When AR 59 Player trying to help AR 25 player with 1.5 Million Exp

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This dude was pretty chill, their shogun easily could have one shot the lizard, but they just gave you their Lv 90 C5 Crowned Bennett buff and stepped aside so that you could feel special


0:58 the timing with the message and faruzan's voice line is amazing


Low AR stories always gotta have that one guy who helped you explore Dragonspine


I'm always surprised at people who are surprised you unlocked Sumeru. Just started a second account and I have this thing with unlocking all the way points ASAP and was in Sumeru at like Ar16. I think Imma gonna do this with the people who keep wanting into my world, despite my signature saying it's my second account and don't need help.


Soloing Dragonspine is the most challenging thing ever at low AR, I've done it twice and it was worth it!


The fact that you cleared floor 12 at AR 25 is still impressive tho...


As a low AR player, I was so reserved about co-op, but around the time when I hit AR 45 (I genuinely don’t know how I got to such a high AR without anything unlocked pretty much, honestly insane to me) I began to realize how little of the map and how little progress I had actually made, so one day I randomly decided to allow someone into my world. They single-handedly guided me to unlock pretty much all of Liyue and Dragonspine in one sitting, and then the Dragonspine quest a few days later. They were also the person who convinced me to ascend my world finally (I had been sitting at AR 45 for a good while because I thought I was under leveled). I will probably never forget how much they carried my account, and because of that i have developed a habit of joining lower AR players worlds to help them out. I’ve done the dragonspine quest in other peoples world- not even kidding- around 10 times now and I can’t wait to do it again. Co-Op in genshin can be such a hit or miss honestly like damn.


is it just me, whenever i join lower ar worlds i use weaker characters lmao. gives me a chance to actually play w them


It happens with me on my alt account when the high AR player got shocked to see Inazuma unlocked at AR25 😂
Because abusing glitch was easier before 💀


Ah yes. Those times where I kept on joining low AR players to help them. Now some of those players are close to AR60 as well.


"Sure I need help to fight this giant lizard"
"Lol" "This whole operation was your idea."


Lmao I remember when I was ar30 some players just joined and they didn't speak any English so we couldn't communicate each other but despite that I just followed around them in sumeru with my Xianling. They showed me a lot of chests and way points lol. They stick with me like two hours, I didn't understand what we were doing. I even didn't understand that they helped me to farm primos lmao. But I am so grateful to them for being patience with me. I wish I could find and thank them in game. 😭


No one helped me when I was low AR. Like you said, I got desperate for help when I cant clear that three abyss mage challenge in Dragonspine. I chat many players hoping they would reply and help but in the end no one helped🥲 I grinded hard and finish all Hoyo’s content solo. As a late game player, Im now helping newbies if I have time cuz I know the pain when no one helps you :”)) although I didn’t regret that no one helped me, it was way more fun cuz Genshin feels challenging at that time :D


Their Raiden def could’ve one-shot the geovishap but they stepped back and let you fight 😭♥️ I love ppl like that, rly helped me at lower AR


im ar35 main who cleared spiral abyss with 1.4 million xp saved. hats off to you.


I remember how proud I was of my EULA (my first five star) when she did 1k normal attack at ar 35 . Still main her


I remember someone helping me with dragonspine and those 3 abyss mages lol, we're still friends to this day. I also decided to repay that kindness forward and helped someone else with that quest as well. It's almost like a badge of honor to wear once you've helped out


Lots of high AR players helped me when i was just starting 2 months ago. I wanna do the same but low ranking players doesn't allow me to enter. Maybe they thought i would farm their world for materials. Hahaha


I'm a newbie and I'm happy that this community is amazing, there's a lot of players help me in my world w/out anything in return, some is just bored and want to help out which becomes my friends eventually. love y'all.


The highest damage I do is 4k and I’m at 43 how do you do so much damage?
