10 Years of AD Thresh

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5:01 Members Jumpscare (real)
I must've removed the fade-in while editing some other stuff and it's already uploaded


I am with you 100%, the Hooker is one of the most fun champions in the Rift


This channel has been one of my main inspirations to play AD Thresh since he's my favorite champ and I hate playing support. My friends go crazy when I do great plays with him


As someone who used to play League and love playing AD Thresh, it's always amazing to watch you keep his spirit up and adapt it into constantly shifting seasons and counters.

It's always funny when supports become viable as carries, and somehow AP Soraka is also a very terrifying opponent to go up against, would like to see your take on that.


I learned about trash top from an italian youtuber and like that i started to play league.
Then i learned how to play but i couldn't stop playing him so from season 10 i started testing w new items and builds.
Now I play thresh top from 2 years and I had pretty much your same experience so respect man


as someone who was inspired by your thresh shenanigans, his versatility is by far my favorite thing. Being able to lock a champ and just say "oh, nobody locked ap. welp, time to do some ap thresh" is lovely. Sure, he may not be the best at any specific thing, but I also kinda like the challenge that comes with it, and the passive magic damage on E with a bit of aggression can lead to some silly results. may the m7 curse be light on us all.


1:46 your meme game is fire 🔥
Love memes I'll think of few in the future


the first time I've ever heard anyone else mention stonewall008 other than me, historically he's the most chad off meta gamer of all time


as a former support player who’s been bullied out of my main role and forced to more or less flex across the entire rift, your content has made me realize i could still play my favorite champion. so thank you.


funny chain man hits the gritty while speaking verses.


About two weeks I was theorycrafting anathemas first thresh top. It's not perfect, but anathemas is so cheap, combined with the active and passive armor, you become a menace. Maybe you'll give it a shot, maybe not, but either way always appreciate your more laid back view of the game


I mean, a lot of champs can be described as being bad at what they do, yet they are still played. If anything, I would argue AD Thresh is unpopular because many annoying bumps are placed on his learning curve.

With support Thresh you just use your spells: hook enemies, hit them with charged attacks, box them in and lantern when necessary. You are a support, so your general position on the map is more important, than immediate micro, and you don't get to immediately experience fine details of Thresh's abilities. But with AD Thresh, away from safety net of adc's additional dps, you are left alone with Thresh's low attack range, attack damage and, because of wind up, attack speed. To stand any chance at surviving the lane, you need to squeeze out maximum out of Thresh's kit, and that's suddenly where the rabbit hole opens up.

Do I let Q pull enemy into tower range or do I recast it early to get attacks out before they can retaliate? Shall I collect souls and check bushes with lantern, or is it better to save for my jungler clearing camps nearby? Is it worth saving charged attack to poke overextending opponent or should I just get lasthit on a minion? Do I kite enemies out or enter last stand mode for maximum dps? Should I flail enemies away while I'm trying to escape, or wait on it until their dash, so that I can interrupt with insta-flail? Do I go collect some souls off lane for long-term scaling or push current advantage for a possible kill?

Of course, there are more questions like this out there, but it's not like I need to bring them up for viewers of this channel. My point is that Thresh's support gameplay doesn't transition smoothly into other Thresh playstyles; there are so many artificially introduced little kinks, which you don't have to deal with on support role. Picking up top Thresh for the first time, these minute details were as detrimental to winning lane, as they were overwhelming and annoying to deal with. IMHO, if Thresh could have some qol updates, like normalizing his orb walk, keeping E charge after attacking minions, reducing lantern cd if it expired without providing any shields, then AD Thresh would be more understandable and appealing to play as.

I guess, tl;dr is Thresh does indeed do everything, but does it in a very specific, sometimes infuriating manner.


I always think league is at its most fun when you're experimenting and doing cool stuff. That's why I take movespeed Teemo and AP nasus into my ranked games. :^)


Holy popis, 10 years of playing Thresh


Yooo I really love your content and enjoy basically every possible way of playing thresh so its nice to see someon set the path. Are you planning on updating your mobafire guide?


I've been playing off-meta builds since ~season 3.
At some point I started playing more seriously (maining top and supp with few surprisingly effective "troll" picks I discovered in casuals), but only with friends. Once we switched to other games, I stopped playing LoL at all.
Few years ago, we came back to league (one of the friends decided to try LoL for the first time, so we joined him one day) and I decided to stop playing meta builds and champs at all. My main champions became AP Ashe on mid and Thresh top (with ocasional picks like AD bruiser blitzcrank or full tank Leona).

As much as I love Thresh (it's amazing how late some people realise that you're the threat, even after stomping enemy on lane), Ashe is my favourite to play due to how different it is from anything in League. Your slows, instant vision on demand, huge range on W and ability to harass enemies on other lanes with R usually turns you into main target for enemy team, because you're just annoying as fuck. And that's where the fun begins. AP Ashe doesn't have enough burst damage to win any direct fight and doesn't have any escape mechanic. You are forced to mind your movement and positioning 100% of the time, as being caught in the wrong place means death. However when you learn how to avoid danger, you become incredibly effective and there's few things in LoL comparable to sniping someone from across the map with R.


Don't know, how to say it properly in english, so I will write it in my native language and you can translate, if you want. Давно не играю в Лигу и не смотрю никаких видео кроме твоих. Не мог пропустить это видео, не оставив комментарий благодарности о том, какую душевую и иногда дегенеративную (в хорошем смысле) атмосферу ты передаешь, напоминая о забавных моментах игры с друзьями, буквально о единственном, что есть хорошего в лиге, лол. У меня нет возможности бывать на стримах из-за часовых поясов, но я рад, что могу через твои ролики вспоминать о том, сколько кайфа мне принесла эта сраная игра. Thank you, cryo, good luck


I left the game for a long time. When thresh release I absolutely love it and I tried to build full AD thresh, it was fun although he got kill very easily against AP champoin due to his lack of magic resistence. In the past thresh can buy Runaan's Hurricane or Tiamat when those item is only purchasable for melee or ranged but he do not get the passive of Runaan's Hurricane and also only benefit from Tiamat when you get into melee distance.


It's always fun playing AD thresh in a game mode where he gets more souls. He can be the second lowest winrate of all the champions and still consistently deal either the most or second most damage :P


i have played ad/on hit teemo for a long time, and thresh was like, i looked at his flay passive and i was like, this has a base damage, so if i get more attack speed i do more damage with it. I kinda wondered if i could do the same things that I did on teemo. Then we got the funny item that duplicated on hits, and i was like, this is an "on hit" i can do funny things, and i tried thresh as an on hit champion. It was fun but i didn't feel like i was doing well at first. It felt better when i didn't have to jungle to get it. I always enjoyed thresh anyway, he was one of my main support picks. Then i discovered your channel after that lmao.