Will Russia use nuclear weapons? | John Mearsheimer and Lex Fridman

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John Mearsheimer is an international relations scholar at University of Chicago. He is one of the most influential and controversial thinkers in the world on the topics of war and power.


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Guest bio: John Mearsheimer is an international relations scholar at University of Chicago. He is one of the most influential and controversial thinkers in the world on the topics of war and power.


These conversations are moot. Russian nuclear weapons doctrine is very specific in their use. There are only two scenarios in which Russia will use nuclear weapons, and this has been confirmed time and time again by Putin and the defense ministry: a) they are attacked with nukes first and will hence use them in retaliation; and b) there is a direct and imminent threat to the existence of the Russian governmental system as a whole. Russia isn't stupid. Using nukes offensively and indiscriminately will trigger a retaliation from NATO (if not with nukes then definitely full military retaliation); it will ostracize Russia within the global community, and it will kill all their global alliances, especially with China.

There is absolutely no reason or benefit for Russia to use nuclear weapons outside of the two points in their doctrine. Even if they wipe out their military opposition, they will become isolated and probably invaded and probably nuked in return. I also really don't think Russia wants to pop off a nuclear war and endanger the whole planet. Russia and Putin aren't anymore evil than the west. They have their own selfish interests just like every other global power. Russia is as likely to use nukes as the USA. Israel (more specifically Netanyahu's Likud thugs) is more likely to use nukes than Russia.


This was probably the best interview of all in this podcast. Pls bring him back in the future. This man is as sharp as Japanese katana.


Professor Mearshiemer is someone you can hear all day and never get bore


Lex makes a great point about what would happen when that news traveled. People worldwide would panic extremely hard.


The professor is good at human behavior & pure simple logic.


I think The Rock is the best. It’s on a small mountain, but still low enough to easily provision. It’s warm enough to live in all the time. It’s got a huge maze of tunnels that only the defenders know to potentially sneak in more food. It might even be possible to survive a dragon attack by hiding deep in the mines.


This entire interview might be my fav YT interview of all time. Outstanding.


Even if Kissinger wouldn't have initiated a nuclear escalation in the event of a Warsaw Pact victory in Europe (itself extremely unlikely), France would have. They have their own independent nuclear arsenal, and would use it if the alternative was to be invaded by Warsaw Pact. So the world would not have escaped a nuclear escalation scenario. And that's something that Kissinger should have known and prepared for.


So it's better to normalize low yeald nukes in warfare than just an all out nuke war?
I don't see that as a better option.


Understanding power dynamic is so important to have civil and mature negotiations, no matter who wins or loses. So many things could go wrong and escalate uncontrollably.


Mr Lex, there is so much valuable content in this interview, you could make a 3 day seminar of it. I had to watch several clips, videos multiple times to be able to absorb all the historie, topics and views of it. Also the energy and view difference between your obliged positive naivety and your guest surprised, doubtful (but pleased there is still hope) reaction is fantastic to see on the screen. I’m also pleased you brought a guest giving insights from a rather other side compared to your previous guests. Not easy for you to go ahead with your promise of giving platform to all sides (left, right, middle). You walk the talk, keep up with the great work. Ever tough bringing 2 opposing guest for 3 hours in an interview, you moderating? I think the outcome results in trough bromance between the opposites, or at least them getting closer.


Every time lex has a thought the nuclear weapon emoji face goes off


Lex saying "The fact we don't see aliens...". Hybrid John smiles in silence...


Didn’t Israel put nuclear bombs on planes at the start of the 1973 war when they thought they might get overrun by Egyptian and Syrian forces?


John is so damn sharp and just makes sense.


"Will Russia use nuclear weapons?"
That is a very stupid question. Yes, they will under the right circumstances.
Just as the good old USA did on Japan. Isn't it funny how America is so concerned about any Nation using Nukes when they are the only Nation in the history of the world that has used Nukes?


It's unbelievable how people sit in a chair and talk so lightly about "manipulating" risk which can blow us into oblivion.. It's so annoying that some people have this kind of power


Nukes make great powers less likely to go to war? What about Gas, Germs, Rays, Rats, Cats or Bats?


I mean there is only one country so far that has actually used a atomic weapon on people that were mostly civilians btw not once but twice, but they seem to deflect from that and dont want you to talk about it lol
