Daw Aung San Suu Kyi - The Long Road to Freedom

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Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speaks at San Francisco Freedom Forum 2012
The Long Road to Freedom


As part of her first trip to the United States in more than 20 years, Burmese opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi traveled to San Francisco on September 28 to accept the Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent and discuss the travails--and the true friends--along the long road to freedom. #oslofreedomforum

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"The means you use to gain your ends will colour the ends themselves" - this is so true - thanks Lady you inspire. - Rene


#We want democracy

Please stand with the people of Myanmar. We don't want military leadership. It would be a huge setback and a serious blow to our democratic reforms in Myanmar.

They cut out our phone lines and internet access this morning. We don't know when it will happen again. They have detained our leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other ruling party politicians. So please spread our voices and stand with us in fighting for our democracy.




This is why i think in this same way as well?!
