3 Ways To Force The Narcissist To Respect YOU - (Covert Narcissist Channels)

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This Narcissist Awareness Video looks at How to get a narcissist, or anyone for that matter to respect you, to ensure healthy inter-personal relationships moving forward, on our recovery journeys. It looks at cause and effect behaviors of the Covert Narcissist and how to prevent their narcissism from damaging your self-esteem.

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A Narc will respect a human being who walks away from them.


Dear Narc, I will never forget the lessons you taught me. Thankyou for helping me see my genuine worth!!


I personally believe thru my experiences with narcissists that they are incapable of respect. I agree with you when you said they come back round again as they see it as a challenge, which is different to respect. Whenever I stated calmly, rationally & logically my boundaries & followed that with I will no longer be disrespected by your behaviour & actions, the narcs usually stated that they understood. However every single time after a period of time the narcs disrespectful behaviour & actions reemerged & or got worse. These beings have no self respect to begin with so it is fruitless & pointless to ever have belief in them displaying genuine respect for anyone else.


When the narc disrespects me I'm done there is no next time


My entire life has been turned upside down and backwards because of this narcissistic, psychotic abuse. The psychological devastation is so heavy that my internal organs are in spasm. I will never be the same again. Everything I knew and worked so hard for is gone. Good luck to all who are battling or healing.


It’s all about control, and the “right” to disrespect you

They have no intention of respecting you, no matter what you do or say, it’s just a game for them to get all sorts of fuel


Yep the narc needs a person of big status .. to protect them, this big heavy person is a parental figure too, but they hate them


I have become aware that there are people in this world that are only 2/3 human. They have a body and a mind. And also the mind is different than ours, more like a computer. And there is evil in side these people.


The narc told me I was too strong he couldn’t take me down. It was if the devil was talking to me. ...oh it was the 😈!!!!


I appreciate my soul more than I ever have.


There’s nothing anyone can do to make a Narc understand what it takes to be a partner.


It's really sad that one must treat an adult as a little child. It shows their emotional immaturity.


Good portrayal Paula.
Narcs are like children and evil ones at that.
All I know is he was my third child and he was exhausting more so than the children.


3 ELEMENTS to stay on life paths
*Love ourselves
*Stay Holy
*Not in black and white way!!
They can’t own you or destroy you if stay on path!!
SO TRUE!!!! 💗 this Paula!!!


Paula, you've become my favourite teacher on this topic on youtube. I am moving away from needing these videos and won't be visiting them as much as a natural course of healing, and will miss your way of presenting. Your words, accent, funny analogies, and importantly, your wisdom and insights are a sparkle that encourages your listeners to recover and heal. Thank you so VERY much for all the time you've put into making these videos, and your preparation on topics. We're all blessed you're here! Blessings and prayers for all of us healing and healing teachers like yourself✨💖✨💖✨💖✨


I have a so-called relative that's a miserable low life, phony crisis queen and consummate victim. The smirking, passive aggressive comments and gossiping are a constant with her. I've already responded with a NO to her ridiculous financial request (she thought I was an ATM machine apparently) and refused to accept her shame and blame projections. I finally had to just go no contact with this Hero/Bully/Victim. She's no longer in my phone contacts and blocked on phone/social. I thought I was going nuts for a bit dealing with her non-sense until I got hip to all these narc behavior patterns. It hasn't been easy but after a hard look in the mirror, now I'm truly grateful for my new found awareness of all these red flag behavior patterns. If I never see this person again it will be too soon. Nothing but a manipulative phony relationship all along playing the "family" card . I can't imagine being in a romantic relationship with someone like this. Pure crazy making indeed. Run, run, run...


Exactly. The more you tell a kid no, they do it all the more. No talk and move in silence!
Matthew 10:16
Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.


Being the target of narcissistic predatory organized stalking and harassment has regressed me and made me VERY insecure. I suppose it would be very easy to accuse me of being "the" narcissist now. I have learned to HATE LIFE, because my life has been reduced to an invisible cage in hell.


Good boundaries with consequences for violation, respond instead of reacting, being successful and holding on to individuality.


I'll always insist: we should be taught these powerful teachings and messages a lot earlier like at secondary school! Thank you, Paula!
