Don't Be Fooled By Cancer Myths

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❌Do NOT believe these breast cancer MYTHS!❌
After working in cancer care for over a decade, some myths get mentioned to me over and over and over again! Time to put a stop to them!
1 - “You got the good kind of cancer.”
There is no such thing as the “good” kind of cancer. They are all tough. Let’s stop comparing tough times. Just honor your experience and leave it at that.
2 - “It’s impossible to lose weight while on an aromatase inhibitor.”
Completely and totally loath it when clinicals say this to breast cancer survivors. You CAN drop weight on anti-hormonal therapy! You just need a strategy that is meant for women in forced menopause.
3 - “There’s no treatment for hot flashes besides estrogen.”
BAH! You don’t have to live with your hot flashes! By strategically using exercise and diet, we can reduce your hot flashes and you can be HOT FLASH FREE! Yes - it is true. Many Cancer Freedom Alumni are able to enjoy life without hot flashes.
If you are ready to see results in your cancer recovery, I’m here to help! Click the link in my bio to apply for coaching! I help cancer thrivers sort through the myths and reclaim their lives after cancer.
💫💫Click the link in my bio to apply. Click now to apply before it’s too late. 💫💫
#lowenergy #fatigue #cancerfatigue #tired #chemofatigue #cancernutrition #anticancerfood #breastcancerdiet #cancerfightingfoods #breastcancernutrition #cancerthriver #cancerfighter #thriver #cancerwarrior #chemowarrior #chemobrain #survivor #cancersurvivor
After working in cancer care for over a decade, some myths get mentioned to me over and over and over again! Time to put a stop to them!
1 - “You got the good kind of cancer.”
There is no such thing as the “good” kind of cancer. They are all tough. Let’s stop comparing tough times. Just honor your experience and leave it at that.
2 - “It’s impossible to lose weight while on an aromatase inhibitor.”
Completely and totally loath it when clinicals say this to breast cancer survivors. You CAN drop weight on anti-hormonal therapy! You just need a strategy that is meant for women in forced menopause.
3 - “There’s no treatment for hot flashes besides estrogen.”
BAH! You don’t have to live with your hot flashes! By strategically using exercise and diet, we can reduce your hot flashes and you can be HOT FLASH FREE! Yes - it is true. Many Cancer Freedom Alumni are able to enjoy life without hot flashes.
If you are ready to see results in your cancer recovery, I’m here to help! Click the link in my bio to apply for coaching! I help cancer thrivers sort through the myths and reclaim their lives after cancer.
💫💫Click the link in my bio to apply. Click now to apply before it’s too late. 💫💫
#lowenergy #fatigue #cancerfatigue #tired #chemofatigue #cancernutrition #anticancerfood #breastcancerdiet #cancerfightingfoods #breastcancernutrition #cancerthriver #cancerfighter #thriver #cancerwarrior #chemowarrior #chemobrain #survivor #cancersurvivor