Difference between British English and American English (Food Vocabulary) - Speak Fluent English

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Difference between British English and American English (Food Vocabulary) - Speak Fluent English

There are many British words which are different to American words. In this English lesson Niharika has listed below a few of the differences between British and American words related to food.

British American
Biscuit Cookie
Scone Biscuit
Banger Sausage
Minced meat Ground meat
Prawn Shrimp
Candy floss Cotton candy
Chips French fries
Crisps Chips
Ice lolly Popsicle
Jacket potato Baked potato

I hope these differences between the American English & British English are useful to you. The next time you are at a restaurant ordering food or just hanging out with your friends either in Britain or American you know exactly which one to use. Thanks for watch and don’t forget to subscribe to our lessons.
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I have a suggestion for you... Show pictures of the things somewhere in the video that you're talking about.. That will be easier for students to get it.


Banger is a fairly old fashioned word. You might see it on menus but other than that people in the UK tend to just call sausages sausages.


THE BEST TEACHER EVER!! you don't know how much you've helped me. thank you very much Niharika, it's unsual for me to comment, but you deserve to know how much your channels helps people, the most I can do for this channel is to give likes... thank you


Ms Niharika, I love your lessons and appreciate you. I am a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk.


Thank you, Niharika, your teaching methods are exemplary.


Hello Niharika. Colud you make a video about logistics and transport?


Thank you Niharika nice & clear explanation


Niharika you're way of teaching excellent


Many thanks, Niharika for your useful lessons. I think many learners like also illustrations with your lessons. Regards with best wishes.


Can you help understand the difference among - practical, realistic, logical, rational


Dear Niharika, I'd like to point out some following fact which would be very effective for who are struggling in English speaking. I think you should make a video and conjunction like how to use in a sentence and what is the aspect of conjunction. I'd like to give you some points and examples that would help you a lot please consider and make a video on that point.
then, that, after, rather than, whether, whatever, after, as long as, as soon as, before, by the time, now that, which, whichever, as much as, where as, although, even though, while, who, whoever, whom, once, since, until, whenever, where ever, only if, provided that, assuming that, even if, as if, so that, in order that,
as can be seen, generally speaking, in the final analysis, and things considered as shown above, in the long run, given these points, as has been noted, in word for the most part, after all, in fact, in summary, in conclusion, inshort, in brief, in essence, to summarise, on balance, all together, overall, ordinarily, usually, by and large, to sum up, on the whole, in any event, in either case, all in all, in the event, that granted, for the purpose of, with this intention, with this in mind, in the hope that, to the end that, for fear that, in order to, at the present time, from time to time, sooner or later, at the same time, up to the present time, to begin with, in due time, until now, as soon as, eventually, meanwhile, straightway, by the time, instantly, presently, occasionally, shortly, suddenly, formerly, immediately, quickly, finally, at this instant, all of a sudden, in the first place, without delay, in a moment, in the meantime, as long as, on the other hand, on the contrary, at the same time, in spite of, even so, be that as it may then, again, about all in reality, after all and many more please revise and make a video on this.
I humbly request to you....


shes very good teacher very clear in explanation and teaching i like u Niharica i thought shes Arabic from Lebanon but her name z not sound like this


Dear Niharika, thanks for this lesson.


wow cool I just looked up job interview bids and I happen to stumble upon your good channel and subscribed


hello! teachers am extremely excited to join you here, am just want to thanks you cheerfully cuz you simply facilitate the way of speaking English thanks alot!


Really helpful lesson for me. As I am soon moving to America


Your channel seem to favour some kind of American English. So I'm glad you mention some of the differences between American English and English English. "One English divided by two countries", as Oscar Wilde described it. It's not just about the accent, it''s perhaps even more about the vocab an the actual structure of the languages. There are a large numbers of words and expressions that are completely different. It's well worth to at least be aware of these differences.


Sorry I'm British, Bangers are actually called sausages in the UK, but sometimes we do call them bangers as a slang word used for them here in the UK, I call them sausages myself, but let's say if I usually have them with mashed potato and gravy, then I would say bangers and mash.


I love your voice thanks for helping me


Great video! But the truth is that scones don't equate to American biscuits. We have scones in the USA, you can find them in every tea parlor and coffee shop. We know what scones are. American biscuits really just are completely unique. They are savory, soft, fluffy, and warm.
