Meet Mom Who Tried Experimental Treatment for Autism

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Miriam is the mother of a child with autism.

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As a parent of a 3 yr old autistic child I know that some are saying that autism does not need a cure. It is normal. However my fear is that when my husband and I are no longer on this earth our child will not have any life skills. I would do anything to improve my child’s quality of life. Just to know that he is self sufficient and can work and live a fulfilling life is awesome


My daughter was speaking fluently. I have video and everything of her speaking and had amazing contact. She exceeded every milestone till then. They gave her vaccines at 13 months old. She went completely lethargic for 3 days. Doctors kept assuring me it was normal. Then went completely nonverbal and unable to speak or play with her siblings. 2 months later diagnosed with level three autism. Please look into mthfr gene. Most of autistic children have. It basically means they cant detox properly. My daughter was put on antioxidants, organic/wholefood diet, we keep a close look at her minerals and vitamins. She has shown so much progress. Now is finally speaking


It's weird how right after my son's MMR vaccine he went dark ... But of course it's just a coincidence as they say


Keywords: perfect as a baby, changed at 18 months. When did she get her MMR? Same thing happened to my granddaughter. Except she got a fever and a rash within 24 hours after her MMR at 18 months. Now she is changed forever.


My 16 yr old went rogue after all of his routine shots. Extreme fevers and he would regress... but prior to that he was talking and making eye contact and hitting all his milestones. He's 16 now but we have done supplements, changes in diet and detoxing. He went from severe autism and pediatricians were telling me to prepare for him to be institutionalized when he was older.. if you saw him today after doing the supplements and detoxing.... he's a happy teenager and no longer severely autistic. Yes he is still autistic but he is verbal and social and his body is healthy... anyway I can't pack 16 years of everything we did in a tiny post but our lives have changed for the better ❤


My 3.5 years old was just diagnosed on September 2. He used to talk and never missed any milestones and now he can't communicate with words.
He was so obsessed with numbers and letters and books and apparently those were the signs I missed.
For those who don't want a cure or whatever you call it, I am new to this and I would give anything to get my son talk again


Mert simply is a customized stimulus to the brain, targeted to where the brain is struggling and uses less power than the body uses to make its own muscle fire. The targeted stimulus is completely safe and encourages the nerves to fire together in the brain. When they fire together, it leads to better function. This better function is expressed differently depending on the patient. Here, we see a child not only speak, but also emotionally "wake up." A stroke victim will recover more quickly. Anxiety is reduced without medication. Insomnia can be improved/resolved. People with cognitive decline may see improved short term memory. Not everyone has the same results, but everyone sees some measure of improved function.


Guys I'm doing GAPS diet from Natasha Campbell. It's difficult but for my son is working. You should read the Gaps diet book, it's not a diet based only in vegetable but mostly on meat stock, fermented vegetables, kefir, yolk eggs, juices ect. At the beginning it's difficult but in short time you will see results less tantrums, really good sleep, less elopment. More words. For my kid I'll do anything


When is this going to become an actual treatment for autism, instead of something they just talk about for the next 50 years but never actually do?


Let's talk about *EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN*,
except HOW these precious children are
being poisoned to begin with: 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉


As someone who’s autistic I’m high functioning but that doesn’t mean I don’t suffer just as bad as your average joe, I have cognitive issues, social communication and interaction issues which have made it really hard making friends, I growing up (which I still am) my parents have been spilt up the entire time, on top of that I’ve got an undiagnosed bowel problem that’s probably linked to my autism. Soooo how do you think treatment will do for me?


Do a parasite cleanse & heavy metal detox.


I’m a 26-year-old woman with autism and I wonder if that treatment can help me


It's CURABLE!!!! Mother of a 14 yr old !!!


I have nothing but sympathy for this lady. And certainly no answers. I struggle with a lot, but I'm independent, married, mostly happy, and wouldn't trade my autistic traits for anything.


she s like talking about my son my angel


In reality autism is a serious life changing condition. For many people on the spectrum it is very dangerous and mentally stressful.

Autism causes regular stressful breakdowns which causes serious upset and distress. Not being able to speak causes frustration, upset and anger. Daily dangers to life include ingesting toxic substances, chewing electric cables, escaping subsequently increasing risk of drowning or road accidents. I could go on.

A solution is required to improve the quality of life and health of the children and their parents.

It is overly simplistic and patronising to say ‘why don’t they except them for who they are’ of course they do it is the autism they don’t accept or ‘unconditional love’ of course the parents love their children unconditionally and it is because they love them so much they can’t sit back and watch their children suffer.


Is there someone who tried this treatment who want to share his/her child’s history? Plz help me, I have a son who needs help.


27 Male, High Functioning Autistic. This is the worst possible thing to live with as a adult.. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


Every Parent should get their child tested for Allergies. learn about the Allergins names, and biproduct names. Then elliminate those allergins from your child's daily diet for life. As It's in their genetics. They won't outgrow their allergin. This will help with a ton of ailments!! Over sensitive hearing. Chronic ear aches. Hard of hearing because of fluid in the ears. Mood swings. Anger issues. Aggression. Fidgeting. Eczema. Acne. Black circles under the eyes. Stuffed up sinuses. Drippy nose. Problems sleeping. Bloating. Constipation. Etc.. etc... It really is important for all humans to get tested for Allergins. 💝
