5000-Year-Old Book Found in Egypt REVEALS Horrifying Message About Human Existence

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The 5000-year-old book of Enoch has just been found, and several have stated that the texts would cause an uproar among believers. There have been several debates on whether or not the book of Enoch should be regarded as one of the books in the Bible and fixed into the apocalyptic category. However, there have been doubts about its accuracy and how it contradicts the principles of the modern orthodox church. Since the translation of his texts, it has been discovered that he has influenced much of the New Testament, and several epistles have made several references to his book. At one time, it was accessible until it was banned by church fathers and the government for its contradicting views. Now that it has been reintroduced and made known to believers, what message does it pass?
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The book was hidden because they don't want you to know God is within us and we all are manifestations of one whole. We are far more powerful then most will ever know; they have to keep people asleep and unaware otherwise they lose control.


I'm self educating in Ancient Civilizations. The more I delve into the Book of Enoch, the more I want to understand it. I believe this was hidden away to keep civilization from the truth. As the bible books were put together by a group of men deciding want should be known and what should not. And just like the Crusades beat, tortured and murdered people to follow "their" religion.


Every knee shall bow and every tounge confess that Jesus is the Christ.


My view on the book of Enoch 1 is that it was mandatory teaching in ancient Israel and was written somewhere around 150 - 200 yrs before the birth of Christ. It was so important its mentioned in several scriptures. But at the council of Nicene some 300 years after the ressurection of Christ it was pulled along with many books and considered of value but not inspired. Much was done to supress the information about the Nephilim and giants of old. The reasons to this is found in the story of Babel when God came down and seperated and scattered the people who were of one continent and language. Nimrod was building a portal to reach heaven and without the intervention of God would have succeeded. These black arts would have all but destroyed man so his language were divided as were the borders of his countries. Each country became the kingdom so to speak of the fallen Watchers, the principalities who ruled over man from the heavens. This wrakened their forces and dominion. These Watchers rule the governments of man to this day except for the land given in a covenant to honor God. This was and still is all that was assigned to Israel and the 10 tribes and America. If people had the knowledge that wicked angels assigned as watchers were ultimately responsible for the evil in the governments of man we would be able to fight them as a spiritual battle. Since the gift of the HOLY Spirit was given to believers in Christ along with His indwelling presence we have authority over them and if this became wide knowledge Satan would be so pushed back and evil so suppressed that his one world rule would take forever to come into power. It's interesting to me that while evil is coming to light so it's the revival of the church. Only this time she's not rising as a religious institution. Sso has the giants who've been hidden come to the forefront along with the stories of the sons of God having offspring with the daughters of men. Nephilim is now ahot topic on the internet and people are discovering how the mythologies of ancient Greece and Rome are actual accounts of the Nephilim and the mixing of angelic DNA human and animal DNA to create hybrids and transhumans. Today is a repeat of ancient times.


Hey man, Noah being Enoch's grandson makes us all decendants of Enoch . Directly. God bless you


Enoch and Elijah are in the Gospel of Nicodemus Acts of Pilate Audiobook on YouTube at the end of that Book after Jesus risen from the dead, after Jesus went to get all of the prophets before him and Adam and Eve, they went into Heaven and they saw 2 men approaching them of ancient days and they asked "Who are you", and one of them said "I am Enoch and this is WOW!!


Intentionally hidden from mankind but revealed, the truth is we have divine godlyness in us and don’t need any submisión to religions who intended to hide the truth to mantain their dominance


I find this fascinating. The Ethiopian connection to the Bible is evident, and possibly the reason is the Ethiopian Eunuch, baptized by Phillip. That man may well have had a hand in preserving and creating this following. I don't see a mention of him in this; however, it begs a probability.


Beautiful. Thankyou very much. Enoch was a very special person indeed ✨️🙏✨️


The book of Enoch specifically the first book represents truth of Enoch’s life and tasks he performed on earth. The apocrypha has books that were removed from the Bible. There is a wealth of truth and knowledge in these books.


