What is Faith?

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A short lesson with author and theologian J.I. Packer.

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The culmination of a lifetime of following Jesus and knowing more about the Bible than almost anyone results in such a simple teaching that a child could understand it. Amazing.


Is not about trusting, is about knowing who you trust.


Your faith endured you to the end. You are with the lord now. God bless you sir!


Thank you my brother❤🙏 enjoy Jesus faithful servant of our living God!


Pray for me to have that and to accept Christianity 100% and be born again. Pray for my family, friends and everyone that I know.


Rip thank you for everything you offered us 🙏🏼🙏🏼
July 22, 1926 July 17, 2020


“But without Faith (TRUST/CONFIDENCE) it is ‘Impossible’
To please GOD;
For he that comes to GOD must Believe that He IS;
AND that He is a Rewarder of them that ‘Diligently’ Seek Him.”
(Heb 11:6)


Faith = waiting during all this life for His promises., Just wait every hour every day, every year, all your life, wait in Him.


Good words... thank you. "The core of religious faith is that mystic feeling which unites man with God. This state of spiritual communion can be brought about and maintained by means of meditation and prayer."– Shoghi Effendi, Baha'i Faith


Faith is the revealed knowledge of God Isaiah 53:11& Romans 5:1. It's not ones 'believing', which is done based on the whatever knowledge is presented. That's why Hebrews 11:1 calls it evidence; that's a definition statement.


When chosen, we receive three free gifts:
● A grateful nature, as evidenced by a mental faith and emotional gratitude.
● A desire to do only good and beneficial things, as evidenced by good works.
● Repentance, a desire to do no harm, as evidenced by undoing the damage done.

THE CHOSEN --- Matthew 25:35
"'I was hungry then and you give me food to eat, I was thirsty and gave water to me, a stranger I was and invited me in, naked and gave clothes to me, sick and visited me, in prison I was and came near to me.’
Then it will be asked of him: ‘Lord when were you seen hungry and given food by us, or thirsty and given something to drink? When then were you seen a stranger and invited in, or naked and given clothes? When then were you seen sick, or in prison and came near to you?’
Then will answer the king saying to them, ‘Truly I say to you, as it was done to one who is a brother of mine, one who was among the least, to me personally it was done.’"

"We love because he first loved us." Surely, our gratitude is due only to his gift, our gratitude is the only way to love him and the idea that only by a freedom of choice can we love God, this is flat out satanic.

"Faith is being sure of what you hope for..." Faith being a profound sense of gratitude for what we have already received. For a promise from God is what predestination is all about. For there is only one thing that God cannot create, which is the only thing that we can create with no material help from God. Our gratitude born of humility.


In the gospels, Jesus stated: if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains.

This statement is a misinterpretation of what Jesus truly said and it reveals how the disciples and gospelers misunderstood the teachings of Jesus.

If a person are to have "faith" the size of a mustard seed - what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way?

Faith is faith.

It is the "power of total conviction" in the mind, possessing the mind, and it cannot be restricted in "size."

Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, but never can it be estimated in "size!"

Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and you have been convinced that what you have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way which defies contradiction.

Jesus was constantly telling people: "Believe you will receive - and you will receive."

However, Jesus knew at the time, that it would be almost impossible for people to ever have the faith which would cause miracles to happen, since no matter how much Jesus might explain Truth to people, they would still never have the intense knowing given Jesus in the desert.

Up to this time, some people have had faith in "Jesus Christ" but they have been like precocious children. Their faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt. Therefore, whatever they needed to be done for them, they depended on "Jesus" for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what they believe they have derived directly from "Jesus" has been their own "faith in Jesus" made visible in the form of things asked for.

While this child-like "faith" is very important to our well-being, those who are capable of moving onward on the spiritual path to perfection, must now reach a deeper level of true knowledge of the relation between mind and "matter." Without this foundation, people will continue to flounder in myths and will be locked into the misery of the human condition.


Very sobering. This is a shot in the dark, but what song is this?


Faith is trust in the character of God. His names reflect his character. Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, is not a pair of tongs to grab things from God.


Faith is the substance hoped for the evidence not seen



"Without faith, it's impossible to please God, " is a quote from Hebrew 11:6 which is very often used by Neo Evangelicals (formerly known as Fundamentalists) to convince their followers and potential converts they must abandon all reason, stop using the brain God gave them and just obey without question...or else!
However, when Jesus talked about "faith, " that was NOT what he meant? No! We know this, for example, because a man once came to him, first asking his disciples to heal his son suffering from epilepsy and a speech deficit, but their efforts failed. Jesus then inquired about the boy's symptoms and, when the father asked him to help, Jesus said, "Anything is possible to the one who PISTEUONTI, often translated as "believes." The father then said he PISTEUO ("believed"), but asked Jesus to help his APISTIA, ("unbelief").
Most of the time, Neo Evangelical preachers and teachers would have us think Jesus was talking about "belief" in the way we today mean "thinking something is true without any evidence" or "accepting something as true without question."
But if this were the case, why would the father of the boy say he didn't have ENOUGH of what was really just BLIND FAITH? Blind faith, the kind which doesn't question, nor requires any evidence, does NOT come in partial quantities! You either have it all or you have none!
So, what sort of "believing" was Jesus actually talking about? Well, Jesus alluded to this other sort of "believing" or "faith" when he compared it to a mustard seed (in Matthew 17:20), something that is effective no matter "how much" you have! In other words, he wasn't talking about "faith" or "belief" in the sense of blindly accepting something to be true, but the sort of CONFIDENCE that comes from EVIDENCE and EXPERIENCE!
When you look up and see the sky is blue, you don't have to keep trying to make yourself believe it's blue! It's not that you have "more faith" either! No! You KNOW the sky is blue because you have the evidence to prove it! And on the following day, before the sun rises, you have the CONFIDENCE that the sky will, once again, be blue (barring a rain storm), because your EXPERIENCE informs you that it was blue every time before so, very likely, it will be again! Now, maybe we can use the word "faith" in this scenario, but it's fundamentally different from making yourself think the sky is PINK, because someone said you had better believe it, or else!
Think about it! If all you ever do is blindly believe whatever you're told or told the bible says or means, you're bound to accept whatever the very first group of proselytizers get to you! You're "salvation" hinges only on the pure luck of the draw!
Once you have solid evidence to support any given assertion, you then have "faith" in it, but not the blind sort! Once you have the experience of, let's say, successfully performing a medical procedure many times, you "believe" in your ability to do it again!
This is why, when Jesus heard his disciples had failed to heal this boy, his frustration with them had nothing to do with their inability to make themselves think something miraculous would happen by, somehow, pushing away every doubt from their minds...but that they were lacking the sort of confidence they should have by then, confidence based on knowing what to do and that, because they had successfully done it so many times before (maybe because Jesus was standing there looking on), they should have been able to do it again, even though Jesus was off doing something else at the time!
Tragically, the translators of the bible often render the original words of the Bible with ones that help false preachers and teachers perpetuate their false views, and such is the case with PISTEUO. After all, they couldn't very well get so many people to set aside their reason, abandon Science, and stop using the brains God gave them, were they to tell their church members to rely on SOLID EVIDENCE for whatever they're to regard as true!
No, it's only when they can connive or frighten them into blind belief, they can then get control of the minds of others, and from there, use and abuse them to accomplish their ulterior agenda!

Are you a victim of Bible Abuse? Get help at ricklannoye.com/contact


《HEBREWS 11:1》

King James Version

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

~ "🙏🕊✝️⭐️🔥➕️😇👑🇿🇦🌈♥️".


I have all those good things without faith in a god.
