THIS is why I am not impressed by your “six-figure salary” 🙄 #careeradvice #salary #investing

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When people die, no one talks about how much money that person made. They talk about the kind of person they were and how they treated people.


And then you've got the people making 40k a year who can barely afford rent bc it's so expensive


I needed to hear this! I caught myself feeling the career and education envy that I forgot how hard I have worked to get to were I am today and that this is only the beginning for me. Thanks so much Erin!


Very true! I dropped out of college, but have been working since I was 14, managed my money and bought my house at 23 in 2019 cash, no mortgage. I got my CDL B and I'm earning 24$/hr as a bus driver. I ain't making mills but I'm currently 27; Got no debt, high credit score, my own Roth IRA and mutual fund, bought a car not lease/finance but it is semi used and my own house. I got more than half my life resolved. I'm not living paycheck to paycheck; save enough money to go to mini vacays to like Wisconsin Dells which is wild because before that used to be big family vacations growing up. I had enough money saved up for when my mother got cancer, I was able to take 2 months off work to take care of her through her treatment/surgery without worrying about not having money to be able to pay my bills. I am by no means rich but I ain't gonna lie having that flexibility sure damn feels like it.


Legit knew a guy who, in his early-mid-20s would drop that he had a 6 figure salary to women in bars within the first ten minutes of meeting then get Surprise Pikachu Face when the ones that stuck around ended up being gold diggers and eh pulling some kinda crazy stuff.

We tried to get him to stop. But it took years of making the same mistake, and more than one scary situation, to finally stop.

Idk who needs to hear it, but if you're making a decent salary, don't wave it you're into the crazy (sometimes dangerously crazy) gold digger type. Then you do you, boo. Most people are repelled by that.


This is so important! I think it's also important to fix the system so that making 28k as college grad with several years of job experience isn't the norm. ;) But I do absolutely agree: the salary won't matter if you can't manage the money when you get it!


As a college student making less than 10k a year, this video made me feel really good. Thanks Erin!


Bruh i swear you're the only person on social media that legitimately feels like you're here to help us. Sorry it took so long to sub


I love your advice and your videos have invaluable information so please don't take this as hate, but more of just a general feeling I have about the world we all live in. I just hate that the goal for so many is to make/have so much money, when most people just want comfort and stability. It just feels like we can't have that anymore unless we constantly strive to gain more wealth. I hate that we all are practically forced to live chasing for many a very unobtainable goal of being very wealthy just so that we can feel safe and comfortable and have our needs met.


Love this! It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep!


I been survivng on like...15k a year. I dont have debt, can afford necessities, and dont feel stressed out about it. I am working on getting a job, but I can survive until then!


i manage the money i have very carefully, i just dont have enough coming in to live comfortably


I can't manage money bc I have no money to manage. Lol I make a little over 2k a month. Child care is 1k, 500 for insurance, 300 for car payment, leaving a little over $200 for groceries, phone bill, utilities, and god forbid we want to do any sort of extra curricular activities with the kiddo. =\


I agree with 99% of this. Credit cards by themselves aren't bad. Exceeding your credit limit and not paying off card balances is what can create problems. Unfortunately, the credit card companies have intentionally created a game that only some people are able to play successfully.


I live very frugal outwardly, yet I have NO doubt, no money stress, retirement and savings growing by the day, and can afford to splurge when I want on travel, eating out, and other fun things without checking my bank account. I love buying expensive gifts and paying for dinners for friends/family. It's super empowering to learn how to manage your money and I agree you have to stop caring about how rich you "appear". I'd argue the more incognito you are, the better you are with your money.


Minimum wage worker with $1.2k in savings, $300 in credit card debt that's getting paid off in 2 weeks, and a fair credit score that started off at a 420 two years ago. Super proud of my financial accomplishments since I got back to work after taking a decade off to focus on multiple family crises including my dad having cancer and grandfather having open heart surgery


I feel like this is kind of copeism for not having a higher salary. Most people with 6 figure salaries aren’t actually blowing it all on useless crap, we just see the dumb ones a lot because they’re the loudest.


My gross salary is UNDER $37K (take home pay is a lot closer to $23K) and I’m trying to provide for a family of 3 (I’m married and we have a son). If I can manage all that’s going on, I can handle anything financially


Hi Erin. Bless you for generously sharing knowledge.
I'm 53, mother of 2 -25 & 26 young professionals from the Philippines.

I hope we can adapt your skills, & access proper economic guidance
