The last hope: the presence of a dead fetus in the belly of the female angel

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In this story, the construction master and Fereshte Khanom faced a sad incident. They have learned about the tragic event that there is a dead fetus in the belly of the female angel. This incident has been very disappointing and upsetting for both of them, as it marked the sudden and unpleasant end of a life.

The construction master and Farshet Khanam tried a lot to repair and arrange this unpleasant situation, but despite all their efforts, nothing could save them from the disappointment and feelings of discomfort they experienced.

This incident has been a hard and bitter test for the construction teacher and Fereshta Khanum, but they must face this incident and hope to find the best way to progress and continue living in the future.
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My sincere condolences to Imran and Angel at the loss of their unborn child. This is an extremely painful event for them, and we should help them through it.


Hola querida familia, me siento triste y decepcionada 😢😢😢.Os deseo de todo corazón que pronto os recupereis de ésta mala noticia y que la felicidad reine en vuestro hogar.saludos desde España ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Не переживайте все будет, будет у вас ещё детки, вы молодые ещё, не переживайте, просто подержите друг друга и все будет не унывать только, у вас любящие дети есть, как родные уже, все говорят свое время будет, привет из России всем ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊


For Imran and Foreshte, DO NOT GIVE UP on your baby yet. In 15 to 20 percent, a hearbeat is not detected until 7 weeks. It is recommended from what I see on the internet that you should not have ultrasound until after 7 WEEKS. That is 49 DAYS from conception. DON'T give up on this baby yet.


Familia querida, me siento muy triste por lo que pasa.!
No pierdas la fe, Dios hace las cosas en sus tiempos, pronto serán padres, cuídense mucho!!!
Angel debes consultar a otro médico, no hay que quedar con la primer consulta. A veces es necesario una segunda con otro profesional.
YouTube por acompañar a la familia en este momento difícil y triste!
Van mis cariños para todos desde Bs As, Argentina


My heart feels the sadness you are going through. You are a beautiful couple with a lovely family. Videographer, you are a kind, caring man, never change. Thank you for filming this very special family.


Sono molto dispiaciuto per la tragica notizia ! Questa donna lavora molto e sorride poco e probabilmente un po di riposo l'avrebbe aiutata. Spero che si riprenda presto; che Dio la aiuti.


Надо бы ещё пройти обследование у другого врача, вдруг ошибка? Вдруг ребёнок в норме?


Thank you camera man you are too kind to this family and your supporting them means alot❤


This Too Shall Pass !!! Life Has A Way Of Disappointing Us When We Least Expect It, But We Always Recover From Them !!! Don`t Be Sad, If At First You Don`t Succeed, Try Try Try again


Иншэаллах всё будет хорошо, ребёнок тоже будет, вы молодые, ещё не один раз Фэрештэ может рожать, Аллах подарить вам ещё ребёнка, вы добрые, любящие друг друга люди, Имран какой молодец, детей любить, удачи, счастья вам, Россия, Татарстан Казань


I know that you are hurting, but this is very common in 1 out of every 3 women. This happens generally because of issues w/the baby chromosomes, abnormalities, etc. . When the timing is right, the Lord will bless you with a healthy baby. My daughter lost her 1st pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, then proceeded to have 3 miscarriages all in 1 yr. She is now pregnant for the 5th time and doing well. Will be praying for God to give you strength and peace.


Очень сопереживаем вашей семье..., но всё будет обязательно в дальнейшем хорошо! У вас обязательно появится здоровый малыш в будущем❤


I am so sad and sorry you lost that child..God be with you and your family...


Пройдите обследование у другого врача, вдруг ощибка?


Mi dispiace molto per come sono andate le cose. Imran e Fereshte, siete giovani e un bimbo può sempre arrivare. Vi abbraccio, siate forti❤


I hope that Mrs Fereshte Khanom can recover as soon as possible, and that she will be in good health, and above all, that she will not feel guilty for this fatality.
Big hug to all of you. stay strong.


Имран, будь сильным и поддержи жену, главное, чтобы она была здорова. Дай Бог, у вас еще родится здоровый ребенок.


Imran it can happen to anybody. Your wife loves you and you love your wife . You are still lucky because this three kids loves you so much . Both of you are still young, so try to make another one . Just don't be sad, just pray . I love you guys so be healthy. ❤❤❤


Мне кажется это последствия противозачаточных таблетк.следущий ребенок обязательно будет и очень скоро
Всего доброго вам.
