Low Cost Tips to Help Bulletproof Your Home for SHTF

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In this video, we’ll share some low budget tips to bulletproof your home.

Now just some quick disclaimers. First, when it comes to prepping, you shouldn’t talk about it. Other than your family, nobody should have a clue that you're stocked up with grub, water, and supplies. Once the word gets out that your place is the go-to spot when stuff hits the fan? You better believe everyone and their mama will be on your doorstep.

Let's face it, hunger can make the sweetest person go rogue. They'd totally swipe your last can of beans without a second thought. So, either keep it on the down-low or deal with the drama—up to you.

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#survival #prepping #shtf
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My home has 28" thick stone walls, built in 1861.


Don't forget to tie paint cans from the ceiling at the top of the stairs


The #1 Rule of Prep Club - You do not TALK about Prep Club.


Maybe take a look how we build houses in Germany they would ptobably withstand even tornadoes, but thats because we use Stones not Paper


"Don't make your pit traps too deep so you don't hurt people."
Shows a pit trap lined with spikes lol


For the planter; place a pot(s) in before the sand and steel, place a cactus in the pot(s) making a serious deterrent from entry; for fence use a 4ft or 6ft chainlink fence and grow blackberries, a thorny vine and awesome fruit to preserve or eat, seasonally.


When I worked construction it amazed me how easy it would be to get into a new house. All it would take is a utility knife to cut thru the vinyl siding, foam and drywall and then you are right inside. Just having the entire outside covered in plywood before the siding is put on would make such a difference instead of using insulating foam sheets.


The first thing I think of when I see bullet resistant planters not fully against the side of the house is that it creates cover for approaches and attackers.


In the Southwest ornamental metal doors are common. We enclosed our front porch and secured it with an ornamental steel door. Our neighbors talked about how gorgeous it looked. Recently we added another set to the back of the house over the sliding patio doors. The amount of time it would take to get through those steel doors is enough time to be ready for anything foolish enough to step foot inside.


If you want a bomb proof home
Pumicecrete is by far the best building material on the planet Pumicecrete is a mixture of pumice cement and water mixed and poured into a set of reusable forms walls are poured from 12"to 24" thick pumicecrete is fireproof termite proof rust rot and mold proof non toxic and has a high R value and good sound attenuation solid poured walls means no critters can live in your walls Pumicecrete can be built for a fraction of the cost and time and pumice is one of the few building materials that can go directly from the mine to the job site ready to use without any additional possessing and zero waste
Take care Ray


Replace windows that are in and around doors with 1/4" acrylic. Coat them with a ceramic car coating to keep them from scratching and from UV damage.


In the Army we used flash cubes. Not sure if they still make them anymore. You can hold back the "trigger arm" with a paperclip and run some trip wire line. When triggered at night you were blinded for at least 10 seconds.


If someone has the balls to rob your home ? They don’t deserve leniency 😂😂.


I'm building my home out of ICF forms. I live in northern climate with tornado hazard.
Foam forms with 6" reinforced concrete in the middle.
Bullet proof is just an extra positive. If I could come up with some special shutters to prevent window damage it would be perfect.


For wooden stockade fences, I use 1 1/2" to 2" wire nails with the heads cut off at an angle and placeed on top blessed with dog poo . Works great !


In the philippines they use cinder blocks for fences, and stik broken bottles in them as well as razor blades, so high you can't see them


On the fence side of things, you missed one of the best options possible: Natural barriers/deterrents. Specifically, purposely selected shrubbery or trees or bushes with THORNS. There are many ways to deploy these, and if you pick the right species it's as, or more than effective than barbed wire. Line your property line or fence with these and people are just not going to bother.


Big planters under windows make excellent step ladders to get into the house. Best thorny rose bush is "Devil and Paul Fontaine". There's almost no space between the thorns and they are VERY tough. Goodclimbers too. Will protect upper windows. Gorgeous flowers.


Doubling the outer wall thickness of your home, filling the inner space of with layers of whatever you can affordably get hold of, will stop most projectiles from getting through. Reinforcing outer doors and windows is also good but the best defense is to prevent intruders from ever getting close to your home. Blackberry bushes around the perimeter of the property limits the access points people can use for gaining entry. In true SHTF situations, quickly block these entry points with downed trees, old vehicles, whatever you have in the moment to stop vehicle entry. Motion alarms or cameras that already monitor these limited entry points, giving you time to prepare your "greeting" before the now "on foot" intruders can reach your home. I recommend a good 12 gauge pump shotgun for home defense. But if you live where guns are banned, just get multiple cans of Wasp & Hornet Spray. Place them at the ready around your home, near doors and windows. They don't require a special permit and can hit a small nest over 20 foot high under the roof's overhang. So hitting a target in the face before they're close enough to get hold of you is very doable. Shooting through a screened door or window opening can also stop close targets from getting in, without damaging the screen that's between you. Their eyes is what you always want to hit, but into mouth and/or nose can also be effective. Non lethal but will definitely stop most intruders, two and four legged, in their tracks. A good Crossbow can also be used to stop intruders, without disturbing your neighbors the way gunshot sounds would. Making them a good option if you live where laws only protect the criminal. Where you don't want your neighbors and/or local law enforcement interfering in your chosen method of dealing with these criminal intruders.


Lots of other things you can do such as replacing those large picture windows with smaller (12"x12") windows that will deny easy access into your house. Your typical wall won't hardly slow down bullets but if your make your walls thicker by taking off the sheetrock, adding another width of 2x4s, then stack either bricks or concrete blocks into the walls using 2x2 or 2x4 like rebar to keep the blocks aligned vertically and replace the sheetrock. You may need to reinforce your foundation to deal with the added weight especially if you choose to use rebar and fill in the block hole with concrete, but this shouldn't be necessary as even though the impact of bullets will tend to break the blocks the outer wall and inner wall will keep it from going anywhere and the block holes also help dissipate the velocity of bullets! Anything you can do to make your house more fire resistant is good even if it's only to set up a sprinkler system on top of your roof though getting a metal roof is better! Make at least two racks on each door that you can quickly throw wooden beams across (even just 2x4s). One at about 1/3 up and the other at 2/3 up and sliding bolt locks at the top and bottom of each door! Place 4x4s in the walls on each side of the doors to lag bolt the racks onto! Of course, keep multiple fire extinguishers handy! Plants like yucca placed under your windows will discourage 'peeping toms' as will a shotgun! The large planters at military installations are there to help block vehicles that are being used to ram into walls and doors! A stair-steeping barrier (part empty moat and part steps) will do the same thing! Make sure to use wooden boards to help keep the rains from eroding your steps and provide adequate drainage!
