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I was so scared of the campaign as a kid, especially that forest level with the slenderman bosses, the old ones


I love how it started with zombies in a farm to a literal simulation


Back when pixel gun 3d is scary now its just a pay 2 win game


So nostalgic to play the campaign again since couple of years. Even though I am almost an adult, i still find this game unsettling.


The first world easily had the best level design and atmosphere, with each level filled with twists and turns. The later worlds have cool settings, but they're too short, and the levels are all just open spaces or a single room or platform. I think Virtual Worlds is especially agregious, it could have been so cool, but ended up only having one good level


Back then I refused to play those levels with tight spaces, something about Area 51 was so scary, like going down to see an alien at the bottom.


I remember playing this so long ago, I kept wondering when world 3 would come out. And now here it is.


I remember when these were actually challenging to beat xD


I remember when the “virtual world” wasn’t even a thing in the campaign


Lol the campaign mode has always had this eerie vibe to it ngl


I remember freaking out when finally beating level 2, it was so hard to me for some reason


Damn Pixel Gun's come a long way I remember when the title screen music was Bamalam.


I feel like the campaign with the original bosses and like the older version of pixel gun had a way better atmosphere. It felt more isolated and horrifying.


I'm angry they removed the old space station map.


Campaign mode should have an own inventory system, with no other weapons in the game, only the ones you win and nothing else out of the box.


Gracias, te amo, estaba buscando a alguien que tuviera el Gameplay de los 4 mundos sin que estuvieran hablando o pusieran música de fondo


I dislike world 4. It was a waste of time, and not worth the 3-4 year wait it took for it to be released. The "Cubic" villain was sprung out of nowhere with no real reason for existing in the story, most of the levels reuse old maps, the levels suck, and the twist at the end of the campaign that reveals all of world 4 never happened and was "just a game and didn't really happen in the story" was stupid. For the most part, you could just skip world 4 and move on to 5 (when it's released), and you'd barely miss a thing. Also, the characters from the previous worlds are not brought up and are never heard from in this world. It's like the developers forgot about them-- and I'm willing to bet they won't make an appearance whenever the protagonist ever escapes this internet-prison he's in. What I hate most is the fact that most of the story in world 4 involved recruiting teammates that serve no purpose in the campaign, both in the gameplay and the story, especially at the final level. Absolutely pointless. The final level looks plain, which is a smaller grievance of mine. The fight goes down on a large rooftop with not much to look at. My final issue: the cubic hat reward was bad. It isn't a cool weapon, like the world 3 reward. It doesn't even give any special attributes or effects to the player who wears it-- it's just a random hat. All it does is show other players that you've completed the absolute worst installment in the campaign "franchise." I'm treating this way too much like it's a movie series with a bad fourth film, which is pretty funny.

My overall campaign ranking:

World 1 - 8/10. I like the dark and somewhat realistic apocalypse theme. It's really great, and it seems like any normal apocalypse story or film. That's all I pretty much have to say about it-- It's really great.

World 2 - 7/10. It's... decent. Maybe just "okay." There isn't as many levels and it gives a less dark and more "fun" story as well as less dark and scary monsters and levels. This one also includes a fantasy theme that is less realistic than the previous world. This fantasy theme would carry on for the rest of the series, and it wasn't exactly my most favorite change. But I think the new theme and the world, itself, is okay. Another positive with this world is that it definitely does add a lot to the overall story.

World 3 - 9/10. I love it. The levels are cool, the wizard is an interesting character, the lore of the Coding Bug creature and the origins of the apocalypse is intriguing, and the world 3 reward was a good gun. It didn't deal much damage, but it gave some good rocket jump. Again, I'm not the biggest fan of the fantasy theme, but I think it's done really well, here.

World 4 - 4/10. Like I said, this was not an improvement by any means. I guess some stuff was okay, like the game references, the design of the Cubic boss, and the attempt at creativity with levels like "Jump Box." But, overall, it adds nothing to the story, forgets about previously-established characters, and has a disappointing ending. At the end, the main character winds up in the same place and scenario he was in at the beginning of the story. He doesn't really grow as a character, he doesn't really learn anything... other than, I guess, the fact that he's trapped in a game. The only level I kinda liked was the penultimate level, the "Citadel." I kinda liked the boss and the Terminator reference.

Anyway, if you don't agree with me, that's perfectly fine. It's just something I like to think and rant about in my head for fun.

Okay I'm done. If you read all of that, you are awesome.


weird seeing this game so evolved nowadays... I remember when you used to be able to put full armor on and that one nightshift map with the fountain and the brick buildings.


13:24 this stage scare shit out of me when i was 7


I frickin struggled during the campaign especially in the creators simulation (parallel world lvl 5 final) and here HE is killing these dudes like it’s nothing
