Age of Heroes Preview – LIVING SETTLEMENT & COMPANIONS | Conan Exiles

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A summary of the newly announced Age of Heroes for Conan Exiles. The new Age will bring the Living Settlement system & unique Companions. We look at all the details that have been confirmed for Chapter 1 of Age of Heroes.

0:00 – Age of Heroes Preview
0:46 – Living Settlement System
4:13 – Companions
6:43 – New Bazaar Items & Building Set

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🚩 Start of the Public Beta has been pushed to Tuesday, 3 September! 🚩


When all works out right...the living settelment would be a nice edition to making basebuilding more immersive.


I play solo, so I'm THRILLED to see that my builds might actually feel lived in! (And not due to the odd bug of logging in and having to find where my dancer/guard/pet teleported to!)


I'm perfectly fine with immersion being fine tuned. Granted, I'm a solo player who doesn't use mods, and making the world feel more occupied and alive is always welcome for me.

I'm definitely excited for companions. The idea of following another Exiles story to gain them as a special follower, and the ability to fine tune them with your choices in their story, sounds like quite the enticing treat, again, as a solo player.

New bazaar stuff looks very well made, but their recent prices have left me leery. I'll have to wait and see how they progress the bazaar before I get excited for anything I see there.


I have to admit, I am extremely excited for this kind of thing in the game.


i'm looking forwad to having my thralls actually freely walking around it will make it feel more immersive


There’s a lot of potential with this update. Entire cities and empires can be built and actually feel functional


You should also create a new Thrall. " Builder Thrall" to repair your building so you don't have to.


"Beautiful, but probably costly too." Hahaha, I love you guys


Finally they are working on Thralls more cant wait.


good! I always asked my self why did Skyrim NPCs felt way more alive than the NPCs in Conan Exiles.


yeah, this chapter isn't doing anything I thought would happen or where I was hoping the game would go, but I'm pretty excited.


Looking forward to the new Age - more immersion on the way (once we're past the usual Updates, Patches, and Hotfixes once released.
Tavern was the test-drive, now culminating with the Age of Heroes. Fun!


Servers are going to take a hit from this for sure, with tight building limits and low follower counts.


Pissed about crafters taking up valuable fighter and archer slots


Love the idea of dressing your crafter


This has been delayed, they was supposed to break the game again in September, so the modders could have it fixed for October. Now, it's probably going to be broken again for Christmas when they roll out the next update. If the update could be trusted not to break your game, it's a good idea, again one already implemented by modders but good for console players


You should allow Thralls to ride horses. We all want mounted archers and warriors.

You should allow Thralls to be grouped unto small armies of 10 followers.

Followers that can be moved around the map by point and click while in map mode. And people should be able to see Thrall armies run by or ride by.

You should introduce "trade" posts and ships through depots and negotiations between clans and allow people to see the caravans go back and forth and allow them to be raided during PvP time by rival clans

You should allow "chariots". Where you can have 1 person, 2 person or 3 person chariots and tier levels to allow transport of clan members or followers.

You should bring in war carts. And Thrall enslavement carts that are mobile and allow harvesting Thralls with mobility.

You should create mobile resource gathering carts that allow people to carry more resources than a backpack Thrall or caravan rhino.

You should allow crossbows as weapons, muskets, cannons.

You should allow war ships with Cannons, catapult or scorpions. Ships that can transport 2 armies (20 thralls). Different classes of ships. Trireme and other Galleys, sailboat, Frigate class.

Have many different types of boats from papyrus, catamaran, life raft, bireme, trireme. Quinquireme, corvus, caraval, Frigate... etc.


Nice, I look forward to the update! I hope one of the future chapters adds thrall appearance customization, also hoping pets become a little stronger


So much promise.. We have been running Beta for a week now on a established profile. Our workers after the update, could be found in the benches, but also had a copy working the bench. Pulled the new ones from the bench and placed them in the world. They took off doing there thing, and most of the placeholder copies showing on benches at log in disappeared. Pathing seemed to be an issue for all of them. Some ( cooks ) never returned to a stove. Many of our t3 or lower workers ended up in G9, hovering 300ft in the air there. Thrall pots.. the workers do use them, but tend to like to go to the back of it. Ours was against a inner mote wall. Found 12 workers had gone threw the fence and landed huddled together 1 and a half foundations down. None tried to path out ( there are stairs around the corner) . Moved the pot away from the wall. Because the very developed base is in a rainy area, we built a roof over the pot. No more workers in the mote, but they do a neat little tele when changing where they are headed, and end up on the roof over the pot.
I get that its in beta, really dig the idea. But it is no where near where is should be for release. In forts that have years of build and tons of workers, because you needed a T4 for every bench! Sure now you don't, but trained workers, should not just disappear.
Just created 2 armorers for another base in same server. Teleported away to another small camp, and upon return, both T4 armorers are gone. Says returning home, but how, when, and why are they not in range of a bench ( armory, and Tink ) they had both been to. This base is on top of a far east bay, super tall island. They won't be pathing by foot back lol.
Again, no doubt, the concept and what has been added sound and look great on the cover, but throw it into a congested build, years of progression, and busy servers. Eeck gads. Things that look and work fine with current game stations, do not work with the pathing. A shelve over a stove can stop pathing to said stove. A ash bucket next to a worker, works as things are now, but pathing has an issue with such deco. A bed under a shallow roof? agian the brief tele a worker does when changing from sleep, throws them on the roof. Found 5 over the bed. It fit, worked as a spawn point, but not for workers...Now add 20 some mods to a server( supported by funcoms stance and support materials ), one can only imagine the mayhem. gl all.
