WordPress Autosave - How To Change The Autosave Time Frame | WP Learning Lab

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WordPress Autosave - How To Change The Autosave Time Frame | WP Learning Lab


In this tutorial you will learn how to change the autosave time frame that WordPress uses when you are creating your pages and posts.

By default WordPress autosaves your post every 60 seconds. That doesn't mean another row is added to your database every 60 seconds though. Only one autosave is stored per user, so your old autosaves are overwritten by the new one.

define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', X ); // Seconds

You can set your autosave frequency to be less than 60 seconds or more than 60 seconds. You can change it to 99999 seconds, which essentially turns autosave off because that is 11.5 days. I'm sure you would save the post once or twice in that time-frame, so autosave would become irrelevant.

I hope this information helps you! If you have any questions leave a comment below or ping me @WPLearningLab on Twitter.


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I have been watching your youtube videos a lot, find them very helpful, I just wonder does Autosave code apply to all WordPress content including tables? I have inserted table value code to different table cells, but the updated value doesn't show up on the post until both source table and destination table are saved, I wonder if there is a solution for that? Thank you in advance


I use Gsuite and do not have this options.. Is there a simple way to turn auto save off within wordpress specifically the page editor?
