You Know Me - Steffany Gretzinger | The Loft Sessions

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©℗ 2012 Bethel Music / Distributed in the USA by EMI Christian Music Group / Marketed by Kingsway

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Bethel Music's collective of worship leaders aim to write and record songs that carry the culture of heaven and the heart of God. We exist to pursue the heart of God. Together, we express who God is and who we are in Him. We capture fresh expressions of worship in every season that resonates with worshipers around the world. Our dream, is that all the earth would worship God.

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I just served 17yrs in prison, and this music has allowed me the freedom to worship in spirit and truth


I feel like someone really needs to hear this:  God knows your brokenness and he has not left you.  Though you may feel joyless, He is your joy.  Though you may be hopeless he is your hope.  He is the ever-firm rock that you can rely on.  He will not let you down like flawed man has let you down.  If you are bitter, forgive.  If you are broken, be healed, because He is good!!!


this song changed my life the 1st time i heard it. I cried for about 2 hours and was never the same!


Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today🙏🏻. His name is Jesus.❤


I have known Steffany and her parents since she was 4.  She was passionate for Jesus as a small child.  She is passionate now.  She loves Jesus with all her heart.  There is a genuine love and abandonment for Jesus.  She is not performing. This is her heart.  Her parents are very Godly people.


I honestly love how deep into the worship she gets. She doesn't care about the people around her in that moment, she only cares about connecting to her creator; pleasing Him. It's a beautiful thing, worshiping God. When you step behind yourself and allow God to fill you, it doesn't matter what's happening around you. Everyone has their own unique way of praising, but when you feel His presence, I can guarantee something will happen in you physical. Whether you cry, shout, run around, dance in circles, or jump like a rabbit, God loves every bit of it. He loves our small worship. He wants it; craves it, just like we crave Him. He loves his children's praise, no matter what it looks like. He loves you. 😄❤


This song always reminds me of Psalm 139, where David talks about how God knows every aspect of our lives, and if we try to run from him he will still find us. It's mind boggling to comprehend that a God as perfect as ours longs and desires to have a relationship with us, even when he knows all of our thoughts. I don't know about you, but if some people knew the things that went through my head everyday, I'd run and hide. Yet not only does God know it all, he still wants us. That is the God we serve.


This song reminds me of Psalm 139. It reminds me that God sees our every action, we are his obsession, he has written the book on our lives, and fashioned us in our mother's womb. It reminds me that God never ceases to pursue us even in the most unorthodox places. He knows and sees every intricate detail of our lives. In this psalm we learn how easy it is for God to forgive us because He is never surprised by any of our actions because He already knows them. Yet He still loves us. The Cross is the measurement of God's love for us and He believes Him dying is worth you living.


Oh wow, goosebumps. This song is like a hug from the holy spirit! Such raw devotion! Why isn't this girl signed? I come from a family of Athiests, was born and reared believing in nothing, and hating all things god related but recently I have felt a longing to pursue something more this music gives me warmth in my soul, like jesus is tugging at my heart strings. It crushes my doubts and makes my new faith grow stronger! Music like this has opened me up to invite Jesus into my life!


My friend Chris was shot in the head yesterday. Please pray that the Lord will meet him in his coma and change his life! Pray for a second chance to turn his life around! Pray that my town will forgive the shooter!❤️


[Featuring: Steffany Frizzell]

You have been
And You will be
You have seen
And You will see

You know when I rise and when I fall
When I come or go, You see it all
You hung the stars and You move the sea,
And still You know me

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, You know me
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You have been
And You will be
And You have seen
And You will see

You know when I rise and when I fall
When I come or go, You see it all
You hung the stars and You move the sea,
And still You know me

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, You know me
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

And nothing is hidden from Your sight
Wherever I go, You find me
And You know every detail of my life
And You are God and You don't miss a thing

And nothing is hidden from Your sight
Wherever I go, You find me
And You know every detail of my life
And You are God and You don't miss a thing

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, You know me
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, You know me
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, You know me
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You memorize me


I recently went on a mission trip to Ecuador. I was there for a week and on the last night there we had a prayer revival with the interns that live there in Ecuador permanently. One of them, who knew little English came to me saying in broken English "Your father in heaven loves you. His love is enough. It's more than what you think can fulfill you from a father here on earth."
Never have I met her or spoken to anyone about father issues but my father has never been in my life. For so long I thought "Well maybe if I just had a father I could be happy. Or I could know what to look for in a man. Or I could feel loved." But this woman prayed this over my life.
How did she know? Because my father in heaven knows me, she doesn't need to. I'm so thankful for her being a mouthpiece that night in changing my life and for this song being a mouthpiece in so many hearts and lives!!


This is my personal testimony.

I used to believe that I was super strong, super smart, capable of taking care of myself, and even though I have always been a believer, my faith in God wasn't as strong as it was in myself.

