Soap Making Fail

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Episode 21 is a soap making fail for everyone who has been there. I think we all have right? Anyway, I hope this episode helps us get back into our weekly videos. This Sunday we have a Co-Op project featuring yellow and florals so please watch. If you know anyone who needs to see that other soap makers have design fails too, please share this video with them. Have a favorite video I've made that could inspire a friend? Shares are always appreciated.

Thanks for the watch!

The music is from Epidemic Sound.

#soapmaking #soapmakingfail #soapmakingfails #combiningcoldprocessandglycerinsoap
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I still learned a ton! You made perfect earth coloring. If you could make a ball, you'd have our planet! Great job on doing and posting this video... i won't feel as bad when i waste soap.💜💜💜


Happens to us all, I like the colors you chose very much


💖💞I liked the colors and the creative design idea. I think of the pineapples were CP then it would all blend together easier. It was pretty though!


Thanks so much for sharing this info! Great video!


I did that once as well with the glycerin embeds and CPOP soap. OH MY, however, yours stayed must more true than mine did and it wasn't a fail. I'm glad you posted, I was just going to write to see how you were doing!
