AD Thresh in 1 Minute or Less

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As much as I can tell you in 1 minute.
"OneShot" AD Thresh Guide Here!:


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This isn't a new meta freelo build of any kind, just a fun alternative. It takes far more work to make this work than a lot of other conventional top laners, but it DOES work, I think. Don't knock it till you try it, I guess.

Since I can't fit too much in a #Shorts video, here's some more info to get you going.
Play in Top Lane with Grasp of the Undying as your keystone, starting Doran's Blade, Shield, or Corrupting Pot depending on matchup. Use Teleport unless confident you can kill your opponent.
I recommend Titanic Hydra first then tank mythic like Sunfire or Frostfire, especially if you're new to AD Thresh, since it's most likely the best build for him right now, and your mistakes are punished far harder if you're going for squishier 'true' AD builds.
Against even tougher matchups, you can try Fleet Footwork to sustain without having to hit your opponent like Grasp. Sett and Darius can be real tough if you misstep with Grasp.
And finally, never ever forget to pick up souls.
I'll release dedicated longer guides for each playstyle at a later time. Thanks for watching.


MOBAFire and ITEM SETS for AD Thresh here!


Stream music is by Gamechops

Hey, you read the description, big PP energy to you!


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Since I can't fit too much in a #Shorts video, here's some more info to get you going.

Play in Top Lane with Grasp of the Undying as your keystone, starting Doran's Blade, Shield, or Corrupting Pot depending on matchup. Use Teleport unless confident you can kill your opponent.

I recommend Titanic Hydra first then tank mythic like Sunfire or Frostfire, especially if you're new to AD Thresh, since it's most likely the best build for him right now, and your mistakes are punished far harder if you're going for squishier 'true' AD builds.
Against even tougher matchups, you can try Fleet Footwork to sustain without having to hit your opponent like Grasp. Sett and Darius can be real tough if you misstep with Grasp.
And finally, never ever forget to pick up souls.

I'll release dedicated longer guides for each playstyle at a later time. Thanks for watching.


Compact guide is nice, quick overview, then longer guides for details.


"do this and that or do something that makes you have fun"
thats how a guide should sound <3


Duskblade thresh my favorite. One shotting with an auto then going invis is so satisfying


Cryo, wtf, why are you so awesome? I was telling a friend of mine ab AD Thresh and so I was ab to do some digging in your channel, but then this video stumbled onto my feed in an instant just when I needed it.


Fun fact these types of builds work for most bruisers that need a bit of wave clear, or wouldn't mind having the extra bit of on hit aoe. Meaning, thresh is actually a decent bruiser when it comes to AD matchups


I am the main thresh top thanks to you greetings from Argentina


Nasus has the highest empowered auto attack.
Everyone: No shit.


Build request: Runaans, guinsoo, and titanic. Build whatever else just make it so you cleave as much as possible.


I love to play thresh top like this:
Grasp plus precision secondary
Stridebreaker then titanic next I build steraks or black cleaver and tank items for the end it


thresh has the strongest aa in the game. jhin: am i a joke to you?


Youtube be like: Ah yes, the League Champion called 'fresher'.


I just want to try thresh top, but it wouldnt be tank or regular AD thresh but some more bruiser like, that sounds cool


Just as Information... Since this Video, his minimal Damage from Souls on Attacks got buffed from 1 per Soul -> 1.5 per Soul.


What do you recommend for adc thresh with blitzcrank support. We have been doing darkharvest galeforce crit on thresh, am curious of your opinion and what you might think would be a good idea


So my cat Just liked it. That means she likes u so i think i need to sub


I either do a ap bruiser(like mordekaiser) of just straight up on hit (varus/kog'maw) build.


Tbh I stopped playing ad threah when they removed statikk.
I used to start dagger and pots then farm till I had enough for boots and a kircheis.
After statikk you could punish for farming virtually risk free and shove when you want to roam.


I'm going to do this in WR when he releases wish me luck


Funniest thresh : galeforce, collector, infinity edge, rapidfire cannon, stormrazor, berserker boots, and take hail of blades as rune. With this you'll be able to one-shot every squishy
