Scala & Kolacny Brothers - Use Somebody

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I don't think this video is meant to be taken literally, I think his wife is already dead. But just because someone is dead that doesn't mean they disappear from our minds or hearts. The husband seeks the comfort and company of "someone like you and all you know and how you speak", the companionship he had with his wife when she was alive. But, even though she wouldn't hate him for doing it and she would understand (as shown by her stroking his head in the car), he still feels like he's cheated on her by going into the brothel and destroying the sanctity of their marriage. Afterwards, his action opens the floodgates (the metaphorical flooding of his home and distruction of their things and the possessions that remain that he cares about - his stamp collection) of his emotions. The coffee cups at the end show that his wife was really no longer physically there (her coffee hadn't been touched) but was metaphorically still with him (he made two coffees even though she is dead). An excellent and heartbreaking video about grief, loss, love and loneliness. And a stunning rendition of the song as always by scala.


I went to Iraq in 2008 while I was in the Marine Corps. Some of the things I saw, heard and felt were unimaginable. Returning home after 10 months in hell was the hardest thing I've done. I could've used somebody but I didn't know it at the time. A beautiful take on my favorite songs.


i remember my beloved grandma. she was suffering from chronic kidney disease during her last months, and during that time i was praying that God would take her out of her suffering already...I prepared my heart and mind for the day that God will take her from us; but when that faithful day came last July, it still hurt like hell.... :(


This is my favorite choir in the world singing one of my favorite songs, in the background of an amazing video.... What more could you want?


I'm 33 today, I've known you for... at least 15 years.
That's the only music I can feel going through my spine, giving me shivers, again and again from the first to the last note.
You are really special to me.
Thank you for existing.


She is dying/dead. He can't take the fact that his one true love is dying/dead. He is trying to move on. He went to a brothel but in the end, he just ended up feeling more empty. He misses her. He even made 2 cups of coffee--one for him & one for her. But as we know, she probably won't recover... It's beautiful yet so sad...


This video touches the essence of humanity. In the deepest and rawest sense, people can connect to the meaning.


Wow what a powerful video. I truly felt she was trying to get him to truly see she could use somebody but he was just so overwhelmed with her illness that he didn't truly notice her. At the end the showing of the clock was like their time is running out and I do agree with the other person who said the rain represented her tears! This was awesome!


I'm choked, how music and video can leave your heart stunned is unreal


Man, what a story! The director is a poet, if you ask me.


sowas trauriges hab ich lang nicht mehr gehört....die message, die rüberkommt, is hammer...ich hab gänsehaut...


As a Marine who too has been to far away lands for far too long, I feel your pain Marine. I did too many tours and too many nights spent away from loved ones. This song does reach deeply into our hearts, sung in such a melancholy way as to evoke a deeper feeling of despair and longing. I do wish it showed a happier ending, however, I believe I understand the meaning of the video coupled with the song. Good luck Marine, I hope everything has become better since you left Iraq.


I love the 2nd altos on this song. They bring depth to the sopranos. Incredible.


The saddest music video I have ever seen, and one of the best.


I've been looking for this rendition forever, and here it is!

Beautiful, and thank you.


i just cried. so many spouses with people in comas just screw around to try and fulfill the emptiness left by their other's unprecedented absence.


i just sat with my mouth open throughout this song i was glued to the screen, dont think ive ever heard a greater version to this song than this one!


Yeah...this made me cry very hard. Such a powerful video. Thank you for creating and sharing.


The video interpetation of this song by the Scala & Kolacny Brothers is just spectacular. It should be an image the enire world should see that we need to all come together for those in need, not just shelter, food & clothes, but simple companionsip.


I've never heard the original version of this song. I think I'll keep it that way.
top 10 saddest vids ever but everyone needs to see
