Apple bans other browsers on iOS

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Alex & James Moore from the Open Web Advocacy on the "JS Party" podcast.

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Basically.. every browser on the appstore is a skinned version of safari


Wasn't Microsoft involved in the Browser Wars of the early 90s when antitrust suits were brought against Microsoft for intimidating Netscape Navigator? This is really standard tech company behaviour.


This is both misleading in the title and the discussion. Apple didn’t suddenly ban other browsers, they didn’t allow alternative browser engines on the iPhone from the very start of the AppStore. Given the most frequent vector for infections on any device is a flaw in the browser, that made immediate sense. Add whatever functionality you want in UI or in bookmark syncing, the engine is fixed, so it can be patched on a system level for all browsers, even abandoned ones.
Also, when Apple implemented that rule, the iPhone had a market share of roughly 10%, so next to no one gave a second thought about those rules. Mozilla was a bit miffed, Chrome wasn’t even available for macOS, it wouldn’t be available for Android for another four years.

Today such a move would obviously be illegal for Apple, in 2008 when the company was brand new to the phone market it wasn’t worth a blink.


For clarification here: apple hasnt banned all other browsers. That would definitely get them a hot seat with most major regulators. What they did was ban other browser engines meaning they all have to go through Apple's webkit, and may be more limited in features compared to the same browser on non apple devices. Still anticompetitive but not nearly as apocalyptic as they're making this sound.


Sony, MS and Nintendo does far reaching bans on their consoles.


So funny to see ignorant people talking about subject that they barely understand
