One Battle You Need To Win Every Day

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You need the play the long game.

To do that, you need to have a constant overview of the big picture, but play on a micro-level - your 24 hours within a day.

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Yo Adam, thank you again for turning my article into such an informing piece, honored man!
P.S. It's so weird listening to something you've written, narrated in a British accent and animated in such a creative way :D


You MUST have a good foundation of discipline and take control of the basics like health, sleep, exercise and diet because some day tragedy will hit and those ingrained habits will be the only thing that keep you from falling apart. That is my secret but maybe some people have enough will power to overcome without those good habits.


As a person with COPD I have a limited amount of energy every day. Once it's gone I can't do much else. This video is the story of my life - every single day of it. So relevant. COPD makes you realise how precious time is... I _have to_ do all the practical things first before I can relax and do anything from the red list. I have no choice. But I have to rest between each activity - it's hard to find the right balance.


👏👏👏 well said - It's not about manically using every single minute of your day, but when
you’ve dedicated time to certain things, to do them with 100% focus.


A PhD in instant gratification! Well said! 😆 I’m glad you approached this as finding the “balance”, and not just trying to kill or ignore that PhD side of things. It’s much more helpful to look at both as a symptom of our our needs, and choose which needs we want to meet most in that moment. Sometimes a “lazy day” is exactly what we need to meet our needs and actually help us move toward our goals.


The way I did it was one habit at a time. I started a reboot, and once that was going for awhile, started doing yoga. Then I added my diet and later cardio. I quit sugar then coffee. Just start one valuable habit, do it for 2 weeks to a month before adding another good habit. The first one should be really easy to maintain before adding another, a month is what it takes. You can do it.


Instant gratification is just like Crack or Crystal Meth, it'll give you that quick intense high, but it is so destructive to your life.


This channel is so inspiring and illuminating!!! Love the contents... Keep it up!


So nice to have a framework to understand our tendencies! realize that it is totally normal to experience this battle on an everyday basis! Thank-you!


After watching many of this kind of videos i have concluded that if winning the battle of the day was simple, there wouldn't be so many self improvement videos and techniques in youtube. The reason of this difficulty is that winning the everyday battle requires resources(time, money, knowledge, peacefull environment, health etc.), wisdom(the ability to make good choices) and virtue (to have a healthy and positive personality). It is very rare for someone to have all three of them. Thus why the battle is hard.


Win the battle today, plan to conquer the next tomorrow.


Every entrepreneur or anyone just trying to be better will love this channel thank you for the content and motivation as humans we forget and this are good reminders


Thank you for this. I have been feeling very despondent about my lack of discipline and forward motion with my goals. I have tried many methods before failing dismally. Tried this method for a week and it works, it really works. Instead of feeling guilty about the red list items, they motivate me for the next day to tick more off the green list. Using this method, I am trying to build good habits by improving a little bit incrementally everyday now, instead of trying to solve all my problems at once which was quite overwhelming.


It's very clear that there are two sides: The slacker and the Sargent. As long as the Sargent takes charge, you can let your inner slacker have fun. I like the notion of investing on yourself. Pay heed to what your slacker side wants. It's also cruel not to let him have any fun, and yet Sargent should always be in charge.


Your videos are pure gold and should be taught in schools.


Yes it is a daily battle to get up at 5am I set my alarm for that time but often cannot pull myself out of 🛌😊😆! But this inspires me to win the battle in the morning


This is beautiful and concise! Thanks.

I remember trying to apply these methods at a young age, but there were always people who would difuse it by saying ‘you’re either all on in or not at all.’ I wish I had had the fortitude to totally ignore them. On a positive note, applying this gradual method in my 40s has helped me learn Japanese, piano, philosophy, how to stay fit, and most importantly, how to teach my children the same outlook towards life learning and discipline.


I use your info in our homeschooling schedule for my family! It's great and also interesting to watch the cartoon sketching as well.


"When you've dedicated your time to certain things, you do them with the utmost focus." Brilliant! Thank you, the art of improvement, I made absolutely sure that my kids subbed to you channel as well. Please keep it goin. 2.10.2019 10:23am HI time. - Sifu Atto


this is absolutely true. you have 24 hours in a day. that's all you really have to manage. the future really is out of your hands in a way.
