Understanding Noam Chomsky #6: Rationalism vs. Empiricism (with Norbert Hornstein)

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This conversation is part of the 'Understanding Noam Chomsky' Series ('Dare to know!' Philosophy Podcast). Today we are joined by Norbert Hornstein. Norbert Hornstein is Professor of Linguistics at University of Maryland. He is the author of several books including ‘Understanding Minimalism’ & ‘A Theory of Syntax’. Today, we will talk in particular about Professor Hornstein’s articles ‘'Empiricism and Rationalism as Research Strategies’ & ‘The Rationalism of Generative Grammar’.

In this episode of the Dare to know! Podcast we discuss Rationalism vs. Empiricism on the Mind, Truth, & Knowledge.



My name is Fabian Corver, living in the Netherlands. I graduated last year from my Master's in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow. Currently, working for AI-focused start-up and reading lots of philosophy at night.


0:00 - Introduction
0:48 - Background
3:34 - How is knowledge possible?
6:44 - Empiricist: Theory of Mind
11:15 - Rationalist: Theory of Mind
13:38 - Content/Mechanism Innateness
18:46 - Empiricist: Theory of Truth
21:24 - Problem with Empiricist: Learning Theory
29:40 - Rationalist: Theory of Truth?
34:28 - Chomsky: A Realist?
37:36 - A Kantian Non-Realist Theory of Truth?
44:06 - Theories & Intelligibility
49:14 - I-Language/E-Language
52:58 - Science Forming Faculty
58:56 - Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
1:03:28 - Competence/Performance & Grammaticality/Acceptability
1:14:04 - Capacities vs. Regularities
1:21:10 - Biases & the Acquisition Task
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 - Introduction
0:48 - Background
3:34 - How is knowledge possible?
6:44 - Empiricist: Theory of Mind
11:15 - Rationalist: Theory of Mind
13:38 - Content/Mechanism Innateness
18:46 - Empiricist: Theory of Truth
21:24 - Problem with Empiricist: Learning Theory
29:40 - Rationalist: Theory of Truth?
34:28 - Chomsky: A Realist?
37:36 - A Kantian Non-Realist Theory of Truth?
44:06 - Theories & Intelligibility
49:14 - I-Language/E-Language
52:58 - Science Forming Faculty
58:56 - Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
1:03:28 - Competence/Performance & Grammaticality/Acceptability
1:14:04 - Capacities vs. Regularities
1:21:10 - Biases & the Acquisition Task


Excellent. Among other things, I've GOT the 'rationalism' 'empiricism' distinction, which I've been looking at recently. And that understanding is a source of light on many matters.


Like many here I suppose, I have long been captivated by Chomsky's "takes" on Life, the Universe, and Everything and so delight in having stumbled upon this wonderful series of interviews. (Digressions... I confess to being daunted by the prospect of listening to the Kantian stuff and may simply not, coward that I am. Also, and utterly non-sequitorily, it's weirdly ironic that this incredible access to all sorts of wisdom via channels like this comes at the very last gasp, it seems likely, of human civilization. God appears to be a jealous one indeed. Anyway....) Thanks so much to FabianC and to all concerned!
Another thinker who has long fascinated me is Douglas Hofstadter. I realize that there is very little obvious overlap between these two and their respective work but one seeming point of contact is the centrality of recursion to both. I have nothing the least bit clever to say about this but would be thrilled to find that someone did.


Patterns and regularities... "very few examples..." It's not clear how "regular" these regularities must be. Are sine waves regular but water waves too chaotic?


It would be nice if this fine interviewer could rid himself of the "kind of" verbal tic.
