Behringer Model D...I was WRONG (Behringer Model D vs Moog)

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*Subjective opinions within, those who do not understand subjective option may be excused lol*

*All music created on Behringer Model D by me*


Alright, in a previous episode of Thoughts On I spoke about my experience with Moog synthesizers, and my experience with Behringer, both as a company, their failings and what's in a name. I will gladly state that in the short term I WAS WRONG. The Behringer Model D is a quality piece, Behringer has come a very very long way. While there are some who still will buy a genuine Moog, and not a Behringer I realize that the difference on the surface is something a company attempting to make a clone can be proud of.

This is purely a second look at an inanimate piece of hardware. IF YOU PLAN TO ARGUE THE ETHICS OF BEHRINGER OR YOU HAVE TRIBALISM...WELL...that’s not what this is about, this is correcting my own poor preconceived notion.

I don't like to present myself as someone who knows it all, I'm a musician just like you all. This is why I end all Thoughts On videos by saying "I don't have these answers". My way of saying, make up your own minds. THAT SAID, if in anyway I came across as someone who poo-poo'd Behringers recreation I WAS WRONG. Most people don't understand subjective opinion, and while that's what this channel is about, I realize that the way in which I say things can be misinterpreted for fact, and that's where I'd like to state I made a mistake.

Wanna help support the channel, purchase the Behringer Model D here:



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I’m not afraid to say when what I’ve said may be easily misinterpreted. Don’t assume intent, no one can read minds. That’s why at the end of every Thoughts On video I say “I don’t have these answers”, which means make up your own mind. Choose what you like, there’s no right or wrong answer, if you think there is remember, experiences are subjective. 🤗


We love Bob Moog, and we love seeing young synthesists getting an opportunity they otherwise would never have had to own some of the best synths ever created. :)


Politicians could learn a lot from this video


I bought my MiniMoog in 1974 - I've had it recapped twice, still use it, and will never let it go. That said, I am forced to admit that no one in the audience can tell the difference between the original and my Behringer Model D. Add a little FX, and no one can tell them apart on a recording either.


ugh i'm tired of the hashing out. affordable analog synths kills elitism that poisons an otherwise wonderful community, and makes music accessible to everyone, so lets just stop this argument for good, please.


If Moog had brought out a Model D in this form factor (i.e. Mother-32 style skiff) for under $1000, I would have purchased it instead of the Boog. Instead their reissue was a premium, luxury monosynth that was priced out of reach of most people. Its primary competition was Voyagers and vintage Minimoogs.

You could literally buy 10 Behringer Model D synths for the price of Moog’s reissue.

So I bought a Boog on impulse and was very pleasantly surprised with its quality and amazing sound - so much so that I went on to get a Neutron, Pro-1, RD-8 and a VC340. Now I’m eyeballing The Cat and their modular stuff, and I’m excited about their future products.

Moog’s failure to compete in this segment cost them a lot of potential profit, and allowed Behringer to gain momentum with their synth clones.


Takes a big man to admit they were wrong,


I'm coming from the guitar world, which surely is a much bigger industry and may work differently, but it's always been far less elitist. Take as best example the Fender Stratocaster which has been copied and cloned by so many manufacturers since it's invention. Fender themselves still exist and produce their original high end guitars (made in USA) as well as mid range and also low end models (made in Mexico or Indonesia) and amps and whatnot since the 90s or earlier and nobody ever cared as far as I know. The usual approach as a kid with no money was to buy a 300$ copy, because it was more important to actually own a guitar and to rock out than having a 3000$ peace of gear. Later when the jobs and the money came we got dissatisfied with the copy and bought the real deal (which by the way is still kind of midrange because same here: only rich people can afford the "real" vintage models). My point is: copies make the gear affordable for musicians who want to play but that doesn't mean that the high end products will disappear because there are always people who are willing to pay more for better quality and, well, prestige. But I know of no YouTube video where people discussing if the 300$ Stratocaster sounds exactly the same like the 10'000$ vintage original (the guitar problems are of a different kind). The world is changing, the market is changing and clever companies like Behringer take the opportunity. Other companies like Korg or Roland do something about that but in my opinion, they kind of miss the point - or they don't really care, like Korg recreating the elitist version of the ARP2600 instead of a mini version, meanwhile Behringer listens to that call, what can we say here... I think this all would be less fuss if more companies did it like Fender: produce their own cheap copies.


Got my model D today and I am very impressed, definitely holds up against a Moog. I don't actually own a Moog but my office is right down the street from their headquarters and I grew up in the area so I've had plenty of playtime with the demos there and I can say I am familiar enough with their sounds to say with confidence that Behringer is on to something great with this! I'm getting the Neutron next because it looks awesome.


Never really got the whole “clone” controversy. Companies like Arturia have been doing software emulations of famous synths for years. It’s like the fact that Behringer made hardware clones people got bent out of shape. These things are incredible, just got my Pro 1 today my Model D & Neutron are incredible also. Waiting for that 2600 and hopefully one day a Quadra .


I love this. It takes a lot to come back to one of your own videos and admit you were wrong. Most others would have just quietly deleted and moved on. Huge respect man.


Saying I’m wrong only enhances self esteem.
Being a Moog user and having the highest regards and respect for a genius and a gentleman Dr. Bob Moog, I asked Moog for permission if I could buy the Behringer Model D.
The reply, it does not matter what you use to make great music.


Most of berhinger’s synths are now designed in the U.K. They are built in China to strict specifications, no slacking on quality control.


"is the Behringer model a steal" this line has more meaning now. hah


Elitist synth folk rarely if ever make anything worth listening to anyway, screw 'em. Behringer is golden, and has been since at least the MX2642 back in the day. I'll take the Neutron over the Model D any day, but both are remarkable pieces of gear for chump change.


I love that, at the time of this video, the price of a MiniMoog was only $3500.00 Have a look on Reverb now - you'll pay about $7, 000.00 for Very Good condition, up to about $11, 000.00 for an unsold new one.


Well said. I've been in this game for 20 years and I never would have said in 2019, Behringer are going to start really nailing it.


Very well said! I am a proud owner of both the Behringer D and the Minimoog Model D. I'm so happy to know that the Minimoog sound is available to almost everyone now :)


Excellent video. I've owned a 1972 Mini since 1978. I wouldn't dare gig it now - too fragile. I've also just bought a Behringer Model D.
I'm still stunned by the concept and the delivery, and I won't even comment on the sound of the machine other than to say that I can't tell the difference. What I can do however, is now take my 'Moog' back out for gigging purposes without having to have paramedics and a hairdryer on standby. Best wishes to all at Moog - but I reserve the right to embrace Behringer kit on the basis that they're not just imitating, but they're adding to the legacy. Very generously.

How about that Model T Ford ?

Folks tell me that there's a Model T with fancy braking, weatherproofing - and some gadget that tells you how to get where you want to go. Fuck me..and some flashing lights for when you want to round a corner ????

Oh Henry, I so hope that you're not offended by the passage of time, and the exponential march of tech progress....

Uli..word fail me. Ignore the naysayers.

thank you.


After NAMM this year it's clear that Behringer has been set to take the Synth world by storm. It's a great time to be a Synthesizer fan, the coming years are going to be fun, as I'm sure Behringer's recent releases will spur come more awesome & innovative products to be developed the other big synth companies.
