ODE | Bifurcation diagrams

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Examples and explanations for a course in ordinary differential equations.
In this video we explain how to construct a bifurcation diagram for a differential equation that depends on a parameter. We illustrate the idea using the example of the logistic equation with a harvesting parameter. We also show how the bifurcation diagram can be used to answer questions about harvesting rates.
In this video we explain how to construct a bifurcation diagram for a differential equation that depends on a parameter. We illustrate the idea using the example of the logistic equation with a harvesting parameter. We also show how the bifurcation diagram can be used to answer questions about harvesting rates.
ODE | Bifurcation diagrams
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bifurcation diagrams
Bifurcation diagram #1
Bifurcation: dy/dt = (y^2-a)(y-1)^2
Bifurcation: dy/dt = y^2 - 2y + a
EXAMPLE: DEs II: Bifurcation diagrams (Sem 1 2023)
Bifurcation: dy/dt = y(1-a+y^2-y^4)