Why I don't make sourdough bread

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Gusto Bread: 2710 E 4th St, Long Beach, CA 90814

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Have you attempted to make sourdough before? 🥖


For anybody that wants to have fresh bread though I recommend getting a breadmaker. I could throw the ingredients together in under 10 mins and let the machine do its thing for 2.5-3 hours. They come with the recipes too


I’m a sourdough baker. I’ve left my sourdough in the fridge for up to more than a month. It took me only a day to wake it up with regular feeding. Depends on the strength of your sourdough starter. It doesn’t take a week to wake it up.


This isn't my experience with sourdough. I've found it impossible to kill and if I keep just the tiniest bit in the fridge I can feed it once before bed and it's ready to bake the next morning and all day long. It doesn't have to be at optimal activity either. I've baked with sourdough that barely floated and it leavened just as well.

Gusto seems like enough of a reason not to bake by itself tho.


I’ve been making sourdough for maybe 3 years now; just organic flour, filtered (Berkey) water and salt….THAT’S IT! I thought it would be time consuming but it’s really not. Each time I make a loaf I begin in the evening, it rises overnight, then I shape and bake it the next morning. DONE! I even use my sourdough discard to make granola, which clumps beautifully! Both these recipes are in video and written form on my YouTube channel (She’s at it Again). For anybody wanting to try it, be brave and go for it!


I truly enjoy making sourdough bread😄 It's like yoga for my mind and soul...and honesty keeping a starter is nothing hard, now I can never imagine using yeast again..even with sweet brioche type breads...you can basically do anything with it😊😊


Yes for people who don’t have a passion and patience for making artisanal bread then buy from store. Those of us who make it do it for many different reasons. As others who have commented it is not easy to kill your starter if it’s mature. You can also freeze it as a backup.


We have a kind of sourdough bread in Germany that you have to feed for ten days. My mother and a lot of my friends mums used to bake it with their kids, because looking after your dough-pet for 10 days was really fun and actually a cool learning experience. And the waiting is really worth it.


I don’t find it that hard but it’s been over a year since I’ve been caring for my starter and making bread. It’s all about the timeline, and i feel I perfected my timeline.


I have easily made sourdough bread in one day, definitely true for sourdough sandwich bread, and the starter is easy to maintain. I also never throw away any discard because I don’t really have any and when I do discard a little I put it in other baked goods or pancakes etc.. you can store your starter in the fridge for up to two weeks without feeding and it will still be amazing, and if you don’t bake a lot you can air dry the starter and grind it up and then rehydrate it when you want to make bread, when it’s dried it will last in the fridge for several years,

but anyway I get my starter that I haven’t fed for a week out of the fridge early in the morning around 5-6 on the day that I want to make bread, and feed it then when it’s at its peak, I make my bread which is usually before noon that I can have all the dough put together and rising.
It always turns out very delicious and very fluffy with good oven spring, If I want my sourdough bread to ferment longer, I just put it in the fridge and bake it the next morning, and of course to speed up the fermentation you leave it in a very warm place.


Who told you you have to feed it for 2 days after the fridge? I often use it right from the fridge and my bread is still delicious


Sourdough is so good omg, but I’ve never made it - just seems so complicated but I might in the future


Please make chicken and sweet corn soup 🍜 thanks 😊


heyy here is a tip to keep sourdough starter forever. add a lot of flour to the starter until it is very hard (think of make up foundation cake). it lasts in the fridge forever! whenever you wanna use it, take out some and dilute it with water.


You can make delicious sourdough bread really simple and close to 0 work. And it does not have to take 2 days, you can even skip cold proofing and still make good bread with sourdough.


it’s really easier than you describe. once the starter is established leave it in the fridge and the night before or morning before you wanna bake take it out of the fridge and feed it


i use starter straight from the fridge. just take out a small amount, feed it, and then mix the dough from there. its dead simple


My Sourdough routine:

I have 50g of starter in fridge. Mix with 101g warm water and 101g flour at 11pm. Then I mix my dough ( 700g flour, 100g rye, 20g salt and 630g water) at this time too to autolyse. About 6 or 7am I mix 200g starter into my autolysed dough. 50g of starter is left over and goes back into fridge until next time. Carry on with sourdough fermentation.

Usually bake bread once a week. Have gone 3 to 4 weeks a few times without problems.


Day 3 of asking Jeanelle to make Thai green curry!


There's actually an easier way to make a sour dough like bread. Instead of using starters you make a plain dough of your choice, I usually make a simple pizza dough, and you put it in a container in the fridge and let it sit for a week before taking it out and baking. I learned this one from Adam Raguesa, he has an amazing channel
