If you think marriage sucks…

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Watch this next: The #1 Reason Most Men Can’t Provide Today!


A friend once said, "if you treat your marriage like prison everything looks like freedom."


He's talking about being a mature self-aware adult.


If a man tells me that being married to me is making him miserable

My next words will be
Let me help you pack

No arguing
No fussing
No convincing
No therapy

Just packing
His things or mine

If people realize how precious life is. And how time is not to be wasted. You would understand what I’m saying here. Anybody that doesn’t want to be kept
don’t try to keep them.


This video highlighted something real. The comments are ridiculous. The pointing of fingers back and forth between men and women is real. That's the problem. Focus on accountability of yourself before accountability of others. You can only fix yourself.


A man who falls into temptation is NO LEADER but a follower


When a man buys into the illusion that he can live a life of reckless lust and passion and still win in the end he will end up physically, spiritually, and often financially emotionally bankrupt in the end. He will look back over his life and be very sad and disappointed in the end. The world offers temporary pleasures. A Godly marriage offers stability, peace, security, love, and joy when it’s done God’s way.


I don’t do any of these things, I’ve maybe had a beer or two in the last couple years. I genuinely have the most wonderful relationship with the most wonderful woman in the world. I would never let porn ruin that. People don’t know how much porn fucks them up


You're right my brother, having counseled many many dudes you are absolutely correct. Immature fellas lack accountability, maturity, responsibility, morals, values, insight, discipline, true honesty and dislike anyone that don't pander to their excuses of why they are not doing the right thing (anyone that holds them accountable) VS the wise mature men have admitted they needed healing, lacked discipline, maturity and accountability and have went to get help by seeking God, doing the work, healing, taking accountability, changing their ways and thus have become better men which is the exact same journey the immature females that desired to become wise, healed mature women had to travel in order to become better women. We all have to take a deep honest hard look in the mirror in order to change & heal. Thank you for keeping it real Tony. Keep doing God's work my brother, you're doing a good job. God bless all. Keep healing, take it to God & he will help.


Whew this comment section 😂… I’m sorry but some of y’all lack discipline. We live in a world where you want to do what you want and no one can say anything about it. Some of the vices you enjoy are killing you spiritually. We gotta do better.


Also because...ppl marry ppl for what they do, instead of who they are.


Women can definitely be at fault as well, BUT a man looking in the mirror n answering these questions FIRST is a good starting point


Correct! My ex husband watch porn and did everything you said. I divorced him. Couldn't put up with the narcissistic behavior any more. You can't change a narcissistic person. I am happy and my blessing is flowing into my life without the negativity.


I’ve been married for 28 years and this was my first time hearing someone break it down like this. When we got married a pastor did our premarital counseling, but did not touch on any of this. Thank God my husband did not have any of those struggles, but it would have been good for us both to understand on a deeper level than what the pastor discussed.


The initial list of things he said are: Distancing Strategies Love Avoidants Use To Evade Intimacy. They consciously or unconsciously deny their needs for attachment and connection. They are compulsively self-reliant and feel a deep need to keep others at arm’s length in order to preserve a sense of autonomy and independence. It’s all due to trauma or unheralded wounds. 😢


As a man I will admit he made a valid point. It’s true that there are some men that hate ourselves (but I add UNKNOWINGLY) because loving ourselves has ever been presented as an important quality in this framework of masculinity we’re presented with. There’s a list we are given to fulfill and become yet that one item has always been omitted. I recently discovered its importance and am making it the core of all that I teach my sons.


Help these men out brother Tony! All praises to our Heavenly Father..


Another one is “are you addicted to social media?” They pay no attention to their own family ignoring everyone with a phone stuffed in front of their face instead. Getting attention from strangers.


Even if your girl is the hottest woman you’ve ever seen in your life, treats you well, and takes care of your heart and soul, a man who does not love himself will still be unsatisfied

Edit: Totally was not expecting a comment war 😂 I think that says a lot within itself . If you know, you know . Keep it real, and more importantly, keep it real with YOURSELF. 💯


EPHESIANS 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it
