Helping AR 16 Players level up [ Genshin Impact Funny Moments]

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i loved when people would help me so i helped out other people
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✜TikTok: EpicB64

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and me
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Hidden Message : tengen got cakes

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"He's using his ultimate on a little bat!"

5 seconds later: "imma ult this hilichurl"


BACK OFF MY LOW LEVEL PLAYER made me laugh so much lmao


"20? 16!? Can we get lower?"
This would be concerning if it was about age 😂


I basically got carried throughout dragonspine when i was a low level player. A high level player joined me for co-op almost everyday. It was so efficient. They beat those big ruin guards, Cryo Lawachurl and other annoying enemies for me. They didn't complain or anything and guided me. I was having such a good time until one day, i accidentally unlocked a quest which prohibited me from doing co-op. It was some sort of puzzle. I ghosted that quest for months bcz i was out of brain juice. This is how, my high level player and i lost touch. Now, I'm AR 50 and i'm prioritizing farming materials and artifacts so, i don't do much co-op.


There was this challenge in the cavern where you fight three abyss mage. I wasn't able to defeat them coz I always freeze and then this Zhongli came he asked for the flowers to ascend sucrose while I was preparing to fight again. Then he asked if I needed help, so I said can you help me beat this challenge. My man literally just one shot everything while I just stand there trying to climb his pillar. Zhongli then add me as a friend so every now and then he would hop into my world even if I'm just trying to get the condensed resin recipe and we would just run around killing anything but boses🤣


It’s so fun helping new players to new areas. I swear it’s so wholesome. I was in co op with another older player and we showed the new player the way to Liyue. When we got to the top of the hill they freaked out because it was so pretty. I remember saying “you’ll love it here.” At the top of the hill. And they said “I already do.”

It was so wholesome, things like that make up for every toxic experience.


Back when I was ar 16 or 17 i think this chongyun main joined me and they were probably like ar 56 and i was amazed at their damage. When we unlocked chests i thought they could take it too so i just sometimes waited for awhile to see if they wanted the chest because i felt bad taking it when they did all the work, untill they told me you can’t take chests in another player’s world. It was a bit ackward but funny tho, i haven’t talked to them for maybe a year now so i think this is a good reminder for me to catch up with them


When I was low AR I was actually very scared of letting people in, but after that Ayato, Zhongli and Xiao mains join me to help me farm for 3hours straight I became confident. People with higher AR level are so nice! I personally love to help starters, even if I’m not that high AR level yet (AR 39)


New sub here, I laughed so hard at the Julian part. The editing is so nice too, reminds of YouTube gaming content like way back.


I remember my low AR days with this videos. So many beginner/dumb moments like the expedition thing; I really thought I won't be able to use the characters if I sent them to it 😹


I just love this tradition of higher level players helping lower ones, showing them hidden chests etc. it’s really wholesome


This is now making me remember how hard it used to be to fight a freaking abyss mage 💀✋


I didn't co-op until I was like- ar 48+ or something because i feared people would be toxic to me and just laugh at my 9 damage T^T (and i wasn't allowed to but now I am)

Now, I learned that Genshin Community is weird, strange, and odd but they are very
🌟 wholesome 🌟


i can’t stop laughing when you’re in the cutscene 😭😭😭😭


Ok so, my dad started Genshin like two weeks ago, so when he was ar 16, I came into this world and I finally felt like a god one shooting the enemies (I’m a Venti main 😎, I really was a god at this point 👌🏽)


I am thankful to my friends who helped when I was still a beginner.... I do try to co op with lower level players... But they usually decline for some reason...


just got recommended this and it is super funny, i love watching high ar people help low ar because i feel that pain of being so clueless about the game


Damn if I had a friend like him I would be grateful :D
Edit: I'm a beginner


Back then when i was level 16 I got so many co-op requests But i thought I will disappoint them so i just Didn't Allow anyone to join my co-op I did everything by myself Unlocking the statues, Getting everything, Exploration, There was one time where i cried for not getting Kokomi on her first banner, because i was in love with her ofc And lost to Jean. Then one day a Kokomi main Requested to join my world they were my first friend and First random co-op Friend To help me with everything They were so nice that i still thank them For showing Kokomi and helping me for what i couldn't do, Now i have Kokomi and They were the first person to Know i got her :) on her rerun


This one really kind AR 55 player helped me a lot when I was stuck at level 16 lol. I'm level 22 rn and struggling to get to 23 but I really do appreciate all of the higher AR levels going to help the newer players :D. I really wanna be the player who helps other people some day lol
