Grounding /Earthing: Remarkable Health Message from Mother Earth | Clint Ober | #SangamTalks

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In 1997 Clint noticed that most people now wear plastic soled shoes that insulate the body from earth. Having a thirty-year working knowledge of grounding communication systems to maintain electrical stability, he wondered if loss of our natural barefoot ground could affect us. The question led to an experiment that suggested grounding alone reduced inflammation and chronic pain. There-after he developed a working hypothesis: grounding the body normalizes the electrical stability and functioning of all body systems.


Clint Ober is CEO of Earth FX Inc., a research company ln Palm Springs, California. Over the last 20 years he promoted over two dozen peer reviewed and published research studies demonstrating the biological effects of grounding the body and restoring normal functioning of all body systems.


0:00 Intro
3:30 Grounding in Electrical equipments
4:50 Clint Ober's personal journey
13:42 The first Human Grounding experiment
17:10 Clint's struggle with getting Grounding health benefits into the mainstream
19:50 Grounding normalizes cortisol levels
21:26 Grounding reduces inflammation
23:24 Earthing/Bare foot Vs wearing soled shoes
24:07 Neutrophils and Pain
27:14 Health issues caused due to non-grounding/non-earthing
29:39 Grounding thins blood and increases circulation
46:35 Sleeping mats vs grounding mats
53:00 Grounding testimony regarding auto immune conditions
57:08 How to use earthing mats?

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I bought Clint's earthing kit for my 75 yr old mom. She had rheumatoid arthritis in her shoulders, elbows & hands. After using the grounding mats from Clint Ober's site for about a month, now she's strong enough to open her own jars, work out & has no pain. I can't explain how it works but I know it works!!! I recently posted a video of her doing push-up's with Chef Babette. Thank God for Clint's ingenious invention for indoor grounding. Peace, love & blessings ✌🏾❤️🙏🏾


Puts a whole new meaning to what a "well grounded" person shoul be!


A huge shout out to Clint for his contribution to the world and my superb health as I have been grounded for over 24 years sleeping on Mr. Ober's grounding pads with an electric wire that I ran outside connected to a tuning fork that I sunk into the ground in the early days and since then sleeping on a grounded sheet on my bed over the last decade or so. I am currently 84 years old. I have no inflammation or chronic pain anywhere in my body. I can outwork people less than half my age all of which I attribute to Clint's discovery of grounding our bodies to the earth. I also go barefoot as often as possible, weather permitting. My understanding is by flooding your body with trillions of electrons daily by being grounded removes all the free radicals (an atom missing its electron) accumulated in your body, thus no inflammation, no pain. I recommend grounding/earthing to anybody in all walks of life who wants a healthy body and mind and will listen to me or go to Clint's website and learn from the man himself.


emf, rf, wifi, all of that..knocks us off of the earth's frequency. We totally need to be grounded...


For convenience in winter I keep a piece of slate by my back door. Every morning when the snow is deep, I place my slate on top of the snow and stand on it. Just a few min. makes all the difference. I'm 71, and have no inflammation in my body. Admittedly I have done this practice all my life, not knowing the science behind it. Barefoot gardening has been my passion most all my life. Napping on the ground is fantastic.


Well Clint you may not know it but your guidance comes from the Holy Spirit who prepared you to be the chosen man for this work. I am like you, as a Health Minister it is nothing I do, but the powerful insights and knowledge that I am given so people can be helped. And I am just 2 years younger than you! ❤


There might be something in this!!
In 2012 I fell 8.5m off a ladder (was a linesman).
I almost died 3 times including that fall and in the years since.
Once was “Golden Staff”…Staphylococcus Aureus.
Once in hospital when in the transition from one pain med to another.
I LOVED my job, my Boss, where I lived, the rural town and the folk within in.
I was unable to transition to other duties due to the pain.
It was that bad I struggled to go to the toilet and when I did I would sweat with anxiety.
So my Chronic lower back pain (mainly that area), but mid back as well.
Somehow my stupid body would trigger my back muscles to contract and be incredibly tight.
ONLY after laying down in bed after a few minutes would these tight muscles relax.
When they did I often felt (and heard) a crack - tension release which gave me instant pain relief.

