Your Greatest Enemy May Surprise You | Jordan Peterson Motivation

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I met Jordan Peterson in Forth Worth, Texas last weekend. When I spotted him walking with his wife, I walked over to him and could barely get a word out. As someone who has read his books and benefited greatly from them, I was genuinely starstruck. I literally couldn’t make out the sentence that I was trying to say. When he saw how nervous I was he gave me a big smile and shook my hand and asked what my name was. I’m here to tell you Dr. Jordan Peterson is the exact same man in person as he presents himself in these sort of interviews and lectures. God bless that man.


Dr Peterson, I am a physician who has listened to you for years, and if I could humbly tell you one thing, it would be this… it must be lonely being the smartest person in the room. However, that loneliness is a product of the gift of clarity and true understanding. Please don’t doubt your worth because those around you don’t possess the same gifts. God bless you and remember there are thousands of people all over the world that you have helped….and you don’t even know it. In my humble opinion, one can’t ask for something more altruistic than helping another. Dr Kristin Terenzi


Jordan Paterson is one of the most inpirational guys in the world ♥️
who's agree ?


Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world ❤


When I listen to the pain in Jordan's voice, it makes me sad. A man of such knowledge and understanding of which other's have contributed purposely to his pain. Keep doing what you do Jordan, you are helping many people in many more ways than what you will ever imagine.


The last 5 minutes choked me up. Please don’t stop talking. You say everything I’ve always wanted to know


Dr Peterson, there has been no one, literally no one else in my last four years as helpful to me as you were. You cannot imagine to what degree I used your words and made a lot of efforts to drag myself out of blackness of suffering. Some shallow people cannot neither understand nor appreciate your true heart, do not worry about that man, God is still there, will watch us for our endeavors to remain noble. Love from Iran.


Jordan is truly a treasure to humanity. Rescuing more people than he knows, and pointing us towards a better path.


Love this guy, he's exactly what this world needs, a brilliant person with compassion and still doesn't take any


I love this man so much. He’s been such a light in the darkness in my life. He seems like one of the most genuine people on the planet. He’s so honest.


I am going to just go ahead and write this. My relationship with my wife, family, friends, colleagues and work have improved dramatically ever since I have started listening to your videos. I feel more fulfilled now and don't just put a band aid on my festering wounds. I disinfect and heal them. It's hard but it's worth it. Thank you Dr Peterson. You are more worthy than you can ever comprehend. Thank you for being in our lives. You have alleviated a lot of unnecessary suffering in my life and I mean a lot, Man..


Dr Peterson. You may have saved an entire generation. You suffer because you love and care about people deeply. Because youve put a life time's scholarship and practice into understand the human conditon. Thank you for doing for us what we couldnt do for ourselves.


Jordan don't let anyone bring you down, that's all people are trying to do for no reason other than jealously and it's sad. You are absolutely brilliant!!!!


To the *incredible person* that's seeing this, I wish you all the best in life❤ don't over blame yourself, accept things and go forward. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn the skills needed and get after it, all the keys to a happy life is in your hands. Keep pushing.


This man saved my life. He articulately says what all of us know deep down. If every professor was like Jordan our world wouldn’t be such a mess.

He’s controversial because the world is in a state of psychosis and can’t accept the truth.


Peterson is a living legend. We have to appreciate this guy whilst he's still here. I urge those who dislike him to give him a genuine chance. He is pure. He only wants to help. He doesn't state things to hurt. He states things to push us all to being better people. Anyone who is watching this, allow him into your life. You won't regret it. He is a rock for an army of optimistic souls.


What an incredible man! His passion, his heartache, his authenticity, his vulnerability is so beautiful! Thank you Jordan for sharing your heartfelt gifts with the world! Truly inspiring 🙏❤


I’m loving JP MORE AND MORE. He is growing in unexpected ways. He’s FASCINATING AND BRILLIANT. And humble enough to grow and learn . He’s one of a kind. He shows emotions, even sometimes crying. That is so amazing in such a genius of a man. Mad respect to Jordan and love.


I'm short of words to describe this man level of wisdom and his ability to communicate it


Your words are honest and enlightening. Anyone who can't see that isn't ready to hear. Thank you.💜
