Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Dishes ~ From Scratch Homestead Cooking

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Pumpkin Gingersnap Recipe - 2.5 c flour, 1 c sugar, 2 t baking soda, 2 t cinnamon, 1.5 t ginger, 1 t cloves, 1/2 t salt, 1/2 c oil, 1/2 c pumpkin, 1/4 c molasses, 1 egg, 1 t vanilla - Bake on 350° for 10-12 minutes

Pie Crust Recipe - 2 c flour, 3/4 c fat, 1/4 c cold liquid, and 1 t salt

Pumpkin Pie Recipe - 2 eggs, 1/2 c brown sugar, 2 t cinnamon, 1 t ginger, 1/2 t nutmeg, 1/2 t salt, 2 c pumpkin, 1 c milk

Pumpkin Muffins - 3 c flour, 2 c sugar, 4 t baking powder, 1 t cinnamon, 1 t nutmeg, 1/2 t cloves, 1 t salt, 2 c pumpkin, 4 eggs, 1 c oil - Bake 350° for 25 minutes

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Рекомендации по теме

Jessica, I’ve never felt you were showing off when showing your hauls or your food preserving efforts. I am 70 years old and you are an inspiration to me. I have returned to homesteading after years of being in the corporate life. Because of your (and others) efforts I have been able to “fast-track” my efforts. May God bless you and your family! Don’t change, please! Thank you for being a blessing and not covering your light with a basket! Keep your light shining brightly.


I VERY rarely comment on any channel ... but the last comments you made on this video broke my heart. You are very brave! You are very humble! Thank you for showing us how to grow food, cook from scratch, preserve food, use the scraps, ALL of them. You are helping me be more zero waste, and I am saving money! Thank you.


The person that made those comments has a scarcity mindset. We know where your heart is. The bulk of us that watch your videos regularly take your content to heart and think ‘’I want an abundant garden and a full pantry so I’m going to work very hard to make it happen’’. This is the correct mindset to have. Happy thanksgiving Jessica. Thank you for all you do to teach us and encourage us to live the life we want.


Anyone who has watched you for as long as I have (about 3 years) knows you do not have a spirit of showing off. Yours is a testament to the Proverbs 31 woman who rising in the morning and sleeps at the end of the day knowing that she has put all of your efforts into providing for her family as God would have her to do. I think the person who criticized you might check their own heart and ask God if they might be covetous of you. Thank you for all you share. You inspire me so much!


Jessica, I absolutely love your channel. I have no children, never plan to homestead, and have never canned a single green bean. I watch you because i know that, for around 20 minutes on Sunday morning, I'll learn something, be at peace, and enjoy getting to watch your family grow and flourish. Thank you for the knowledge and blessings you share. Please don't ever change.


I have never had the impression of you “showing off” in your videos. Please know that you are extremely encouraging to so many of us and appreciate all that you share. Your entire family works very hard to sustain a good life for all of you even little Hannah when she is helping you mix batter etc…🙂 God bless you and your family!


Please don’t let anyone discourage you from sharing pantry tours and grocery hauls! I’m not in a place where I can do everything you do, but like you say in one of your challenges, “every little bit counts.” You have encouraged me to focus on what I can do, rather than mourning about the things I no longer have the ability to do. I wasn’t able to grow much of a garden this year, but I have lots of perennial herbs growing on my property that I dried, and I took advantage of sales on canned vegetables. I don’t have the acreage to raise livestock, and don’t have a freezer, but I found meat on sale and pressure canned it. My pantry looks very different from yours, but I have one because of your reminder that “every little bit counts!” Thank you for sharing your home, your life, and your family with us!


I have composed and recomposed this comment in my head several times… it is bizarre to me that someone could watch you, watch your videos, see your heart, and your humility, and your encouragement, which is evident in everything you do, and to say you're bragging is ridiculous . So if what they want to see is equity… And some people don't have things other people have… Then perhaps they should just watch the YouTube channel that shows an empty shopping cart. No one learns anything no one gains anything no one helps anybody. Watching you has taught me so much and I am twice your age, I would not trade you for anything! Please don't change what you do. I am encouraged and look forward to every Sunday morning as I'm getting ready for church and then I do your recipes and follow your garden advice throughout the week. What you intend for your channel to be is exactly what your channel is!


Jessica you have never been boastful!!!
Believe me, you are an encouragement.
You are a hard worker, and I love watching every week.


Im so sorry people feel the need to comment negatively or to disparage you. Maybe these people speaking about Christianity need to reflect on their own Christianity. I find it extremely sad people feel the need to comment on others. I look at your videos as an opportunity to learn something new or be shown a different way to do things. I am extremely grateful for all you do.


I have never felt anything but encouragement from your videos. The planning, the time, the effort, the coordination and the humility you have are very much appreciated. You are never pretentious and always humbled. I enjoy Sunday coffee with you and you have opened my eyes and helped me learn to cook seasonally and prepare for hard times.


I cannot believe someone made a comment like that. It obviously came from jealousy. You never give the vibe that you are gloating or showing off in that way. Your channel is incredibly inspiring and encouraging! Pay no mind to that comment.


You are not showing off in any way. You are showing your frugality. Your heart is pure!


My sister, that criticism was not from God. The devil is the accuser of the brethren. You are presenting a different way to live that can set people free from our broken food system. Please dry your eyes and know you are doing a great work for people and the Lord!


What some people don’t realize is that this is a channel where those of us starting our own homesteads come to learn. Your hauls and tours show me new things I need to add to my pantry and give me ideas on the things I should be storing. My pantry looks the way it looks because of all YOU have taught me. I can now feed my family for at least 6 months should we need it too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I have never thought you were showing off or flaunting your pantry food supply. You and your family work hard in order to provide healthy home grown foods! I have never taken any of your posts as showing off, but rather an encouragement, you are an amazing woman, wife and mother. The world needs more like you! Enjoy your Thanksgiving surrounded by family and love!


Jessica please don’t even consider the negativity that person was putting out. You are a beautiful person. Inside and out. Humble and kind you are.
Satan wants to hurt the honest hearted people. Please just ignore. We love you and your family. Keep sharing! We love your videos. I told my husband
I would love to meet you in person and your beautiful family.


I never see anything you do as bragging. This is a homesteading channel. It teaches people how to homestead, how to raise meat, how to plant gardens, how to preserve food, how to menu plan for your family. Even if it comes from a good place, it probably wasn’t an appropriate thing to say, because people have free will. If they don’t want to see things like that, they don’t have to watch channels like this. I’m sorry that it made you question what you do because you’re a true inspiration and are very motivational in helping the majority of us reach the goals you are achieving. Thank you for all you do, and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! God bless! 🥰


Good morning 🙏😊

Have a blessed week! And as always thank you! I always wait for your video on Sunday morning with my coffee.

You are always an encouragement to everyone who watches and listens. You remind me of what I’ve heard my entire life.. if you give someone a meal, you feed him for a day, if you show him how to plant a garden and tend to animals or hunt, you feed him for life! What a blessing you are!!!


You do a great service to those of us who need the encouragement to be more self-sufficient. Keep up the great work!!!
