Canada should expel Chinese ambassador, consider visa restrictions: analyst

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McDonald-Laurier Institute's Brian Lee Crowley says the China's latest actions are that of a 'thuggish regime.'

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Death penalty law for drug offences goes to: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, including China...!! They exercise the rule of law in their land with "judicial independence"...

The guest speaker, Brian, deliberately ignore the crime committed by Robert...! (why?) I like to remind everyone that Robert was caught trying to snuggle 220kg of "ice" from China into What gave Brian the merits and legalities to condemn China over their legal proceeding over a hardcore criminal..? And how did the legal ruling of Robert in China ended up breaking Canadian law..? Brian's arguments and condemnation are nonsensical, faulty and lacked legal depth..! Just because Canada legalized weed DOES NOT mean China legalize "ice"..!!!

By the way, DT and Brian should demand Trump to retract his comment calling China to put death penalty for "all drug smugglers"..!! I believe China is not ceding to Trump.. it's because China already have the law since day 1...
Curious why DT did not speak to Trump beforehand...? And be tough on Trump's demand for breaking the Canadian law instead..!!??


nobody seems bothered to mentioned this guys was guilty of smuggling over 220KG of meth,


Sentencing death penalty to a drug trafficker is by rule of law in China. You don’t like it, you do not do drugs in China.


China has always had very harsh laws against drug users and traffickers....You can spend years in jail for simply being associated with a drug user even if you have never done drugs yourself....Imagine being in the same room as a joint is being passed around, your best bet, LEAVE!....If the cops knock on the door, even if you havent done anything wrong, you will be treated the same....Though I feel "sorry" for this guy and his family, bottom-line, dont forget why he's been imprisoned....


It would be great if this dude can explain to us why the fact that China condemns a drug smuggler for his crime is a bad behavior.


What really makes Canadians think that Canada can really fight with China without the US?


222kg drugs, the guy need be excuated straight away, what a sham for this Robert Lloyd


How dare China excerse it's own law, it should follow our law. He needs to be sent back to Canada and given 10.5mil. He is an excellent model citizen just like Omar Khadr.


As a Canadian in Taiwan... I don't agree with Brian at All. Crime is Crime wherever it is committed it is only the punishment that may vary.


Seriously, Does drug selling business totally legal in Canada?


It's the law of Chinese government don't bring drug to their country the guy knew the law and he chose to smuggle drugs don't expect to be Givin slap on the rest who cares ur Canadian American Asian law is for all u pay for the crime. Respect laws of country before u smuggle drugs that kills ppl.


Maybe Mr. Trudeau should focus on 1) if the drug dealer indeed committed the crime; 2) is he getting the same/similar sentence like other Chinese drug dealers? 3) is it possible and how to extradite him to Canada to trial to save his life and save Canada face?
Hope it can be worked out, praying ...
I am a Chinese living in the states and always have good feelings toward Canadians ...


Lol Canadians acting tough ....haha cute


15 years behind bar sounds not bad for a drug smuggler...however if you chose to repeal, it is judge's right to correct or remain the sentence. Both increasing and reducing are kind of "correct".
Anyway, the fair resolution of the forces pulling for severity or leniency is a judge's most important and difficult task.


Wow, seriously? Expel Chinese Ambassador for a drug smuggler? How mind blowing...


Join the quad group of US, JPN, AUS and IND against the Chinese hegemony.


We definitely should expel the ambassador. The fact that his own government didn't recall him over his statements is baffling. Trudeau won't though as he probably agrees with the ambassador.


Mr Mobile Alabama seems to forget the very state is in electrocuted in their own death chamber a mentally challenged black kid and countless others some of which never did the crime. So this guy is full of it. Now we got sucked in and kidnapped the CFO of Huawei so they arrested 2 what they say are a danger to their security. That poor guy that got caught with drugs was looking at 15 years but now is dead. Not good. If he was Chinese he would have been most likely been dead 5 minutes after he was found guilty. We were not wise when we got involved in Americas trade war with China. There would be no shame or loss of face if we traded the woman for the 2 guys and the other guys life. This is normal in history we have no dog in this fight I am sure Mr. Trump would understand. That is the closest to making this right as it is going to get.


Canada should practice having a spine, and not poodling itself in shifty ways.


Its time that Canadians discover the true nature of the Canadian regime!