Beautiful narrator: well developed voice, elegant articulation.


Mm, there hadn't been anyone visit the area having just so coincidentally visiting the Vatican, had there? Constantin Tischendorf, who claimed to have 'found' the oldest copy of the Bible (Codex Sinaiticus) whilst visiting St Catherine's Monastery in the foothills of Mt Sinai, he had conveniently visited the Vatican, immediately prior to his trip. The story was questionable and someone else claimed the work was his, and wasn't ancient at all. Knowing the Jesuits have been working to undermine the Bible for centuries, all these claims need treating with caution.


Enoch was the scribe of God. He wrote 366 books. The books of Enoch and the book of Jasher are refered to throughout the Bible, both in the old and new testaments. The book of Jasher is a more detailed account of the history from Eden up to David if I can recall. They were a part of the Dead Sea scrolls


No Hebrew fragments of the Book of Enoch have survived to this day.

There are remnants of the Book of Enoch in other languages, however, specifically in Latin, Greek and Aramaic.

Arguably the Aramaic fragments discovered as part of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran are the most famous.

This makes sense since they are some of the oldest surviving manuscripts of biblical and apocryphal texts.

These included several other non-canonical texts aside from the Book of Enoch, such as the Book of Tobit, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Sirach and the Book of Giants.
This means the book you are talking about can only be from between 1500 and 1000 BC. Not 5000 years old. The oldest versions would be in Hebrew but no such copies exist. Any copy in Aramaic would be from a much later period than you claim.




Enoch was in the Bible they took it out because it was controversial.


I don’t know how many times the world can take being Shocked.


Not the children of the fallen angel were called Nephilim but the fallen Angels themselves. The term is derived from the Hebrew root NFL meaning falling. It is also to be found in the Greek word Nephele meaning cloud, in the nordic "Niflheim" of the Edda which means the Tartarus, the homestead of the fallen angels and in the term "Nibelungen".


In the name of Allah(God), the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent.”


Doing studies of person's mystical experience as well as secular persons taking drugs in the early 1970's while at a college under London University, I found the whole journey in the Egyptian Book of the Dead in those who took drugs. I looked at shamans as well as peoples of other countries and here was the same story as the LSD taker. So I recognise bits you mentioned re Enoch's writings. What was especially interesting was that the sequence of events of those "journeying" included the same truths taught in Scripture re the existence of Hell, Heaven, Judgement, Purgatory, demons and angels. It was clear that these religious truths are written into a person's unconscious mind. There was however, a difference between those mystical visions given to saints and those similar experiences in drug takers. The saints kept a full conscious healthy mind with equilibrium and sanity and a full moral life of virtue, but the drug-uses had "holes drilled" by the drug down through to that same state in the unconscious and these caused mental problems needing eventual mental home stays and in some cases suicide. It appeared that the barrier, or seal, between the conscious and unconscious mind could be likened to the seal of virginity. My conclusions were, that the saints being illumined by God was able to effect those things where grace had brought them out to substantiate or elucidate some religious truth which enabled a teaching of this truth through imagery. This enlightened understanding and the experience did not break through that ''seal of mental virginity". Conversely, those who did it with drugs broke through that seal to their eventual mental destruction as well as immorality. So I recognised some of those things re the writings you have discussed finding in those ancient writings. The shamans also did this with drugs. Also there was a third way that did not either use the unconscious or drugs, but were simply brought about by evil spirits giving visions and fantasies which led persons to think they had special "powers" but in their life context their was no stable morality. Apart from all this too, it must be remembered that the Silk Road, the Incense Road and the Trade Road did bring the ancient teachings of India to the Canaanites, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Babylon where it all got intertwined into the local paganism and was also carried across to China. Being that the religious "mystical" element was common, one can see why the old civilizations simply took it on and added their own brands to it.
