The HORRIFIC Truth Behind The Legend Of Bloody Mary

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Over the years a legend has arisen regarding Bloody Mary and its said that if you stand infant of a mirror and chant her name 13 times, you can summon the murderous spirit. She has been seen both alone and sometimes holding a dead baby. But either site would certainly frighten the summoner who is said to then be at risk of being scratched or killed. This may just be a legend or a myth, but this surely has an origin? A woman who its based upon? There are two possibilities. One being a a murderous Hungarian noblewoman and an evil witch who killed children. And the second Queen Mary I of England. Mary has been called Bloody Mary for centuries and she may just have been the inspiration for this scary tale.
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13?! Man they’ve upped the number since I was a kid. It was only 3 when I was a kid


I'm more than sure her Father would appear in the mirror at a much faster rate than she ever could


History is written by the survivors, and unfortunately for Mary, her story is marred by both historical misogyny (as her father executed tens of thousands, averaging 2000+ per year) and her religion (as the Church of England came out on top in England to this very day). Her hopes to bring England back to the Catholic faith was lost before she had even started.


Mary was a victim of her father’s whims


I think the epithet itself is a piece of political propaganda, but it's one fueled and maintained by cultural misogyny which continues to this day (witness how female politicians are held to different and higher standards). I think this misogyny has deep roots in Anglo-Saxon culture, an early example being Empress Matilda's exclusion from the English throne. Talk about a remarkable history! She had one, alright. Thanks for this!


Seems there was a lot of cancer in the past as well as today.


Mary I was no worse than any other Monarch, including Elizabeth I. Part of the reason Mary burning 280 Protestants at the stake is considered so bad is because sexist Protestants wanted to make people believe a Catholic Queen (or a Queen who tried to rule herself in general) was incapable of reigning. In truth, Mary is just a regular Monarch who did good things as well as bad things. Every Monarch in that period executed people. Elizabeth I executed a LOT of People, she had a Catholic woman named Margaret Clitherow pressed to death for no specific reason.


She wanna to be A mother and wife but it was never meant to be.


I might not believe you, but I’m very scared to even go into the bathroom five years old
