Is our search for an objective morality misguided? | Short Pitch | Slavoj Žižek
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Should we welcome the return of objective morality, or is it authoritarian fantasy? Slavoj Žižek explores morality and truth.
Once the fashion of a postmodern age, moral relativism has always had its detractors particularly from those with a religious inclination. But now a new breed of celebrity thinkers this time with an atheist bent, from Sam Harris to Peter Singer, are making claims for the existence of absolute moral truths even though they would deride the strict moral codes of others, like the Victorians. Critics argue that like authoritarian moralists of the past, they use so-called 'objective' morality to shore up to their own prejudices and silence dissent.
#ObjectiveTruthsAndMorality #IsObjectivityAnAuthoritarianFantasy #MoralRelativismOrMoralTruths
Slavoj Žižek is a globally renowned philosopher and cultural critic. He is international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London, visiting professor at New York University and a senior researcher at the University of Ljubljana's Department of Philosophy. He is the author of several books, including The Sublime Object of Ideology, The Parallax View, Living in the End Times and Heaven in Disorder.
The Institute of Art and Ideas features videos and articles from cutting edge thinkers discussing the ideas that are shaping the world, from metaphysics to string theory, technology to democracy, aesthetics to genetics. Subscribe today!
Once the fashion of a postmodern age, moral relativism has always had its detractors particularly from those with a religious inclination. But now a new breed of celebrity thinkers this time with an atheist bent, from Sam Harris to Peter Singer, are making claims for the existence of absolute moral truths even though they would deride the strict moral codes of others, like the Victorians. Critics argue that like authoritarian moralists of the past, they use so-called 'objective' morality to shore up to their own prejudices and silence dissent.
#ObjectiveTruthsAndMorality #IsObjectivityAnAuthoritarianFantasy #MoralRelativismOrMoralTruths
Slavoj Žižek is a globally renowned philosopher and cultural critic. He is international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London, visiting professor at New York University and a senior researcher at the University of Ljubljana's Department of Philosophy. He is the author of several books, including The Sublime Object of Ideology, The Parallax View, Living in the End Times and Heaven in Disorder.
The Institute of Art and Ideas features videos and articles from cutting edge thinkers discussing the ideas that are shaping the world, from metaphysics to string theory, technology to democracy, aesthetics to genetics. Subscribe today!