leg movement? I am afraid sliding will tear my skin on knees, at least it is like that when I try on the carpet. Could you elaborate?


This is a lot harder than he makes it look. I need to get more flex


only thing is on the video of the surfer your back foot need to land sideways, dont try to do this and land on your toes only, you need to rotate your hips a bit
