Follow your brain... Your heart is a liar

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Granger Smith Podcast Episode 144: Your feelings can't override your thoughts. Your heart is the engine of the vehicle but your brain is the steering wheel and the breaks. Your heart is a liar. Join me as we chat about this topic and more on this week's podcast!

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YES! Amazing advice for the man looking for the single 👏 as a prior single mom with a boy that was spot on!!! She's looking for someone for the long haul. Don't waste her time. Take her serious and include that boy in every decision you make. My now husband did exactly what Granger told YOU to do. Do that! Lol God Bless!


Your podcast is amazing. I enjoy listening to such a godly individual especially in the difficult time im at in my life.


Thank You, Holy Spirit, for being a consistent, physical voice through Granger and his family! Hallelujah! He's flippin' this thing for GOOD, if we LOVE Him, and are called, according to His purpose. Open our eyes. Take over every part of us, Jesus, please. Amen


Great advice each week. Love this podcast


Your son looks just like river god bless him


Wow!!! Those were tough situations. You always give such great advice. I love that you live by the advice you give!!!


Thanks for sharing your time and advice. Wishing you a blessed week. Happy Birthday to Earl!🙏🎉🎂❤


"Yes... yes that defines weakness in you but I have the power so give it back to Me." -God
Love that! Chills on that part. Delight in our weakness (which is something Amber was talking about in her arise with Amber yesterday lol)


don't ever marry a person who broke up with you prior .... honest loyal relationship's are probably rare in the world today .... as the devil has a powerful tool .... the internet. Always be evenly yoked or stay single. Great Podcast!


Love listening and Well spoken buddy.. YEE YEE !!!


Always enjoy your fabulous podcast thanku lovely have a beautiful blessed week much love and God bless always x


Granger smith hi good morning happy Monday you're very inspirational you make my day


You have beautiful kids and a wife such a happy family looking forward to meet you and wife one day .


I enjoy watching your podcast and such great advice 👍 thank you for sharing have a wonderful day 😊


Thank you! I wrote down
How can I do better?
Forgiveness/sorry for the past
You replied….prayer, read, seek wise counsel
Thank you so much


Will we ever see Earl’s truck ride again?!?


Be careful when u stand up brother. I don't want you to fall through a door or window. Seeing how you have a floor for a wall.


Hey, I’ve only listened to a little bit of this but if you’re talking to Christians their hearts aren’t liars.
When you’re baptized in the Spirit the Lord changes that.
On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came as tongues of fire. It came on the disciples heads. Romans 5:5 says that the love of God has been poured into the believers heart. God also said He would remove the heart of stone and give a heart of flesh. Why? Do you would feel and receive His love to give His love. So that wellspring would be opened to pour out.
When the Holy Spirit comes He changes your thinking and if you look at scientific studies you’ll see exactly what happens when you’re given the Spirit of God or Love. The chemicals and electrical signals that impact your heart are sent or poured out of your mind or brain and flood your body but especially your heart.
If a believer hardens their heart they block the thoughts of God and the change, only, He can bring.
Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
If a person can’t forgive they aren’t receiving the revelation they need from the Lord concerning salvation.
If they’re saved they have a good Father and their previous mother and father might not have been. If their natural parents weren’t very good it’s because they didn’t know the love of God and that should be sad to a believer because they don’t know how good God’s love is and aren’t saved.
That should hurt your heart and cause you to pray for them.


How do determine the body though, you can pray all you want you can believe, in those words you say and preach, words are words words are words of energy, energy is that of what you say and what is preached! That's false hope, going back to the Bible as a manual. I know me my faults, and myself. I'm here on this plane of existence to please others at the cost of my own well-being. I say words are energy because they influence the heart and mind at the same fime! Though the body is sore and in pain all.the time!

Layers upon layers are involved with manual illness not just depression and who's to say who created your soul when you're born not Disney not your parents maybe not God or Jesus idk I'm 43yr old Veteran just wanted to share because your video popped up when I searched for who's the liar?

Your missing 2 other ingredients the body and soul or possibly 6 all together that makes us whole, mind/body/soul/conscious and unconsciously < though that being more of reaction knowingly we know wrong and right and judging others knowing they knew what they just did was wrong


When are you putting a video out of the truck the old one it's been your dad's videos
