How were people saved before Jesus died for our sins? | How were people saved in the OT?

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How were people saved before Jesus died for our sins? When it comes to knowing the way to salvation, how to be saved, or the difference between the old and now testament, many are confused when it comes to Old Testament Salvation. Before Jesus how were people saved? Is faith in the Old Testament based on and looking forward to Jesus when it comes to Old Testament saints? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, how were people saved before Jesus died for our sins?

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In the Old Testament God had people sacrifice animals, the shedding of blood, for the forgiveness of sins, God required it, so it was done. When Jesus died on the cross, his blood was shed for our sins. He was the last sacrifice needed, for He is the lamb of God.


The video did answer the question. Having faith in God was what saved the believers before Jesus Christ's time. Remember, the Hebrews practiced Judaism, at that time, which is a "belief in one transcendent God" who communicated directly with such chosen people as Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and the other prophets in the old testament.


Amen!!! Thank you very much for this video. All praise, glory, and honor to Almighty God and to our Lord, God, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ!!!


Faith means that you trust God is not trying to trick you, but wants a relationship with you. He did that through the cross. Proved his love for you.


Before the law was there was the promise that God would save us not just from slavery but from servitude to sin, the law acted as kind of a mirror to our face but God had always made the promise first. the law came down to Moses who walked by faith, just like Abraham before him. The law was never really a list of things you can't do in general it's a list of things you will do if you love the Lord and his creation.


This and all the pther videos Ive watched are exactly how Ive been taught as Ive learned.. You make it clear with scripture. The truth is always getting better and better! Amen


Hey Brian…today is your day of Salvation!


Just think about when we were children we believe in our parents that they will protect us love us and feed us, we don't know how they will do it but we know they will do it


In the Old Testament, people were saved by God's grace and faith.


Wow this was such an excellent explanation, thank you! I have been super blessed by your work, all! 😄


To put it in perspective. In the revelation of the Last Days. Christ will be physical again and his full acceptance will lead to final salvation in life or rejection will right there and then put one on the side of the Enemies armies in the final battle .


Please someone hook me up with the name of the background music


So, to summarize, a person alive 5, 000 years ago who was born on the other side of the planet of where all the biblical events and revelations took place, would be saved by Jesus in the future if they had faith in the concept of God as it was known to them in that place and time?


What about people who lived before Christ and lived in China for example. They didn't worship the God of Israel, right? Did they know they had a sin problem and needed a savior?


The original sin oh yes let's talk about that


I generally agree with this video accept that I firmly believe OT saints all the way back to Adam and Eve knew a lot more than they are given credit. Remember too that God spoke to them in person, I believe pre-incarnate appearances of Jesus Christ. Something happened BEFORE God clothed Adam and Eve with those coats of skins from some innocent animals. Now what could that be? Oh yes, God Himself would have to have slain innocent animals, shedding their blood, and then making coats of skins for them. Although not specifically stated in the passage it is certainly implied and I don't think it is taking something out of the passage that is not there. I believe all truly saved OT saints KNEW that God Himself would one day come as their Messiah, the Anointed One Who would one day bear their sins in His own body and take the wrath of God for their transgressions upon Himself. See Isaiah 53 for starters. The concept of imputed righteousness is clearly found in Pslams 32. Job, the oldest of the OT books knew that "My Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth." The concept of Messiah being God who would bear our sins one day I believe started with Adam and Eve. Certainly nobody has ever been saved accept through faith in the shed blood of the Lamb of God, period


What about people before the resurrection who knew not Jesus is God. How would they know Christ when it was not preached to them in the OT.


To him give all the prophets
witness, that through his name
whosoever believeth in him shall
receive remission of sins.


No one can be save before Jesus paid for our sins.


Brother, I hate to spoil your day but the altar call was an American invention, along with the entire notion of being “saved.” The altar call first appeared in the massive tent revivals of the Great Awakening in the 1800s and were used to provide an emotional response or catharsis as the ancient Greeks called it. It allowed for audience participation and really helped open up wallets for those preachers to collect massive offerings . Still works today, look at the mega churches. It’s an Evangelical concept that nobody else uses because it’s a blatant scam.