Two years ago I had a serious personal problem with my family, without going into details; at that point, my family was my God, they were the reason I live for, in other words, my "EVERYTHING", but due to the issue with them one day they ALL, everybody abandoned me, over the night... I was left without anything and anyone to talk to. Months passed by, on which I couldn't sleep, lost my appetite and also my will to live. I pretended for a while that I was fine ‘cus I full of pride so I couldn’t admit that this time I wasn’t gonna be able to fix myself…until I couldn't take it any longer.

One night when the pain was unbearable, and desperation took over me, finally, I realized that I couldn’t keep living that way, so I started planning how to kill myself, I gave some thoughts to the idea because I wanted to be effective and final, I needed to stop the pain but before I did it I got on my knee, very angry with God, at 3 something am, I screamed to God "IF YOU CARE ABOUT ME, DO SOMETHING, BECAUSE I CAN'T DO THIS ANY LONGER!!!, I AM A GOOD PERSON AND YOU KNOW IT!!!

After this, all I remember comes to me like a flashback, I swear, I don't know how I got back to my bed( my last memory was been on my knee by my bed). Later on( I am not sure how long it passed), on this flashback I opened my eyes for a second and my room was full of extraordinary light, so strong I couldn't keep my eyes open, I was on a fetal position on my bed, my room was full of Jesus’s presence(I didn't need to see his face because the love and peace that overcame my body, the feeling that fulfilled my inner being was screaming the existence of Jesus in my bedroom). I woke up at 10:35am as A TOTAL NEW PERSON, I felt like I have lost a heavyweight I was carrying on, I was radiant, hunger, happy and full of hopes and plans for my life... Jesus saved me! he cleansed my spirit from evil desires OVER THE NIGHT! just the way my family forsakes me. I have been wanting to give my testimony for almost 2 years, I guess the Lord decided that today was the day, he is REAL people, he is, and all we have to do is to redeem ourselves to him and ask for help, he is waiting for us to do so, this is mentioned in the Bible on Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

We don't have to suffer alone, Jesus died for us, so we can live an abundant and long life.

My feeling towards my family hasn’t changed at all, if anything I love them more than ever, nor I hold any negative feelings against them, I still will give my life for any of them, the only difference now is that I will ask Jesus first if he is ok with this.

To the Lord be the glory!
God bless you all.


Crazy how you can literally see Christ through her, she's shining in His joy and it's so beautiful.


You know me. Just when I was beginning to feel no one did. This reminded and strengthened me.


I realized that sometimes we have to be broken many times before God can build us up again. As much as it hurts we have to remember God's love endures and the pain does not. His plan for us is great we just have to wait for him to make a way. I thought I was in control and God showed me that he has a better way. It hurt me but I trust that God is wiser and bigger than me. And that God's plan is the best plan and he will never lead me astray. Thank you Heavenly Father for always being a shepherd to me. Amen


Ive walked with the Lord for a while now, but for the past 7-8 years I have had a hard time to accept that God loves me. Coming from an abusive and abandoned childhood its hard to believe that such an almighty God knows me oh so well. I know he does, and everyday I tell myself he knows me. Lately I just wasn't sure any more and I heard this song recently and it reminded me again that he really does know me and loves me. I am really thankful for God breathing this song into your heart. Thank you so much. I have hope again.


Conviction is all I feel when I here this. God you have humbled me and I still slip. At times I feel unworthy 😔


A testimony:
Growing up, I never really had proper friends. There were kids I played with, but being an introvert, I never considered that friendship--anyone two kids can do that. I grew so desperate for friends that the other boys I liked, I tried to emulate their behavior and hobbies to get acceptance. That didn't work. In later elementary, I made a friend, but that relationship degraded into arguments and fighting. This and the fact that I was mildly bullied (as in it was made clear to me that I wasn't liked) by classmates, made me bitter toward friendships. I had no friends at all from junior high through freshman year of high school and that was fine with me. Because of all of this, I was very awkward socially and had to be taught by my parents how to socialize with people.

My mom had been praying that I get friends though, and at the start of my sophomore year, God worked in me so that I desired friendships. Over time, I made good friends in my church's youth group. However, the pain and rejection of my past made me afraid of being a bother to them and doubt their love, so I became a bit of a people pleaser. In my second year at youth retreat, God brought to the surface the pain of my past and I was healed. I forgave those who hurt me. At the end of the week, God told me to get baptized to delcare my death to the past, so I did it.

After I got back home, I listened to this song and almost cried. It was a reminder that I am not the pain of my past. I am not what other people say I am. I am who He created me to be, am known fully by Him, and am always accepted into His family. I'm still learning who I am in him as well as other things, but I'm not scared of my friends rejecting me anymore.


He see it all, Ur sadness, Ur weakness, ur crying, your questions, your doubts, and still loves u, no matter what, He hold the stars and calm the sea and still know You and still loves u.. He is the prince of peace, through it all, when u look for being loved, or accept it He is there, hola spirit bless everyone who read this and touch their hearts and make them feel Your love and Peace. Amén! 🌸💗🌸