This afternoon, while bare foot and on the lawn (both wet and dry), seeding, watering, fertilising, putting liquid wetting agent on some badly neglected lawn areas I felt pain, but not as intense as it normally was.
After walking around the house and inside the house afterwards I noticed that I only had fatigue, not massive pain, only mild pain.
My back was not tight and I had no release like I normally do after being in bed for a few minutes.
That got me thinking….WHY!

Then I stumbled across this video by complete chance (I had watched something else and it was just playing the next video)!
Talk about amazing coincidence!!!
I’m excited to think that I may have found the solution to all my physical, mental, emotional disorders!!


Big up to Clint for having to repeat again and again the whole thing. Thank you❤


Praise the creator and sustainer of all things, true knowledge comes from him. He is the way, and the truth, and the life amen!!


I've had a deep and unexplainable desire to build and live in a cob house for many years. I haven't been able to convince my husband that it's not just a mud house, but an EARTH-grounded house!


Mr. Ober radiates humility and kindness. I absolutely loved this teaching and feel I have stumbled upon a real gemstone! Thank you for your brave work, Mr. Ober! Its wild how many ways we have disconnected ourselves from the natural world and from our own optimal function. From sunglasses to shoes, we didnt evolve wearing these things!


Thank you, Clint! I am sitting outside my RV right now in the Nevada desert, in my chair, with my bare feet on the earth while listening to this video. My fingers are inflamed from overuse at work. I KNOW your info is God sent❤ TMJ, back, neck.... I KNOW I will feel better!🎉


I love Clint’s work and it really resonates with me as a Taurean Earth sign! After my Dad passed many years ago, my world felt like it had been turned upside down. I used to go to the park and lie on the grass under a tree, every day for about a month. By grounding myself (which I had no idea about at the time) it enabled me to function and to grieve and re-start my life. After watching the Earthing movie I sleep on a grounding sheet and touch the Earth when I’m out in nature walking my dog. I feel incredibly healthy and happy and never have any physical complaints. I bought a sheet for my Mum and it definitely helped her sleep. Now I tell anyone who’ll listen to me about this….. it just makes perfect sense. The Earth is part of who we are and how we function. Thankyou Clint… what a wonderful man!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏


Thanks sir for this information...this deserves hundred of thousands of likes...feel humbled by this information..mother earth is trying to protect us all the time...


I am just discovering this. I suffer with an auto immune disease and I am suffering terribly after getting covid 19 twice. It’s devastated me. Upon piecing together things, I am starting to do this, and I am sensing some improvement already. I’ve had to change my diet as well and try to switch off from ultra violet light such as from iPhones, iPad, tv etc. Thanks for uploading this. It’s wonderful


What a lovely person. Clint, you deserve a Nobel prize. 😊


Amazing ! Grounding/Earthing and static electricity was known ever since electric power became available in homes. But your dogged determination to get to the bottom of the phenomenon has enabled this remarkable insight into the role of G/E in reducing inflammation & the medical benefits that follow from this discovery.


@8:49 I resonate so much with what he says about having too much stuff. I did the same, got rid of anything and now live a more minimalist lifestyle and it feels SO good. Watching sunrises and sunsets feels incredibly wonderful. Thank you for your insight and contribution to grounding Mr. Ober, it's had a profound affect on me. God bless you.


I too work in the cable TV industry. Started with TCI in Reno NV in 1994. Still with the company but is now known as Charter Communications. In 2001 I developed a condition called Arachnoiditis which has slowly taken away my ability to walk without a walker or need a wheelchair whenever I'm out and about. I'm definitely going to get grounded! Not expecting miracles but any sort of relief or improvement would be incredible. Thanks for the info Clint!


a wisemen once told me that Italian's shoes used to be grounded because of the nails they used at the sole of their feet. and the Materials they use were organic such as leather and wood. but now a days shoes are rubber sole and synthetic fibers like polyester or acrylic.
